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Chapter 216 Combination of our various arms operations

After Zhou Wen said this, he erased airplanes and tanks on the blackboard, and wrote the words "machine gun" and "engineer" in the blank space. He patted the chalk dust on his hands, picked up the water glass on the table, took a sip of water, and observed it for a while.

The commotion in the audience.

Gao Xiaoshan and Miaohua were both staring at the blackboard thoughtfully, and the other team members also began to discuss in low voices. Zhou Wen wanted them to open their minds and follow the previous lectures to conceive the synthetic combat model in their minds, and then

By combining the following explanations, the effect of the lecture can be maximized and deeply engraved in their hearts.

After waiting for a while, Zhou Wen continued: "Our army is not large in scale, and it is impossible to expand it in the future. The scale of the battlefield is also limited. It can only be a small-scale, localized battle. We will adapt to local conditions.

We build our small-scale synthesis model of various arms based on the existing equipment and scale. This model has the following characteristics:

First, it is flexible and mobile. Because of its small scale, it can allocate troops according to the battlefield situation at any time. If it is a battle on the scale of the Soviet and German armies, all the troops have been deployed as planned. Once it is found that the battlefield situation needs to be adjusted, so many troops

And tanks and artillery, the adjustment is very difficult.

Second, the firepower is fierce, the strike range is concentrated, and the strike distance is long. It can cause a lot of damage to the enemy in a short period of time. Brothers, think about it, the troops we will reorganize soon plus the mercenary group will only be more than a thousand people, which is equivalent to

The Japanese army has only two 70mm infantry guns with a normal range of less than 1 kilometer. Even with the addition of projectile charges, the range does not exceed 3 kilometers. There are dozens more with less than 1 kilometer range.

300-meter grenade launchers and 12 heavy machine guns. However, we will deploy 6 75mm mountain guns with a range of 6 kilometers, 18 81mm mortars, and 36 heavy machine guns. This kind of firepower can deal with a Japanese army.

The brigade will be a devastating blow.

Third, the configuration of arms is reasonable and complete. Although we only have more than 1,000 troops, they include mountain artillery, mortar troops, machine gunners, assault troops, snipers, precision shooters, anti-tank troops, infantry, engineers, and communications troops.

and logistics troops. If these arms can be trained to work together like an arm and a finger, our combined arms combat model will basically take shape."

Zhou Wen then explained in detail the responsibilities and functions of each unit with pictures and texts. How to configure and fight when attacking, how to deal with it when defending. How to use machine guns for air defense, the use of mountain cannons and mortars, etc.

In the end, Zhou Wen talked until his throat started to smoke, and then he drank water to extinguish the fire. He concluded: "Brothers, today I just told you the concept of combining various arms to let you know the purpose and significance of the next step of training. However,

What I need to emphasize is that the victory or defeat of a war is never determined by one side's equipment superiority, but by people. Without a strong will, a spirit that is not afraid of death, superb military skills and a flexible tactical mind,

No matter how good the equipment is, it is useless.

Our next training is divided into two stages, three months of military technical training, and three months of combined coordination training. I hope that the brothers, especially the recruits, must develop the spirit of not being afraid of hardship and not being afraid of death.

.Use your brain more and actively participate in training. We have to conduct an assessment every week. Officers at all levels should take the lead. Those who have good training results should take the initiative to help those who are temporarily lagging behind. After entering this military camp, everyone will

We are all brothers, we are all comrades in life and death who give their backs to each other. We are both prosperous and destroyed. I hope you will remember it firmly. Today's lecture is over. In the future, I will give lectures to each branch of the military.

Keep explaining and organizing discussions, class is over now."

Just after Zhou Wengang finished speaking, Gao Xiaoshan stood up and said loudly: "Everyone, stand up - salute!"

I saw more than a hundred people in the audience standing up and saluting Zhou Wen at attention...

In fact, Zhou Wen's previous plan was for the mercenary group to go to Shanghai to participate in the war next year. He was not so eager to mobilize the guards and security teams to participate in the battle. But considering that there are still nearly six years until the future Anti-Japanese War, such a long time span

If you just train without participating in combat, without clear purpose and team cohesion, soldiers will be prone to mental and spiritual problems.

In addition, Zhou Wen now has sufficient funds, and the advanced weapons that he originally considered purchasing and equipping later are no longer a problem. That’s why he decided to lead all the new recruits to the battlefield. Only those who have personally experienced the bloodshed and sacrifice on the battlefield, and experienced the enemy

The cruelty and ferocity of the soldiers, and the life-and-death friendship between comrades. Only by building confidence through continuous victories can this army gather a steely will and establish a unique iron-blooded military spirit and style. Such an elite soldier

Even in peaceful times, we still have goals and a strong sense of honor. We will become a steel team that cannot be disrupted or dismantled.

And Zhou Wen also has his own considerations, that is, this army must fight as a complete independent unit. It will never engage in the kind of positional warfare that consumes each other's forces. You must know that the opponent is the real strongest army in Asia in this era.

, controls the absolute air and sea control on the battlefield. Aircraft bombing from the sky, absolute superior artillery and tank support on the ground, and large-caliber naval gun support from many warships on the Huangpu River. The caliber of the artillery on any cruiser is 200

Millimeters or more, a 200mm grenade has an intensive killing range of more than 50 meters and a killing radius of more than 400 meters. No matter how high the martial arts and skills of the mercenary team members are, they are no different from ordinary people in front of these war machines.

It’s just that Zhou Wen knew that the commander-in-chief of the national army in the 128-8 Songhu Anti-Japanese War was Chief Zhang, and he and Zhou Wen had a half-year cooperation experience during the Central Plains War. He knew the fighting methods and functions of the mercenary group well, and would never treat him like that.

The mercenary group is used as an ordinary army. Otherwise, guards and security teams like Zhou Wen, who cannot even be called local troops, have what obligations and abilities do they have to go to the front line to participate in the battle.

And Zhou Wen is convinced that as long as he sends a telegram to Chief Zhang to invite the mercenary group to participate in the war, he will try his best to get the mercenary group to participate in the war. The combat power, record and fighting methods of the mercenary group during the Central Plains War have deeply shocked him.

.If this kind of power is used in the right place and at the right time, it can change the battlefield situation. Zhou Wen can't think of any reason why Commander Zhang would refuse to accept. Not only will he not refuse to accept, but he will also give Zhou Wen a lot of space.

The freedom of play and choice. This is the confidence that Zhou Wen decided to lead the team to participate in the battle and was confident of leading most of the people back safely.

This chapter has been completed!
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