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Chapter 186 Death Row

The death cell of the Taiyuan Police Station Prison was dark, and the entire space was filled with a suffocating filthy atmosphere made up of a mixture of various foul smells. Only a steel ring no bigger than a fist was embedded on the high wall.

A window can let in some fresh air so that the people in the cell will not die from lack of oxygen.

Niu Yidao was currently lying in the innermost death cell, struggling to lift his hands, which were handcuffed with bracelets weighing nearly 5 kilograms, to catch lice crawling in the thick, dirty hair.

After finally catching one, I immediately put it in my mouth and chewed it carefully, then hummed with satisfaction and swallowed it. I let my sore hands rest for a while, and then continued my great work of catching lice.

Since Niu Yidao was imprisoned on death row years ago, he no longer has any illusions about whether he will survive. But he knows that according to tradition, prisoners will not be executed for a period of time before and after the Spring Festival. As the old saying goes, it is a blood show during the New Year.

It was unlucky. That's why he managed to survive for two more months. "It's a profit! I've made dozens of days in vain." Niu Yidao comforted himself in this way.

I don't know if it was from the day he entered the prison that Niu Yidao suddenly fell in love with the little game of picking lice on his body to taste, and played it endlessly every day. Because this game is in line with one of his creeds that he has been in the underworld for many years - you have to suck it

My blood, I will eat you whole.

Of course, Niu Yidao didn't remember how he got into the underworld. He only remembered that he was a young butcher apprentice who followed his master to help people slaughter cows and pigs. I don't know when he started.

Don't get angry.

I am not angry about why I and my master have to work hard all day and have to hand over most of the income to the black-headed brother at the live cattle market in the west of the city.

I am not angry about why I and my master are so busy and tired all year round, but in the end we still don’t have enough to eat or wear warm clothes. The black-headed brother is idle all day long, but he has a lot of fish, meat, silk and silk.

I am not angry that I and my master have worked hard to save a few oceans. When the master goes to help me propose marriage, I have always liked and admired the girl Xiaocui who has never changed my mind since I was a teenager to a young man in my twenties.

But he slept on the black-headed brother's bed.

I was angry that when my master died of illness, he couldn't even afford a decent coffin, so he had to wrap the old man in a straw mat and bury him.

So, on the night when the master was buried, he walked into the black-headed brother's house alone with a knife in his pocket...

Of course I will never forget the scene when the black-headed brother was stabbed in the chest with his own sharp knife. It was much easier than killing a cow. The fear and cry of the black-headed brother before his death made me extremely satisfied. You suck my blood, and I will kill him.


Of course, Xiao Cui, whom he had longed for day and night, also made him very satisfied. In the past, he wouldn't even let her touch her hands, but now he easily let him sleep with her. The reason for sleeping with her was to recover the debt from the past, which lasted for more than ten years.

Years of helping her and repaying her debts. Killing her is also to collect debts, love debts...

Gradually, I have become the black-headed brother of the live bull market. No, he is even bigger than the black-headed brother of the past. I no longer let people call me black-headed brother, I want to call myself the gang leader. Of course, I don’t have to be busy and hard all day long. There will naturally be people who will do it.

Pay tribute with your money...

Suddenly that day changed. The policemen who used to eat and drink their own filial piety and drink their own offerings changed their faces. It seemed that after running back from Douya and telling me that thing, I was being targeted. And then there was

Inexplicable bloody battles with weapons, inexplicable killings, inexplicable arrests, and death sentences...

Niu Yidao had a headache when he thought about this. He still didn't understand how a gang leader who had dominated the live cattle market for many years fell down so easily? Did he offend that boss?

At this moment, the cell door was opened, and a beam of flashlight light came in from the outside, instantly piercing his eyes and becoming confused.

Several policemen strode in without saying a word, and walked out with their arms holding Niu Yi Dao, and the anklets holding their feet made a series of clanking sounds on the ground.

Waiting for Niu Yidao to be dragged to the corridor outside, he found that other death row cells were also mentioning people. "Does this mean they are going to be executed immediately?" Although Niu Yidao had already been prepared, death was about to come.

Still started to feel fear and panic.

At this time, I saw a policeman reporting to a man who looked like an officer: "Sir, there are nine people in total. Here are all the files and judgments."

The officer took the file, nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work, brother, I will take him away."

Just then, the officer shouted to the door: "Come in."

I saw a group of soldiers coming in, blindfolding each death row prisoner with black cloth, and then every two people carried a death row prisoner and walked out. Niu Yidao was carried out of the door, even though he was blindfolded, he could feel it

The dazzling sunshine was shining towards my face, so I quickly closed my eyes, greedily breathed in the fresh air outside, and felt the long-lost sunshine. I just felt that it was really worthwhile to die at this time.

Then Niu Yidao didn't understand. It seemed like he was riding in a truck. It was the first time in his life. It was much more comfortable than a carriage. Then he arrived at the place. When he took off the blindfold, Niu Yidao found that it seemed to be a military camp.

Then I started to understand again, and actually took off the handcuffs, stripped naked and took a shower. Well, I had to say goodbye to the lice that had been with me for dozens of days. As the cold and biting water washed away the pounds of dirt on my body, Niu Yidao discovered

I was actually no longer scared and nervous, but just more puzzled.

There are more things I don’t understand next. After taking a shower, I put on old but clean clothes. Then a big basin of white flour buns was brought up, and a big bowl of meat and vegetables was brought up. Let’s make it with all your heart.

.Forget it, I don’t want to think about it anymore, I will be a starved person even if I die. Just thinking about it while eating is going to end your life, right?

However, they had to eat decapitated meals for several days and had to take showers every day. When all nine death row inmates recovered their vitality and began to become fatter and stronger, the suffering came.

Nine death row inmates who were originally held separately suddenly lived in a large house. Of course, everyone was tied tightly. Before they could figure out what was going on, they were thrown in with a "pop" from the window.

There was a smoking wax ball, and then the wax ball exploded with a "bang", and a strange smell spread instantly, and then Niu Yidao felt dizzy and fainted...

I don't know how much time passed, Niu Yidao woke up leisurely, and heard a waxy female voice coming from outside: "Remember the time, you will wake up naturally after being unconscious for one hour and twenty-three minutes, and the time interval between each person will not exceed two."

Minutes. To catch the wind, come again at night."

This chapter has been completed!
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