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Chapter 162

That morning, He Fei, the acting commander of the 133rd Regiment of the Jin Army stationed in the barracks outside Zhongyang County, received a report from the sentry. He said that a colonel named Zhou, who claimed to be the director of the Provincial Party Headquarters Security Division, asked for help at the gate of the camp.

Meet the leader.

He Fei was a little puzzled. Isn't this Captain Li's enemy? Now that he has killed everyone, he is coming to find him. Isn't he going to give up? What else is going on?

I wanted to go home and think about it, but I couldn't leave the dignified provincial party officials outside the door, so I walked to the camp gate with the guards to greet them. From a distance, I saw a young colonel and several second lieutenants standing at the door of the barracks holding horses.

He Fei dared to bet with anyone that the colonel named Zhou was definitely not older than his 25-year-old son.

Being a colonel at such a young age, I was afraid that there would be someone in the court. He did not dare to neglect at that moment, and went out with a smile on his face. When Zhou Wen saw a middle-aged Jin army colonel coming out, he took a few steps forward to pay respects.

After saluting, He Fei quickly returned the salute and said: "Director Zhou, you are too polite. Although you and I have the same military rank, you represent the provincial party headquarters, so I should be the one saluting you."

Zhou Wen also smiled and said: "Although we are of the same rank, Captain He is a senior in the army. As a junior, I should show respect to my senior."

This sentence made He Fei feel very comfortable. Well, not bad, he didn't look like a domineering person. He also felt a little fond of Zhou Wen in his heart, so he laughed and said: "Director Zhou is too modest. Come on, come on, please invite Zhou Wen."

The division chief doesn't mind that the military camp is vulgar, so come and sit down at our regiment headquarters."

It turns out that if Zhou Wen wants to build the road from Lishi to Zhongyang County, he cannot have the final say or pay for it. That is something that both counties will benefit from, so naturally they need to work together.


Wang Chenghao, the county magistrate of Lishi, and Lin Yun, who represents the Chamber of Commerce, have already gone to visit the magistrate of Zhongyang County, but Zhou Wen also wants to bring in the local garrison. Zhongyang County is not as wealthy as Lishi County, and it is estimated that there will not be enough people.

Funds are used to hire migrant workers, but there are troops. Anyway, idle time is idle. In the past, when Marshal Yan was building roads, he used a lot of troops to participate in the construction. One regiment is equal to more than a thousand migrant workers, and there is no need to pay wages, and there are still necessary things for road construction.

**, if you don’t use it, it will be in vain.

What's more, Zhou Wen also learned through the Chamber of Commerce that the deputy captain surnamed He and the former captain Li were not from the same family. The He family was also considered a big family in Zhongyang County, and they also had several mines. But after the Li family intervened,

, on the contrary, the relationship between the two parties will not be very harmonious.

The last time the Li family's mining workers rioted, the He family also did a lot of unscrupulous things inside.

After Zhou Wen had an exchange with Captain He, He Fei also knew that the road construction would bring huge benefits to the army and the He family. Naturally, he would not have any objections and was immediately ready to report to his superiors. He promised to get permission from his superiors.

, make all preparations before the Spring Festival, and strive to start construction after the Spring Festival.

No one should take advantage of Zhou Wen's plan. A total of 20 kilometers of road will be contracted by one county. Ten kilometers will be opened to traffic next year.

As for whether the upper echelons of the Jin army agree or not, Zhou Wen basically has nothing to worry about. You must know that although Marshal Yan is out of office, he still controls the Jin army behind the scenes. The current chairman of Shanxi Province is his close subordinate Chief Xu. So road construction is such a

The matter will definitely be reported to him.

How could Marshal Yan disagree with building roads, a good thing that benefits the province and the people? He has been advocating and presiding over road construction in Shanxi before. What's more, they are not outsiders. Although Zhou Wen is a party official, he is also a son of Shanxi, right? No.

There is a saying about buying people's hearts. If the people in Shanxi want to build roads, they don't need Marshal Yan to pay for them. Where can they find such a good thing?

At noon, after a hearty feast of wine and meat, Zhou Wen declined He Fei's repeated warm invitations to stay, and left the military camp with a few brothers on horseback.

After walking less than three miles, a figure holding a gun and covered in weeds and leaves appeared on the side of the mountain road. He smiled and said: "Brother, you have a good meal of wine and meat, but we are still freezing.


Then several more disguised team members walked out on the roadside. It was Zhang Xiaoping and Ergazi and several team members. It turned out that Zhou Wen came to the military camp alone and was not at all wary, in case there were some close friends of the Li family in the military camp.

For revenge, the support and cover outside the camp gate are very important.

The alcohol color on Zhou Wen's face had not faded yet. Hearing this, he laughed loudly and said, "I owe you a meal. I'll make up for it in the evening when I get home. My father also hid a few bottles of aged Fen wine, so I stole it and drank it in the evening.


The team members were overjoyed, and Ergazi shouted: "Scholar, as you said, you can't blame us for being beaten by your father."

Everyone laughed together...

Suddenly, Zhou Wen made a gesture, and the team members dispersed with a swoosh. But Zhou Wen rode steadily on the horse, without taking out his gun. He said to the woods in front: "Come out, there are three of us in total, don't play any tricks.

Come out slowly. Otherwise, you'll be rude."

I saw three people slowly walking out of the woods not far away. They were all young men in their twenties. They were all in ragged clothes. One of them was holding a worn-out old sleeve in his hand, and the other two were wearing ragged clothes.

They were all holding spears. Although their mouths were blue and their faces were purple from the cold in the winter snow, they all looked at Zhou Wen warily.

The man holding the gun asked carefully: "Excuse me, is the person opposite you Master Zhou from the Zhou family in Lishi?"

Zhou Wen didn't pay attention to the vigilance of these people. He looked at the man with the gun and said, "I don't talk to strangers who hold guns. Either you put the gun down or you leave."

The man with the gun hesitated for a moment, and the team members next to him were amused by him. With your broken gun, it's really not a problem for us to bring you down. You are still reluctant to part with it like a baby, and you will know how to hold it in your hand.

Giving birth or what?

The man also felt the mocking expressions of the team members. As soon as his face turned red and his heart pounded, he threw the gun on the ground. The two people behind him also put their spears at their feet.

Zhou Wen then smiled and said: "Tell me, what's the matter? I am the young master of the Zhou family you mentioned."

The man didn't say anything after hearing this. He turned his head and glanced at the two people behind him. The three of them knelt down on the ground with a bang. Then the man said: "We are from the Li family mine. Thank you, Master Zhou, for helping us register."

Qiu, kill these wolf-hearted people from the Li family. We were all forced to become bandits. Master Zhou can go and inquire. We have not done anything harmful to nature. We have never robbed the villagers, we just robbed them.

I visited the Li family’s caravan several times.”

It turns out that this young man is called Wang Guozhu and he is a mine worker of the Li family. However, since the Li family stopped working in September, not only the wages for September are gone, but also the wages that have been in arrears for the previous two months are missing. Originally, the wages paid by the Li family were

It was not high, and as a result, wages were not paid for three months, making the already difficult life of the workers even more difficult.

This chapter has been completed!
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