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Chapter 1222 Colonel Zhou

This ultra-long range is almost one-third farther than the 6 kilometers of the French Schneider infantry gun equipped by the mercenary regiment.

Of course, this does not mean that the Schneider artillery purchased by Zhou Wen was not good, but it depends on the purpose and target.

The independent brigade not only has an artillery battalion, but also a heavy machine gun battalion directly under the brigade headquarters. It can be seen that its primary function is strike distance.

In other words, the primary function of an artillery battalion or a heavy machine gun battalion is to block the Yangtze River Estuary in a short period of time to guard against river threats from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

Moreover, although this independent brigade is nominally affiliated with the Third Division, it is directly under the dispatch and command of the Nanjing Garrison Command, so the word "independent" is used.

Since it has such an important function of guarding the capital and is so well-equipped, its military chief must naturally be a disciple of the principal, Gen Hongmiaozheng.

The commander of this independent brigade was named Zhao Huaiyi. He was a fourth-generation student from Huangpu and a native of Zhejiang. He was a typical disciple of the Emperor. He participated in the Northern Expedition as soon as he graduated. He fought bravely and made many military exploits. By the time of the Central Plains War, he was

The colonel commander of the 18th Regiment of the Second Division of the National Army.

At this point, everyone knows that Brigadier Zhao Huaiyi first had a conflict with the mercenary group over the spoils of war, and then later became acquainted with each other. He led his troops to cooperate with the mercenary group as the vanguard of the entire army, and broke into the depths of the enemy's army.

Commander Zhao of the 18th Regiment who captured Xuchang.

Of course, Commander Zhao back then is now a National Army major general and brigade commander with a golden triangle inlaid on his collar badge.

On August 11th, the sky was overcast, and a heavy downpour was about to fall. However, Brigadier Zhao, who was usually busy with official duties, stood at the door of the barracks in a military uniform with a group of neatly dressed officers.

As if waiting for some distinguished guest to arrive.

A guest who could have a brigade commander with thousands of troops go out in the rain to greet the guest must be a high-ranking figure.

No, several officers under Brigadier Zhao were whispering behind the scenes, speculating on the identity of the visitor.

"Old Wang, you are the chief of the intelligence section. You are the most well-informed. You must know who the person is. Why are you still looking down on your brothers now? Isn't this unreasonable?"

The intelligence section chief surnamed Wang immediately called up the Sky Clock, and said softly with a bitter look on his face: "Speaking of Lao Liu, what is our relationship? As long as it is not a secret that needs to be kept secret, I will not be the first to tell you anything.

Are you ventilating? Even my little brother doesn’t know this time!”

"Isn't it possible? Not to mention it's a telegram, the host should have at least received some kind of phone call, right?"

"I said, Lao Liu, you can get over it now. How many calls will there be from Nanjing to the brigade headquarters all day long? How can I know where the call comes from? Besides, you can just lend me a few more calls.

I'm so brave, I don't dare to eavesdrop on the host's phone!"

At this time, another officer who had been listening to their discussion quietly interjected: "Do you think that besides the brigade, Director Zhou also knows?"

As soon as he asked this question, a young colonel in his thirties who was standing not far in front of them suddenly turned his head and gave him a fierce look.

The officer who interrupted immediately fell silent and stuck out his tongue before daring to speak.

This colonel officer is Zhou Jinbao, director of the Logistics Department of the Independent Brigade.

Yes, you read that right, this man was the one who had a close relationship with Zhou Wen in Henan, and later led his troops to revolt and sacrificed Zhou Jinbao from Xuchang City.

Some people may ask, wasn't Zhou Jinbao already named a colonel by the National Army after the uprising? Why is he still a colonel now, and he doesn't even have soldiers, and has become a division chief of something.

However, anyone who knows the inside story of the National Army knows that this colonel is no longer that colonel.

You must know that at that time, the Central Plains War was a major war involving the life and death of the Republic of China government. In order to break up the opponent's generals and win over them to defect, the Republic of China government used all possible means. As long as it was an officer who surrendered, not only Financial and material rewards are given, and the official position is immediately upgraded on the spot.

At that time, in order to defeat political opponents such as Marshal Yan and Marshal Feng, the principal used various inducements and inducements to attack the opponent's camp at all costs, but the effect was also very significant, which directly caused Marshal Feng's hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers to be defeated in an instant. Fall apart.

After the war was over, the principal listed hundreds of military ranks above lieutenant general. For example, Liu Guitang, a bandit leader who brought disaster to the country and the people, actually had the rank of lieutenant general on his body. It's a bit child's play.

So after the war, the Military Commission issued a series of policies that explained and stipulated the numerous senior military ranks.

That is to say, the military rank that was awarded before is called the awarded rank, that is, you can use this military rank, but the actual registered military rank needs to be re-examined, which is called the actual awarded military rank.

Therefore, officers like Zhou Jinbao who surrendered were given the rank of colonel, but after approval, the actual rank was only that of major.

And in the opinion of the principal, there are only two types of military generals who are trustworthy, and both of them are related to Whampoa Military Academy.

A type of old subordinates called the Huangpu Clan, including the earliest batch of senior officers who held the position of instructors and other important positions at the Huangpu Military Academy, but who supported him very much, or like-minded colleagues. For example, Minister He, Chen General, Chief Qian, Gu Zhilun and other senior generals.

There is also a type of students called Huangpu students, which are students who graduated from Huangpu and are loyal to him. These people consider themselves disciples of the emperor, and have now formed the basis of the three levels of officers of the Central Army: high, middle and low.

In this case, the no-name troops like Zhou Jinbao who surrendered would either be reorganized and disbanded, and the low-level officers would be sent away with a settlement allowance. However, mid-level officers like Zhou Jinbao would most likely be assigned to unknown positions. An inconspicuous department will disappear into the public eye after a few years of existence, with no future and development at all.

Zhou Jinbao, on the other hand, benefited from his relationship with Zhou Wen, and his later development could be described as smooth.

You know, as early as when the Central Plains War had just come to an end, Zhou Wen mentioned him many times in front of Chief Qian, Chief Zhang and Chief Gu, asking for their care. Only then did Zhou Jinbao get a special reward. of care.

He was first recommended by several big shots to enter the Central Army Officers School's Intermediate Officer Training Course and studied there for a year, which was considered to be the vest of the Huangpu Department.

After coming out, he served as a genuine deputy commander of the Central Army Lieutenant Colonel under Chief Gu.

In other words, he is already a mid-level officer of the Central Army with actual rank of lieutenant colonel. He has entered the ranks of the direct line, which is several steps higher than the former colonel who was not on the sidelines.

This chapter has been completed!
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