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Chapter 156

When these bosses were gossiping, a young officer with neat clothes strode in. When everyone looked up, they were all stunned...

The officer who came in was none other than Zhou Wen. He looked at the squire bosses who were staring at him dumbfounded, smiled slightly, clasped his hands and said, "Dear fellow villagers and uncles, Zhou Wen has paid tribute to everyone."

"Coax!" was heard, and the whole place immediately went into an uproar.

"It's the young master of the Zhou family who has been missing for two years and is back." "Zhou Wen, it's Zhou Wen! He's so well behaved that he's now a colonel."

"No wonder! It turns out that Boss Zhou's son is back. Now the Li family is really in trouble."...

Zhou Wen paused for a moment, and after everyone's voices gradually subsided, he spoke again: "Zhou Wen has been away for nearly two years, which makes all uncles miss him. But I didn't expect that as soon as he came back, his family members would be falsely accused and imprisoned.

The tragic situation in which my father was almost killed. My nephew is very sad!"

Zhou Wen's eyes were red as he thought of the scene when he first met his father. After a moment of pause, he said: "My nephew is currently the director of the security department of the Shanxi branch of the Central Party Headquarters. This time when I returned to Lishi, I got a letter from the special commissioner of the Party Headquarters.

Assigned, he has the responsibility of inspecting and appointing officials in Lishi County, and also shoulders the important task of clearing out the red bandits in the area of ​​​​Lishi County."

"Coax!" There was another commotion, and the scene exploded again.

"High official, this young master of the Zhou family is very powerful. He is a provincial official."

"Colonel and Director, if you take one step further, you will be a general. Tsk tsk! For such a young colonel, it seems that the Zhou family is going to make a fortune."

"Shaodong Zhou is not yet twenty, is he?"

"Isn't it? Let me tell you, I am only eighteen years old this year."...

Zhou Wen stretched out his hand to signal to everyone. When the crowd became quiet again, Zhou Wen trembled and said seriously: "After reports from informants and verified by the Provincial Party Headquarters Security Office, Li Yifu, the owner of Dashunlai Trading Company in Lishi County, has been involved with Shaanxi Province in recent years.

There are many connections with the Red Bandits, and there are records of their iron ore being transported to the Red Areas of Shaanxi.

Zhang Deyi, the county magistrate of Lishi County, had long been aware of it, but was threatened and coaxed by Li Yifu. In addition, the county security team was controlled by the Li family, so he had to compromise with him. However, Gao Yi, the magistrate of Zhang County, had already sent someone to secretly report to the provincial party headquarters. Recently, Li Yifu

He was even more insane and wanted to launch a red riot in the county. He conspired to frame the Zhou family in order to obtain funds for the riot, secretly arrested representatives sent by the provincial government, and used his family to threaten County Magistrate Zhang into complying."

At this point, Zhou Wen's tone changed and he said sadly: "County Magistrate Zhang couldn't bear to be a thief. Yesterday, he left a bloody letter exposing Bandit Li and committed suicide. Alas! The party and the country have lost a talented person, and Lishi County has lost a dedicated person."

A good and responsible county magistrate."

At this time, the whole body was silent. Everyone was stunned and did not dare to speak. "Colluded with the red bandits? The county magistrate committed suicide?"

"Bang!" With a sound, Zhou Wen slammed the table, and everyone in the room, young and old, trembled in fright.

Zhou Wen then shouted: "Li Yifu and his son have lost their conscience, blatantly colluded with the red bandits, framed fellow villagers, and killed loyal people. Now there are complete human and material evidences. If you don't kill this person, it won't be enough for the people to be angry. If you don't kill him, it won't be enough to soothe the spirit of County Magistrate Zhang in heaven. No.

Killing is not enough to repay me from Shi Lang Lang Qing Kong."

Every time Zhou Wen uttered the word "kill", the hearts of the young and old men present jumped.

"Of course, we are all people who follow the rules. The death penalty of the Li family and his son still needs to be verified by the county magistrate and signed by the county magistrate before it can be executed. But County Magistrate Zhang was killed, and the position of the county magistrate cannot remain vacant. Today I will tell you all

The uncle recommended one person, Mr. Wang Chenghao, a top student who graduated from Shanxi National Normal University. Mr. Wang Chenghao came from a humble background and was well aware of the sufferings of the people. He was well versed in literature and had both political integrity and talent. A dignified college student was willing to deign to come to Lishi to serve as county magistrate.

Growing up is really a blessing to our hundreds of thousands of fellow villagers in Lishi County."

After finishing speaking, he ignored the buzzing discussion in the audience. He picked up a piece of letter paper on the table and said loudly: "This is the letter of recommendation from my Fuyuan Company to recommend Mr. Wang as the county magistrate. My father has signed it.

.I hope the uncles here will also actively participate in the recommendation. Of course, if they are associates of the Li family and his son, they do not need to sign, and there is no need for such people to sign. Later, when Li Yifu is interrogated and his confession is confirmed, he will be treated according to national laws.


Next to Zhou Wen, a tall and strong man like an iron tower came down with a piece of paper and a pen. Without saying a word, he handed it directly to the people in the front row.

Who dares not to sign the signature? Who dares to disagree? Everyone present, old and young, can clearly hear that those who don’t sign may be Li Yifu’s accomplices. Who dares to wear the label of colluding with the red bandit accomplices? People are on the eaves.

I had to bow my head. Everyone signed and stamped their names hurriedly, fearing that if they were slow and inactive, they would become Li's bandit comrades.

As for whether the signers were satisfied and whether they knew Wang Chenghao was his cousin, Zhou Wen ignored it at all. My father was harmed like that, and none of you have ever stood up. Now the military and political power of Lishi County

It’s all in your own hands, who dares to object? Who dares to have different opinions?

Zhou Wen doesn't have time to quarrel with these people now. Anyway, now I want to cut off the mess with a quick knife to clean up the mess.

Next, Zhou Wen stated the pros and cons and took this opportunity to establish the Lishi Chamber of Commerce. Every business operating in Lishi must join the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce has the obligation to support and assist the county government in various tasks, and to supervise and coordinate various businesses.

business operations, preventing malicious competition, handling and adjudicating commercial disputes, etc.

The presidents of the Lishi Chamber of Commerce unanimously elected Zhou Jinghai, the owner of Fuyuan Company, to take over.

The county security team was also disbanded and reorganized, and it was stipulated that every business and every squire could recommend a local boy from his family or an acquaintance to join. This was like beating a stick and giving a sweet date.

The next day, Lishi County's lockdown ended, but there were more than a dozen corpses hanging on display at the gate of the north city. There were Li Yifu and his son, as well as a few accomplices from Dashun shopkeepers, and of course Zhang Youfeng, who was begging for honor behind his back.

A family of three. People entering and exiting the city gate looked at the horrific appearance of more than a dozen corpses that had been hanged alive. They did not dare to look at them any longer and hurriedly passed by with their heads lowered.

Various news spread throughout the teahouses and taverns in the city. They all said that Li Yifu colluded with the Red Bandits and intended to riot, and was wiped out by the security officers and soldiers sent by the Provincial Party Headquarters.

At noon, in a military camp in Zhongyang County more than 20 kilometers away, a commander of the Jin Army was crying loudly. This morning after the city blockade ended, someone from the Li family who had slipped through the net came to report the news. Captain Li heard that

Both his father and younger brother were hanged on the tower, and they collapsed instantly.

After Captain Li cried bitterly, he gritted his teeth and thought about ways to take revenge. He was a good leader, but it was impossible to take the entire regiment out of the barracks to avenge himself. Moreover, the enemy had a great background and was a senior official of the provincial party department.

, leading the troops out by oneself would be tantamount to rebellion. After thinking about it, he called his military henchmen and buddies to discuss it.

This chapter has been completed!
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