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Chapter 1205: Being taught a lesson by the Japanese

Often, before your troops have entered the familiar fighting position, the enemy's machine gun and rifle bullets come at you as if they have eyes. When you finally use your lives to repulse the enemy with your numerical advantage, the enemy will

The artillery pieces fell again like raindrops.

Liu Afu had never seen such a wanton use of artillery. Within a few dozen minutes, the Japanese's artillery, large and small, was endlessly bombarding his position.

The brothers could only lie down in the trenches and resign themselves to their fate, hoping that the shells would not fall on their heads and that this purgatory-like torture would end as soon as possible.

I saw familiar brothers and comrades being killed by the enemy's precise bullets in the smoke, and I saw some brothers being blown into pieces by the Japanese artillery amidst desperate roars.

But Liu Afu also saw that none of his comrades-in-arms gave in, let alone were feared or intimidated.

He saw countless brothers holding cluster grenades in order to blow up the Japanese armored vehicles and rushing out of their positions one by one in the face of the Japanese heavy rain of bullets, and then fell one after another to the Japanese machine gun fire.

But they still fought bravely and continued to fight. After sacrificing more than thirty lives, they finally blew up the armored vehicle that the Japs were charging into as if they were entering an uninhabited land.

The moment they saw the flames rising from the Japanese armored vehicles, the brothers in the entire position cheered and roared angrily.

With tears in his eyes, Liu Afu also cheered and shouted with his comrades, using heart-rending roars to declare the dignity of the Chinese people and the mourning for the fallen comrades.

Then the brothers roared out of the trenches and chased the retreating Japs from Canghuan.

However, the brothers did not expect that the Japs were too cunning. Even when they retreated, they deployed enough covering firepower in the rear, causing the pursuing brothers to suffer enough and pay a heavy price.

Moreover, when the little Japanese retreated, they did not care about their backs like the domestic troops Liu Afu had seen before, and just ran for their lives.

The little Japanese retreated in an orderly manner. Once the troops at the end of the group were overtaken, they would automatically form several three-person combat groups, turn around and bayonet with the pursuing troops, and cover the retreat of the large troops.

Originally, work like bayonet fighting was commonplace for Liu Afu and the brothers in his company.

Bayonet fighting is not only physical work and technical work, but also a contest of human spirit and will. The blood and cruelty of the bayonet stabbing into the human body has a very strong visual and mental impact on people. Generally speaking, people with slightly weaker willpower

, it is inevitable that fear and fear will appear in the psychology, and the momentum and confidence will be shaken. Often in a one-on-one fight, momentum and determination are the key to victory or defeat, and even more importantly, life and death.

In this regard, Liu Afu believed that his 19th Route Army was top-notch in the country. The 19th Route Army's reputation as an iron army also included their fearlessness in death and their courage to fight and stab.

However, the little devil's performance exceeded his expectations.

Not only were these Japanese soldiers not inferior to the 19th Route Army in terms of momentum and tenacity, but they also taught the brothers a good lesson in stabbing skills and teamwork.

A squad led by Liu Afu lost three people during the pursuit. Now that they finally caught up with the Japanese, they naturally wanted to beat up the drowned dog. With this mentality, the brother who rushed at the front became impatient before the people behind him arrived.

He raised his gun and stabbed the Japanese in front of him.

However, I saw that this Japs had a ferocious look on his face and did not dodge or dodge. He also stabbed me head-on with a spear.

At this time, the competition between the two sides is who is more determined and who moves faster.

And this soldier of the 19th Route Army is also a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time. Naturally, he knows that he must not retreat now. The worst is to trade his life for his life.

But the result was that Liu Afu, who rushed over in a hurry, was heartbroken and shocked.

Seeing the two men's bayonets passing each other like a gust of wind, stabbing each other's chest fiercely, at some point, a rifle suddenly appeared in the direction where the veteran of the 19th Route Army was stabbing, just lightly.

A block changed the direction of his stabbing, allowing him to stab him in the air. But the enemy's bayonet stabbed into his chest easily without any hindrance.

But Liu Afu, who was a few steps behind, could clearly see that it was another Japanese who was one step away from the enemy. He suddenly stepped to block, separating the veteran's bayonet, allowing his own to

The companion stabbed the opponent down as easily as killing a chicken.

What's even more shocking is that the Japs who stabbed the veteran didn't pay attention to the opponent who fell to the ground. Instead, they stepped forward to block Liu Afu's soldiers who were following him and stabbed the Japs on the side.

One shot, but the Japanese who was blocking before became the main attacker this time. Taking advantage of the moment when the warrior's center of gravity was unstable after being stabbed in the front, the same simple thrust made the warrior vomit blood.

Falling softly to the ground.

In just a moment, two of Liu Afu's soldiers fell. If we add the three who fell on the pursuit route, the remaining 9 people in Liu Afu's class after a fierce battle were just one battle.

It seemed like a simple and short pursuit, but now there were only four people left.

And Liu Afu saw that right next to the two Japs, there was another Japs keeping a triangular step away from them, and he was watching the dynamics of the battlefield vigilantly.

The seemingly simple but well-timed cooperation between the two Japanese soldiers seemed a bit scary in the eyes of a veteran like Liu Afu who had experienced battles in the field.

This kind of tacit cooperation between two people is impossible to achieve without hundreds of thousands of trainings. It is equivalent to one person completely handing his life into the hands of his companions, and it also appears to be so effective both in action and psychology.


This kind of complete and unreserved trust shows that their tacit understanding and cooperation are deep in their bones.

Liu Afu knew that, let alone how skillful and skillful these Japs were with their stabbing movements, he was far inferior to his brothers in terms of their team spirit of cooperating with each other.

He quickly ordered the remaining three soldiers to move closer to him, forming a semicircle, and then started a stalemate with the Japanese.

In fact, at this time, Liu Afu knew that the best way was to just shoot without telling the little devil any rules.

However, during the pursuit just now, everyone had used up all the bullets in their guns on the road, and they all wanted to catch up and capture the prisoners, so who the hell bothered to load bullets.

Now both sides are close at hand, concentrating on preparing for the thrust, and no one dares to make unnecessary movements.

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