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Chapter 17

The little man hesitated for a moment and then was patted on the head by a young man next to him: "Just take it off if the little scholar tells you to do it. What are you talking about?"

Zhou Wen reached out and took the clothes that the little man had taken off, shook them in the air, and laid them flat on the ground. He unloaded the magazine of the pistol, checked that there were no bullets in the chamber, and put the gun on his clothes.

"Come on, come on, everyone, sit down in the front row and don't block those in the back. I'm going to tell you about this gun now." Zhou Wen greeted, and pulled Gao Xiaoshan and Xu Dacheng to his side.

"This gun is made in the United States. It's called the Colt M1911 pistol. It uses 11mm bullets. Look, it's this thick and fat bullet. So the barrel is also very thick. Doesn't the muzzle look like a big eye? So

We Chinese call it big-eyed lullaby. And this..."

A group of young teenagers gathered around Zhou Wen to listen to his explanation of the various structural features of guns. They all couldn't help but wonder: "He is about the same age as us, how can he know so much? He can shoot guns very accurately, and I heard he can also read. It's really amazing."

We’re at grandma’s house.”

"Now, I've dismantled the gun. You guys have a look at the structure of each component. You'll all have to learn to disassemble and reassemble the gun in the future." In the time it took to speak, Zhou Wen finished dismantling the gun and placed the parts one by one.

Everyone stared blankly. In just one fart, a pistol turned into a pile of parts.

"Come on, I'll teach you how to identify the various parts. Hey! Who are you? Close your mouth. It's scary to keep this big mouth open."

"Come on, Brother Shanzi, come and load the gun, I'll teach you." He taught Gao Xiaoshan step by step how to load the gun and the magazine. Then he turned around and shouted: "One of you, go over and get the target.

Put it on the rock in front and stand it up."

Immediately, a few smart people ran away, raised a target and put it up at the place designated by Zhou Wen, which was about twenty meters away.

Zhou Wen pointed at the target and taught everyone various skills and key points of aiming with a gun. How to aim with one hand and how to aim with both hands. Finally, he concluded: "This gun is very powerful. If it shakes, it will be fired. We will specialize in how to hold the gun with both hands."

, Steady. Brother Shanzi, come and try."

Gao Xiaoshan happily took the pistol, and according to his understanding, he steadily raised the gun and aimed it with both hands. Zhou Wen knew at a glance that he had completely understood the essentials of two-handed shooting, and he was worthy of being someone who often touches guns. So he said: "Brother Shan Zi, load the gun and shoot."

Two shots."

"Ah! Can this work? This bullet..."

"It's okay, Brother Shanzi. When the bullets are gone, just think of a way. Just shoot."

Gao Xiaoshan was a little touched now. These are really good brothers. No wonder they felt close to each other as soon as they met. He taught them skills and taught them how to shoot. Brothers are not so good.

The sound of pulling the bolt and loading the gun was very clear. I raised my hand and aimed, "嘡! 嘡!" Two shots.

The target announcer shouted: "Brother Shanzi, shoot at the red heart, and shoot at the edge of the red heart."

"Good marksmanship, Brother Shanzi. This is your first time using this gun. Once you get used to it, it will be even more amazing." Zhou Wen nodded in praise.

"Awen, it's much safer to hold the gun with these hands, but it's a pity that you can't use this method with the shell gun." After turning off the safety, he couldn't put it down, and he was about to hand the gun back to Zhou Wen.

"Brother Shanzi, just give him two more shots. It'll be fine." This man was really serious. He would only take two shots if he was asked to do so.

"That's enough, that's enough, I can't waste any more bullets." Gao Xiaoshan said and forced the gun into Zhou Wen's hand.

Just as Zhou Wen was about to speak, he heard a familiar voice quietly ringing in his ears: "Awen, Awen, it's my turn."

Turning around, I saw Xu Dacheng scratching his head and gesticulating impatiently. He couldn't help but feel angry and funny.

"Okay, Dacheng, you come."

"Okay." Xu Dacheng happily took the gun from Zhou Wen. Seeing that although his movements with the gun were unfamiliar, he basically followed the steps taught, Zhou Wen also started to look forward to it.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" He went out after three shots. This guy doesn't know how to be more economical? His quality is incomparable to that of Gao Xiaoshan.

One shot hit the target, two shots hit the target, and one shot flew to nowhere.

"It's not bad, I've achieved this level for the first time." Zhou Wen just thought, and saw Xu Dacheng excitedly waving a pistol and yelling at him. His heart tightened, and he immediately fell down on the spot and started yelling.

: "Turn off the insurance, quickly turn off the insurance." Everyone around was so frightened that they fell down.

Xu Dacheng was stunned. He saw the people in front of him were busy lying on the ground, and knew that he was in trouble. He hurriedly turned off the gun safety. Only then did he realize that he was the only one standing, with dozens of people lying on the ground, and dozens of pairs of resentful glasses.

Staring at him.

He rubbed his head and said with an embarrassed smile: "Hehe! Hehehe! That, I'm sorry, I forgot."

Zhou Wen lay on the ground and looked at Gao Xiaoshan, and then at the young men lying around in various postures. He laughed loudly, Gao Xiaoshan also laughed, and everyone including the idiots who were standing laughed.

Uncle Ma, who was watching from a distance, also laughed.

The young and wanton laughter penetrated the sky, echoing and flying in the hearts of the young people.

Wang Huzi was squatting at the entrance of the Youth League, listening to the laughter in the distance and smoking a cigarette.

"This kid is worried. He is very resourceful and capable at such a young age. Fortunately, he doesn't have any evil intentions."

"How could someone with bad intentions come to our poor replenishment group? To take advantage of your broken gun?" Old Uncle Wu, who was squatting next to him, glanced at Wang Huzi with disdain.

Wang Huzi then said: "Do you think that Shi Santan had shit in his head? Why did he give us such a treasure for nothing?"

"Didn't Shanzi say that? What kind of trick did they use to make Shi Sancai think that they were two scourges specially sent to harm us? No, it hasn't even been a day yet, and you are an old darling.

It's a disaster." Old Uncle Wu said and laughed happily.

Then he added: "I think this baby is more than capable. Maybe he will give us more surprises in the future."

"Hey, I'm still pleasantly surprised, as long as I'm not frightened." As soon as Wang Huzi finished speaking, two more gunshots were heard in the distance, and his heart twitched twice more.

"That's already seven shots, right? One box of bullets is gone. Isn't it sad for me?" Wang Huzi felt so distressed that he stabbed his teeth.

It turned out that everyone on the river beach had gotten closer to Zhou Wen and the others after the laughter and commotion just now, and everyone started talking and laughing.

"Little scholar, we have seen your long spear, and you can also show us your short spear." Someone suggested.

"Yes, show me your skills." "Give us a long experience." A group of young people echoed loudly. Gao Xiaoshan also looked at Zhou Wen expectantly.

Zhou Wen was not polite. He put his gun back into his holster, turned his back to the target and walked about ten steps forward. He instantly drew the gun, turned around, raised his hand, "Hey! Hey!" and fired two shots in a row.

As soon as the gunfire stopped, he raised his hand and blew on the muzzle of the gun. The gun spun around in his hand and was instantly inserted back into the holster. The several movements were coherent and natural, making people dizzy and dizzying.

This is so cool, so cool!

"Good!" "Good marksmanship!" "This posture is so beautiful." Before even reporting the target, the teenagers were impressed.

"Both shots hit the bull's-eye." The belated target announcement aroused another round of admiration and cheers.

This chapter has been completed!
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