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Chapter 233 Bad things turn into good things

In fact, taking the current Marshal Zhang as an example, his situation is very similar to that of Chairman Han later, and even worse than Chairman Han's performance. After all, Chairman Han fought a lot with the Japanese in the early bloody battle in Texas. Three

More than half of the main divisions were lost. His Northeast Army, Marshal Zhang's, was better. They all slipped out of the Northeast without even having a chance to meet the Japanese. The impact was so bad and the losses were so great that it was difficult for Chairman Han to come close to them.

Regarding Shaoshuai Zhang’s lack of resistance in the Northeast, Zhou Wen had read a comment before and thought it made sense: When outsiders came into the house, the dog even barked twice, and the Japanese broke in and occupied my home and killed my people. Shaoshuai Zhang didn’t even say a word.

He ran away before he could get out. The consequences were that 30 million people fell into enemy hands, countless weapons and equipment were given away, large tracts of black land were occupied, and China lost its most important strategic buffer zone, which caused immeasurable negative impacts.

It encouraged Japan's arrogance to invade China.

But Zhou Wen couldn't tell these things to his brothers. He looked at Miaohua's eyes that were also bloody, sighed secretly, and said: "Brother, you overestimated Marshal Zhang. Is this what I just said?"

Bottom line.”

After hearing this, Miaohua's eyes widened and her eyes seemed to burst out with fire. She slapped the table and shouted: "This thief, I want to kill him, I want to kill him..."

Zhou Wen held down Miaohua who was about to go berserk, looked at the brothers who also had fire-breathing eyes, and said softly: "Brothers, this is why I tried every means to lead you to establish a mercenary group. Our country has been doing this for decades.

Civil wars continue and warlords proliferate, each with its own interests and its own agenda. Although the country is nominally unified, in reality it is a fragmented mess. It is only when the Japanese see clearly the predicament of our country that they have the ambition to swallow us up.


I have told you before that this is just the first step and the beginning of Japan's invasion of China. In the future, they will press harder and continue to encroach into China until our Chinese government and people can no longer bear it.

There is no way to give in, only to fight back.

So you should be very clear by now about the ultimate goal of our continuous training and fighting for more than two years. I just want to prepare for the final war of resistance. I want to train my brothers to become killing machines on the battlefield, killing machines that specialize in killing the Japanese.

, let the Japanese blood flow dry on the land of China.

I guess that after the Japanese invasion of Northeast China is successful, they will definitely not be satisfied and will definitely stir up trouble in other places. By then, the Chinese army will definitely counterattack, and we will be able to come in handy. So our next step

Just conduct training with a purpose and in a targeted manner. Bury your hatred for the Japanese in your heart first, and when the time comes, you can settle the old and new accounts together."

At this time, Gao Xiaoshan said with tears in his eyes: "Awen, what if someone doesn't resist again? Such an army and such a government are really unbelievable. I'm afraid that in the end..."

"No, I believe it won't happen anymore. After all, the majority of China's soldiers who have blood and national righteousness still make up the majority. When the country is in crisis, there will always be countless heroes and patriots who stand up and use their bravery, blood and lives to

Come and defend our country and nation. For example, we have met Chief Qian, Chief Zhang, Brother Zhao, and a group of national elites who are now fighting hard for their ideals and doctrines. For example, we..."

When Zhou Wen talked about us, everyone in the room stood up with their chests raised, their faces showing fearlessness and solemnity, and their eyes shining with unyielding light.

As bad news from the Northeast continued to spread, Zhou Wen continued to organize mercenary groups and affiliated troops to hold discussions, and seized this opportunity to instill in all the soldiers the evil deeds of Japan's invasion of the Northeast and its wolfish ambition to eventually annex China. He wanted to

A seed was planted in the hearts of the brothers, a seed of resistance against Japan, which allowed every soldier to know the purpose of training and combat and the heavy responsibility they shouldered.

Zhou Wen firmly believes that only soldiers with a sense of mission and responsibility can be truly fearless and dare to sacrifice and shed blood. Zhou Wen's purpose is not only to train and arm them with military skills and equipment, but also to equip them spiritually and ideologically.

They have clear goals and directions. This is also the magic weapon for the army of the Republic of China to be invincible and invincible in later generations.

Zhou Wen now wants to turn bad things into good things, and turn the bad news since the September 18th Incident, the negative effects that have affected morale and made soldiers confused, humiliated and unwilling, into motivation, encouragement and motivation. Let the brothers know why they are training.

, for whom to fight.

With goals and motivation, the mercenary regiment and its affiliated troops devoted themselves to Tao training with more passion and energy than ever before. Zhou Wen also announced that the next time there is a battle against Japan, he will definitely take the troops to fight, but the training results lag behind

They will stay and look after the family, after all, the base camp still needs someone to guard it.

This has further stimulated the enthusiasm and initiative of the soldiers. Not to mention the brothers of the mercenary group, the officers and soldiers of the affiliated units have begun to work hard. It is normal to work overtime and train independently, and even a few people still

There were injuries and faintings. With Zhou Wen's open supply of bullets and artillery shells, the training results were very significant. Especially the training of the mountain artillery company and the mortar company, Zhou Wen personally took charge of it, mainly because of the Songhu battle next year.

During the Anti-Japanese War, these two companies will be directly involved in front-line combat and are the strong backing of the mercenary group.

Originally, in a battle as large as the Songhu Anti-Japanese War, it would be very risky and uncontrollable for the mercenary group to enter the front-line operations. The small-scale special operations mode of the mercenary group determines that their most suitable battlefield is not in the front-line positions and

The enemy fought hard to consume, but flexibly found the enemy's key points and weak links, and retreated with one strike. However, the battlefields of the Songhu Anti-Japanese War, which lasted for a month, were basically on the front line of Zhabei and Baoshan in Shanghai, and the deployment of troops on both sides was completely invisible.

.Only when the Japanese troops landed in Liuhe in the later period did the battlefield become wider.

In such a small fighting area and scope, it is basically impossible for Zhou Wen to use the tactics of interspersed raids during the Central Plains War. If he only uses harassment and sniping tactics, it is too simple and unsatisfactory, and cannot fully release the mercenary group's combat power.

Strength. In addition, now that the brothers are affected by the September 18th Incident, Zhou Wen knows that he must win a hearty victory against the Japanese army on the battlefield, so that the bad breath that has been suppressed in the brothers' chests can be completely vented, otherwise

The previous ideological work was in vain. And this is also the wish of everyone including Zhou Wen, the wish of an ambitious Chinese soldier.

This chapter has been completed!
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