Turn off the lights
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Chapter 151 Homecoming

The next morning, when a ray of light just showed in the dark sky in the east, a bridge car came running on the Taijun Highway with its headlights on, and the strong roar of the engine broke the silence of the dark night.

Taijun Highway, as the name suggests, is the highway from Taiyuan to Jundu. After crossing the Yellow River from Junjun, we reach Shaanxi. Therefore, this highway is an important passage from Shanxi to the northwest provinces. It must be said that Marshal Yan put a lot of effort into building the road at that time.

, the road surface is very solid and smooth. Although it cannot be compared with asphalt roads, under Zhou Wen's personal driving, he can still reach a speed of 70 kilometers per hour on the straight road.

Zhou Wen set out from Tianyuan at six in the morning. Although it was still dark, with the car lights and his night vision ability, it was not too difficult to observe the road. Moreover, the road was empty at this time, with no cars or people.

It's a good time to be on the road.

On this trip, Zhou Wen dispatched a bridge car and a truck to leave Shi. The bridge car set off first, and on the car with Zhou Wen sat Miaohua, Zhang Xiaoping, Ti Jing and Feng Tianpei. The others were led by Xu Dacheng in a truck.

Drive slowly from behind, as long as you can make it there today.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Zhou Wen drove the bridge into Lishi County - Zhou Wen went home.

Lishi County is located in the Luliang Mountains. It is one of the few counties with direct access to highways along the entire Luliang Mountains. It is an important transportation hub in western Shanxi. Therefore, various local specialties, medicinal materials, minerals, animal furs, etc. from the mountainous areas are gathered here.

, and then transported to the Central Plains or the Northwest.

Zhou Wen's Fuyuan business relied on Lishi's unique geographical conditions and Zhou Wen's father, Zhou Jinghai, had a good business acumen. In less than twenty years, it developed into one of Lishi's largest businesses.

After Zhou Jinghai made money, he built a large house on Beiguan Street in the county. There were three courtyards, divided into the main courtyard, the east courtyard and the west courtyard. The main courtyard was of course the living place of Zhou Jinghai and Zhou Wen. The east courtyard was of course the living place of Zhou Jinghai and Zhou Wen.

The courtyard is for relatives and friends, while the west courtyard is where the housekeeper and servants live.

At this time, the atmosphere in the Zhou family's mansion was a bit depressing and dull. Li Dashuan, the servant in charge of looking after the concierge, was carefully carrying firewood to the kitchen. Not only did he have to guard the door, he was also responsible for some hard work. Li Dashuan was almost forty this year.

He was from Shaanxi. He fled to Lishi when the Yellow River flooded, and his whole family was washed away by the flood. After working in Fuyuan Company to carry large bags for several years, Zhou Jinghai saw that he was honest and strong, so he let him

He came to the compound as a concierge and helper. He also worked in the compound for nearly ten years.

Li Dachuan received a scolding from Zhang Youfeng, the second housekeeper, early this morning. He had a kind-hearted nature and did not dare to argue back. He just felt in his heart that since the big shopkeeper and his family were imprisoned, this second housekeeper who used to be kind-hearted

The butler suddenly changed his face, became strict with his servants, shouted and scolded at every turn, and set new rules. The servants who usually served the master in the main courtyard were replaced.

"Hey!" It would be nice if the master didn't get sick, and it would be even better if the young master could come back. In Li Dazhuan's mind, he couldn't help but think of that young man with a kind attitude and a smile on his face at all times.

At this time, he heard a roar outside the gate. Li Dashuan had carried large packages in a car before, and knew that the sound seemed to be that of a car. He heard the car stop at the door, followed by a knock on the door and a familiar yet unfamiliar voice: "Old man."

Li, open the door, why is the door closed in broad daylight?"

Li Dachuan trembled, ran to the door in three steps, and asked in disbelief: "Is it the young master?"

It was Zhou Wen who was outside. He kept frowning when he came to the door of the house. Why should the door be closed in broad daylight? It really smelled weird. Hearing Li Dashuan's question, he immediately became impatient and shouted: "Open the door quickly, who is listening?"

Won’t you come out?”

The door creaked open, revealing Li Dazhuan's old face. His eyes were confused at first, then shocked, and finally ecstatic. He shouted loudly: "Sure enough, the young master is back. God has eyes. The young master is back."

Zhou Wen strode in and said as he walked: "How is my father? Why is the door closed in broad daylight?"

Before Li Dashuan could answer, he heard a shout from the main hall: "Li Dashuan, you are itchy, aren't you? Why do you dare to let people in again? What I say doesn't work..."

Then it suddenly got stuck. A lean little old man at the door of the main hall stared at Zhou Wen dumbfounded, and said in a trembling voice: "It's the young master - young master, the young master is back. Oops! Hurry, someone is coming quickly,

The young master is back. Hurry and get some water to wash the young master."

After saying that, he quickly took out his handkerchief to help Zhou Wen clear the dust. Is there any dust? Of course there is. The two hundred kilometers of gravel road, and you can't close the windows, of course, your whole body is covered in dust.

Zhou Wen stretched out his hand to block his movement and said, "Uncle Youfeng, don't worry, let's go see how my dad is doing first?"

That little old man was Zhang Youfeng, the second housekeeper. In fact, there was no big housekeeper in the Zhou family compound. When Zhou Wen's grandma was still alive, a distant relative of her grandma's family came to seek refuge. He has been working with Zhou Jinghai, helping Zhou Jinghai grow from a young child to a big man.

, sharing weal and woe with the Zhou family. Now he has become the big shopkeeper of Fuyuan Company. It is equivalent to the general manager of a modern company. Zhou Jinghai is the boss and the chairman.

The chief shopkeeper is called Lin Yun, and even Zhou Wen has to be called Second Uncle. Second Uncle Lin also has two sons, both of whom are Zhou Wen's cousins. They are both several years older than Zhou Wen. When Zhou Wen was a child, he played with his two older brothers.

Yes, the brotherhood is very deep. Now the eldest brother Lin Dongping is in charge of the external procurement and transportation of Fuyuan Company, and the second brother Lin Donghai is in charge of the accounting and other financial affairs.

Although the three of them are distant relatives, they have been with the Zhou family for many years and have long been integrated with the Zhou family. Their family lives in the east courtyard, so Uncle Lin is also in charge of the affairs of the inner house. The real housekeeper is called the second housekeeper.


Zhang Youfeng said with a smile: "Young Master, you don't know, the doctor has specially ordered that the master should rest and the room should be kept clean. The young master should wash up before going in."

Zhou Wen looked at the second housekeeper strangely. Although he was a bit naughty in his memory, he still did his job properly. He has been an old man in the Zhou family for many years. Why did he talk so erratically today? I want to see my father.

do you agree?

Without saying anything at the moment, he walked straight towards a two-story building behind the main hall. The second floor was Zhou Jinghai and Zhou Wen's bedroom. Miao Hua and the others behind Zhou Wen didn't speak. This was Zhou Wen's family matter and they couldn't talk too much.

They just followed. But they also noticed that the situation was a bit strange, so they secretly increased their vigilance.

This chapter has been completed!
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