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Chapter 179 1931

Time flies and flies by in a blink of an eye. The year 1931, which is unforgettable in the entire history of China, has arrived as scheduled.

In this year, the Chinese people encountered a flood once in decades, the collapse of the reunification situation, the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Red Party, and Japan's invasion of Northeast China, etc., leaving behind indelible pain.

memory; and what future generations will still feel from this year's history is regret, surprise, anger and humiliation.

It was also in this year that the Chinese people truly knew who was China’s great enemy with wolfish ambitions and plotting to destroy us?

In the same year, a new word was deeply ingrained in the hearts of the Chinese people - "anti-Japanese".

Zhang Xinhe is a native of Jiaocheng near Taiyuan. When he was a child, his family was still well off, and his family sent him to private school for several years. However, when his father died of illness when he was fifteen, their family's life became difficult. The family's elders

Part of the land was sold for a fortune to pay for his father's medical treatment. The only one he could rely on was his eldest brother who worked as a clerk in a business in the city. But not long after, his eldest brother separated from him at the instigation of his sister-in-law, and the family only had

Half of the three acres of land were allocated to him. He and his mother were living in a state of hunger and cold.

Later, Taiyuan City recruited soldiers. In order to survive with his mother, Zhang Xinhe concealed his age and signed up, so that he could barely support his mother with a few pennies.

But when he was training in the recruit camp, he was young and weak, so his training results were naturally not very good. After less than half a year, he had enough to eat and could send some money home to his mother, but the disarmament started again.

.Recruits like him who were young and had poor training results were sent home in the first batch.

After Zhang Xinhe returned to the countryside of Jiaocheng, his life was in trouble again. He was a filial child. He could eat some wild vegetables and tree bark without starving to death, but he didn't want his mother to suffer the same fate. He faced the eyes of his sister-in-law countless times.

He Yaoshu went to borrow grain and money from his elder brother. Although the elder brother couldn't bear it in the end, he gave him some kindness, but it was just the rough flour that people usually use to feed pigs and chickens (made from crushed wheat husks and buckwheat husks)


But just last time when he went home with a smile on his face and tears in his stomach, carrying several kilograms of rough noodles donated by his brother and sister-in-law, he saw a recruitment order that the mayor personally handed over to him.

Hope came to him. He knew about his training situation. He heard that among the new veterans who had been demobilized from his village, he was the only one who had received a conscription order. At that time, he really couldn't believe his ears, so he quickly took the conscription order and took a look.

, yes, the name above is word for word, it is Zhang Xinhe.

The recruitment order also stated that as long as the person agreed, each person would be given a settlement allowance of five oceans, which he asked to sign. After Zhang Xinhe signed and agreed, the mayor handed over the five white oceans to him on the spot.

Li. The township chief did not dare to deduct money this time. A word was passed down from the county that if the soldiers were found to have deducted their money when they arrived in Taiyuan, they would be deducted one hundred and fined, and the provincial party headquarters would personally send people to carry out the execution.

In this way, the ecstatic Zhang Xinhe, after settling his mother, rushed to Taiyuan Xiaobeimen Barracks to report two days before the time specified in the conscription order.

Today is the morning of January 1, 1930. Zhang Xinhe is wearing a new military uniform and standing on the military camp playground with his head held high. He looks around at young and expectant faces. All the 550-person Guard Team recruited by Zhou Wen

All the soldiers were present. They were all new recruits who had been training for half a year. They were all familiar with their stances and formations. Under the command of several young officers, they quickly formed an orderly formation.

Hundreds of people stood at the playground for two hours. But no one gnawed, made no noise, and no one couldn't hold on. Zhang Xinhe took advantage of arriving two days early. Why? He was full and well-fed.

Although you came two days early, you will be a member of the Guard after you report. Every day, officers will take the recruits who reported in advance to conduct light exercise training and learn military rules and disciplines. Otherwise, as long as you don't leave the barracks, no one will care about you.

But I have to take care of three meals, and I still have enough to take care of. There is no such thing as brown rice here. They are all sweet and delicious white flour steamed buns or white flour flatbreads. There are also thick soups or thick soups with thick fat.

Vegetable porridge.

Zhang Xinhe estimated that if he hadn't eaten two days of full meals and a few pieces of fat meat, his body would not have been able to hold on for long. You must know that standing upright may seem simple, but after a long time, it is a great test of one's physical strength and will.

Although he is very tired now, and although his backache is severe, Zhang Xinhe feels that he has the strength to support himself when he thinks about his mother's wrinkled, thin and pale face, which is not yet old.

Just after two hours passed, Zhang Xinhe began to feel a little tired. At this time, a group of officers strode up. The soldiers were relieved, it seemed that the time was up.

Zhang Xinhe was also shocked when he saw a colonel officer walking up to a high platform in front of the queue. He looked from behind the queue to the front of the queue with bright eyes, nodded slightly, and shouted loudly: "Soldiers, starting from today

, you are the soldiers of the guard unit of the Shanxi Provincial Party Headquarters Security Office. My name is Zhou Wen, and I am your highest officer. You are all selected by me from tens of thousands of recruits, and I regard you as the best among the recruits.


Elites will naturally receive elite treatment. During the recruitment period, everyone will receive the same military salary, five oceans per month. After half a year, recruit selection will be held, and squad leaders, platoon leaders, and even company commanders will be selected from among you. Squad leaders will be selected every month.

10 oceans, 20 oceans for the platoon leader, and 30 oceans for the company commander. How about that? Is the military pay high?"

"High... high!" The recruits were stimulated, and their spirits were raised immediately. I said to myself, the military salary is really high. It would be even more outrageous to choose officers from among us. Not to mention the glorious ancestors.

Yeah, that's dozens of oceans, hundreds of oceans a year, we've never seen it in this life.

Looking at the soldiers below, their morale was boosted and their fighting spirit was high. Zhou Wen then smiled slightly and said: "However, elites also have elite responsibilities. Your current responsibilities are two, abide by military regulations and train hard. There are evaluations every week.

Those with excellent grades can be appointed as recruit squad leaders, squad leaders, or squadron leaders. The training content includes basic military technology and cultural learning.

If you fail the assessment for one week, you will have to clean the toilet individually within one week. If you fail for two consecutive weeks, the whole class will clean the toilet. If you fail for three consecutive weeks, the entire team will clean the toilet. If you fail for one consecutive month, his squad leader and team leader will clean the toilet.

Removal from the post, I will refund the military salary and resettlement allowance, and get out. Those who cannot pay back the money will become a civilian husband. When the money is paid back, I will let you go home."

This chapter has been completed!
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