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Chapter 242 Countermeasures

Hearing the three advantages mentioned by Zhou Wen, the eyes of the officers below also gradually brightened. In fact, many of these officers are veterans who have been on the battlefield for a long time. They are not unsteady elements who give up without any brains. They just never listened.

Having said that there would be such a powerful and perverted army like the Japanese army, I was really frightened at the beginning, and naturally I felt some pessimism and disappointment. But after Zhao Changshu’s scolding and Zhou Wen’s analysis, my mind gradually regained its clarity, and my heart became clearer.

Just get active and start thinking on the positive side.

Zhou Wen continued: "I just focused on some of the thoughts of China and Japan at the national level, and I can only talk in general terms. After all, my status determines the limitations of my thinking and perspective on issues. But a junior officer like me

I believe that the top leaders of the government can see the problems more clearly and far-sightedly.

Therefore, I want the national strategic strategy to be considered by the government and those talented commanders and their elite advisers. I am just talking about what I personally came up with based on what Second Lieutenant Tian just said about the gap between Chinese and Japanese infantry tactics.

After talking about how to deal with it, all the seniors can put forward their own opinions and we can discuss it together."

Zhou Wen really just talked about the issue of national strategy in general terms as he said, and stopped talking about it. The purpose was just to open up ideas for the officers in front of him and enhance their confidence in resisting Japan. Those world-famous theories did not dare to be spoken out now, such as exchanging space for

Time, such as...protracted war, etc. Those contemporary theories and far-sighted strategic thoughts cannot be spoken by a soldier like him, otherwise bad things will happen...little guinea pig...hehe!

"Due to the limitations of our national strength, the training and equipment of both new recruits and veterans must be far behind the Japanese army, and this gap cannot be made up in a short period of time. Since the quality of individual soldiers is not as good as others, we can face-to-face battles in the future.

There are not many tactics to choose from, but it is not that there are no tactics available. There are five ways to deal with it that I can think of at the moment:

One is to use depth to confront the sharpness of the enemy;

The second is to prepare for a detour against the enemy;

The third is to use the geographical advantage to confront the enemy with bravery;

The fourth is to charge the enemy with firepower;

The fifth is the Bushido spirit of defending the homeland and the country against the enemy.

Let’s talk about the first one first, using depth to confront the enemy with sharpness:

We now know that the Japanese army is an army that advocates offense. Their infantry tactics are basically implemented around offense. So we are on the defensive side. The best tactic is to use the advantage of large numbers to continuously launch counterattacks in order to

Disrupt the enemy's offensive rhythm.

However, our troops at the battalion and company level generally lack the heavy fire support necessary for counterattacks. Coupled with the accurate marksmanship and fierce firepower of Japanese soldiers, the effect of counterattacks may be greatly reduced, and the losses may also be huge. This cannot be done well.

It will also shake the morale and confidence of the defensive forces. Therefore, I personally believe that the application of counterattack should be implemented in conjunction with the right time and place, preferably in foggy or rainy weather with low visibility, and then in night assaults to minimize the Japanese advantage.


Or you can use the geographical advantages of dense forests and urban street fighting to achieve counterattack effects. In a word, you must maximize your strengths and avoid weaknesses, and not allow the enemy to take advantage of it.

Of course, regarding counterattack, I believe that your seniors have more and better tactics and methods available. We can discuss them together later. What I will talk about below is how to fight when counterattack is not suitable?

In fact, it is to build a defensive position with sufficient depth, and do not deploy all the main forces in the first-line position. If that is the case, the first-line position will be broken through, and the entire defensive area will be shaken or even collapse. In other words, we must build a criss-crossing defensive position in the defensive area.

Second-line, third-line or even fourth-line positions. Only a small number of troops are deployed on the first line, and the main force is prepared on the second and third lines. If the first line cannot stop it, they will retreat to the second line in an orderly manner, and so on, blocking and eliminating the enemy's offensive layer by layer.

Weak, and inflicts a certain amount of damage to the enemy in every position.

If the enemy's marksmanship is good, we won't fight him from a long distance, but from close range. We can't hit him accurately at 200 meters, but we can always hit him at 50 meters, right? We can't hit him accurately at 50 meters, but we can always hit him with a grenade-bomb at 20 meters.

Right? Their marksmanship is good. If we don’t reveal their heads from a long distance, their bullets won’t turn, right?

When the enemy is weakened layer by layer and exhausted, we can deploy the main force on the third or fourth line to counterattack and recapture the lost positions in front, allowing the enemy to return with a loss of troops but without any success."

When Zhou Wen said this, he paused for a moment. Looking at the reactions of the officers in the audience, he saw that all the officers were thoughtful, and some even had excitement on their faces, taking notes quickly.

Seeing that the effect was good, Zhou Wen continued: "The second tactic is to prepare a detour against the enemy:

We now know that the Japanese army is accustomed to outflanking on both sides, so we must keep a strong reserve team in every battle, which can strengthen weak points in any direction at any time and cause effective damage to the invading enemy. This

A reserve unit must also be the most powerful part of the unit. Generally speaking, a regiment must retain a battalion of reserve units, and so on. The battalion must retain the company, the company may retain the platoon, and even the platoon must retain the squad, and the squad must retain the reserve unit.

Keep a support group.

You will understand this point as soon as I explain it, but I still want to emphasize that in modern warfare, keeping a reserve team is the basis for responding to all battlefield crises, and it is the final bargaining chip to determine the direction of the battle, even the battle and the war. Don't be careless.

No. When to use the reserve team is a test of the commander's psychology and level. I personally think that there are only two situations when the reserve team needs to be used. One is the moment when the battle situation is decided, that is, you can get it by investing in the reserve team.

The moment of victory is the moment when the battle is most dangerous for our side.

With a strong reserve force, we will remain unchanged in response to any change. No matter which direction you outflank, I will always have the power available. Whether to block or encircle and annihilate depends on the level and judgment of each commander.

The third tactic is to use geographical advantages to counter the enemy's bravery:

We have to admit that the Japanese army's attack power and attack tactics are very powerful, especially when they launch the final pig charge, the indomitable momentum, the beast-like howling and the shining bayonet have a profound impact on the psychology of the defending soldiers.

It will produce a very big impact and shock, and will make our officers and soldiers who are weak in heart fearful and frightened, and even break down and run away, thereby shaking the entire defense line and position.

So the method to effectively stop or even crush the enemy's ferocious charge is to use firepower to destroy its ferocious power, use favorable terrain to block its speed, use bravery to make it ferocious, and use more people to bully the less powerful.

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