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Chapter 205 Community

The most expensive part of Zhou Wen's previous purchase list for Delman has been offset by patents, so now Zhou Wen has updated the purchase list again.

The number of German M1918 lined bulletproof helmets has been increased by 1,000, and an additional 3,000 pairs of German round-nailed infantry boots and 2,000 German infantry military backpacks have been purchased. Telescopes, artillery scopes and radios have also been purchased in greater quantities.

There is no way. Now Zhou Wen has more than 1,000 soldiers under his command. Zhou Wen trained them according to the route of elite soldiers. In the future, every soldier will be a treasure. Of course, one cannot favor one over another in terms of equipment.

The good news in Delman's telegram is that Zhou Wen's favorite Somi submachine gun has been contacted. It is said that this is the world's first bulk order for Somi submachine guns. Even the Finnish army has not made up its mind to purchase it. So.

The Finnish company was very happy, but hoped to increase the quantity to 100, which would make production more convenient and reduce costs. But despite this, the price of each gun including matching drums and shipping is still as high as $500.

What the hell, the price of one gun is comparable to that of two Thompsons, and the Thompson was already the most expensive submachine gun before it. 100 guns actually cost 50,000 US dollars, and Zhou Wen couldn't help but feel distressed.

Yahuazi. It wasn’t until she saw that the Finnish company presented 100,000 rounds of 9mm Magnum bullets as a gift to express its gratitude that she breathed a sigh of relief. But in general, her goal was achieved.

All arms and equipment will be transported to Shanghai in July, and then transported directly to Taiyuan by train. Zhou Wen also needs to clear up all links in the name of the Taiyuan Provincial Party Headquarters. However, with the help of Liu Ruoshui, the big brother behind the scenes, the problem will not be too big.

Because Liu Ruoshui is now famous among Nanjing's top leaders. Think about it, how long did it take before he came to Taiyuan to take charge of the provincial party headquarters? Less than half a year, right? Count how much credit he has made?

As soon as he entered Shanxi, he wiped out the bandits and solved the disappearance of Japanese scholars in Jincheng. He crushed the conspiracy of the red bandits to riot in Lishi, and established the grassroots party organization at the township level in Lishi County. The current party work in Lishi County

It has become a model for the country. The Central Party Committee has issued a document calling on party committees across the country to learn from Lishi County. Not to mention the successful takeover of the Shanxi police system and the cracking of a major case of abduction and trafficking of Chinese women that shocked China and the world.

Even the principal in Nanjing enjoys the compliments and admiration of people from all walks of life for his insight and talent. So now that Commissioner Liu Ruoshui is already a popular person in the eyes of senior people in Nanjing, how can there be such a disdainful person?

At this time, stand up and add to the trouble.

However, the equipment Zhou Wen was looking forward to has not yet arrived, but the American equipment purchased by Henry has arrived.

In early June of 1931, Taiyuan Railway Station was busy and lively. I saw trucks or small bridge cars being unloaded from the train, and tall and strong machines filled up the large and small transfer warehouses around the railway station.

.Basically all the hardworking stevedores or other laborers inside and outside the South City Gate were mobilized by the cattle gang and worked day and night for three full days.

Niu Yidao, the leader of the Niu Gang, also participated in the unloading with his gangster brothers, who had expanded to more than 400 people. Niu Yidao is now very different from before, although he has started to feel soreness and back pain after working for several days in a row.

, but there was no complaint in my heart, and there were bursts of satisfaction and enrichment.

Ever since he was brought out from death row by his benefactor, Niu Yidao felt like he was in a dream. He had easily taken back the territory in the West District. In just a few days, the Nancheng District, which he had never dared to think about before, had been taken back.

It's under his own control. The He Gang, a behemoth that used to overwhelm him at any time just thinking about it, disappeared overnight. As long as other gangs are slightly dissatisfied with themselves, they don't need the Niu Gang to fight with their lives. Nancheng District

The policeman taught him how to be a good man in a matter of minutes.

The chief has clearly explained to you the management regulations of the gang. Every street and alley has been planned one by one. Who is in charge? How much protection fee should be charged for each shop? What can't be collected and what can be collected?

The explanation is clear. It is no longer called the Niu Gang to the outside world, it is called the community. Xicheng District and Nancheng District are divided into various communities. All the caring brothers under me are sent out to be the presidents of the communities, and I am the chief president.

What does a community do? In addition to collecting various protection fees, the community is to maintain the public order of the community. The chief also made it very clear that if you take other people's money, you must do things for others. If there are fights, theft, and abductions in the community, you have to take care of them.

You must also actively cooperate with the police. You must also send people to cooperate with police investigations and household registration investigations. You must also take care of the public health of the community, regularly organizing street residents or store clerks to clean the streets.

What? Someone is unwilling? Then you become a gangster and teach him how to behave.

Looking at these not-so-complex management regulations, Niu Yidao discovered that not only was the amount of money he should receive not less, but it was significantly increased than before. This was after most of the income was handed over to the benefactor. The police and police who needed to take care of it before were

You don't need to take care of other official relations now. Someone will naturally coordinate them. But you have to take good care of your subordinates and pay the monthly salary that should be paid. But if you reach out for things that shouldn't be paid, there will naturally be help to deal with them.

In just two months, the entire Nancheng District and Xicheng District have become more orderly. The streets have become much tidier, the social order has become much more stable, and the work has become much more fulfilling. In the past, I was busy running here and there all day long without a clue.

Day by day passes. Now responsibilities and rights are clearly defined, and each community can be managed with ease. It feels a bit like being an official.

"Brother." When Niu Yidao was taking a breather and his thoughts were flying, and he was full of emotions, a man in green came over, handed him a water bag and said: "Come and drink some water, brother, you are also a helper now.

How can you work as hard as your brothers? You have been working for several days without worrying about being tired. Now that you are almost done with your work, just take a rest."

This man in Tsing Yi is Niu Yida’s good brother Dou Ya. He used to be a smart and capable person in the Niu Gang. Later, after experiencing the murder of the girl he recognized, Tong Xiaomei, he became more mature and stable, and is now the second person in the community.


Niu Yidao watched the trucks loaded with goods and machines passing by one after another. He waved the smoke and dust coming from his nose with his hand and said, "Douya, I don't dare to rest. I've been going through these few months."

It's like a dream. Now when we go out, we look well-dressed and look like humans. But when I think about how this day came, I don't dare to relax. I'm afraid that if I have too many comfortable days, I will forget about it.

The entrustment and teachings of the benevolent officer. So I would like to remind you that you must help me take good care of our group of brothers. You cannot forget your roots after a few days of peaceful life."

This chapter has been completed!
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