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Chapter 301 Helpless

Xu Zhuli looked on in shock, admiring Zhou Wen's methods in his heart. He simply performed a set of punches, said a few words, and punished his unruly and arrogant friend since he was a child.

I have been obedient, but now I am actually grateful, with an attitude of not hesitating to go through fire and water.

Not only was he sighing, Shi Zhilu and Duanmuxin next to him were also dumbfounded. They knew Zhou Qingrui's virtues very well. From the time they met until now, when had they ever seen him treat people like this?

The eldest brother among the crowd, Xu Zhuli, also has the attitude that he will listen to you when it comes to martial arts. When it comes to martial arts, I have the final say. This is really one thing that brings down another thing. Director Zhou is indeed worthy of being valued by the commander. Xu Zhuli

Another highly praised figure, he easily defeated Zhou Qingrui in a small test.

When the two of them thought of this, they couldn't help but glance at each other. They both reminded themselves secretly that they should not underestimate this direct superior officer. They carefully recalled what he had said before and secretly kept it in mind. Knowing that this person is not the one who said

Just for fun, if you really commit a crime, I'm afraid there won't be any good consequences.

Zhou Wen arranged the training and kept all the team members. Today he will start teaching one-on-one fancy eight fights. After teaching dozens of people, they will teach other students. Because the Eighteen Flowers

Fighting is a move that is highly applicable and confrontational. One-to-one teaching and sparring are most effective.

Zhou Wen himself drove to the police station with Jiang Tao. In the future, the urban management department will be responsible for the management of the police station, and will also have direct contact with Niu Yidao's society. Of course, these tasks cannot be handled by Xu Zhuli himself, so naturally Jiang Tao

This secretary is here to take care of it.

At this time, at the gate of Taiyuan Police Station, there was a middle-aged scholar with a mustache, wearing a thick gown, braving the winter snow and breathing white air, discussing something with the policeman guarding the door, but he seemed to have been rejected and scolded by the guard many times.

He still refused to leave, his face was anxious and heavy, and he was waiting at the door hesitantly.

This person was Peng Feng, an underground worker who was sent to Taiyuan by the red organization with a radio station a year ago. He brought the radio station to Taiyuan shortly after he separated from Zhou Wen and the others on the road. He had long been arranged by the organization to work in Taiyuan.

He went to Taiyuan Junior High School to teach, while his bodyguard Xiao Zhao worked as an apprentice in a shoe shop next to the junior high school and was also his messenger.

After arriving at the junior high school, Peng Feng didn't know whether he had been exposed or what Zhou Wen's plan was. He didn't dare to contact the organization. He stayed in fear for more than three months before taking the risk and contacting the organization.

He took the initiative to report what he encountered on the road.

As a result, we learned from the organization that the young officer whom we met many times was actually the newly appointed director of the Shanxi Provincial Party Headquarters Security Division. However, since taking office, he has not taken any excessive actions or measures against the red organization. He has only severely cracked down on those in Taiyuan.

Various criminal activities, Taiyuan's social security has been greatly improved.

But Peng Feng knew very well what kind of department the provincial party headquarters was. It was the direct opponent of the red organization. Moreover, recalling the well-equipped and capable subordinates led by that officer, and such a young colonel as the division chief,

Who knew how deep his backstage background was, how could he dare to be careless, so after turning in the radio station, he went dormant again, not daring to start any work, and wherever he went, he suspected that there were eyes watching behind him.

In fact, little did he know that Zhou Wen had forgotten about him a long time ago. He was busy recruiting troops and buying properties, and was preoccupied with preparing for the future war of resistance. He could not think of him.

It was not until half a year later that Peng Feng did not find any suspicious people around him, nor did any unexpected incidents occur. Then he slowly eliminated the alert and gradually started to do some work. First, he developed a few progressive young students as peripherals in the school.


Since the September 18th Incident, he has participated in organizing several student demonstrations and put forward the slogan of stopping the civil war and uniting with the outside world.

But something went wrong during a demonstration a few days ago. Some radical students actually clashed with the police while demonstrating in front of the Taiyuan Appeasement Office (formerly the Governor's Office). The two sides started fighting, and both the police and the students

Several people were injured, and the matter became a big deal. It was okay for the police to be beaten, and they were still in front of the Appeasement Office. This was a real slap in the face. So the police station mobilized a large number of people to start arresting people.

Coincidentally, several progressive students under Peng Feng's development were also arrested. Even though the school negotiated with the police station many times, they were not released. They were all teenagers aged 17 or 18. What if they were arrested at the police station?

He was severely beaten and tortured in a detention center and even lost his life. That is a crime.

So Peng Feng could only run to the police station again and again, just hoping to see a high-ranking official to intercede. If he couldn't let go, it would be good for him to go in and visit the prison. At least he could see their situation with his own eyes, right? What if?

If someone is really beaten up, it's better to come back and find an organization to find a solution.

So for several days in a row, even the policeman watching the door got annoyed when he saw him. He never looked good to him. Peng Feng had nothing to do. He kept smiling with him every time and spent his small salary on things, but what he saw was

Beating a dog with a meat bun will have no effect. He also knows that the King of Hell is easy to meet and the devil is difficult to deal with. As long as the guard does not drive him away, he will stick to the door of the police station like brown candy to see if he can get lucky.

A high-ranking official or something can come forward and talk.

You must know that although the Republic of China was ignorant and backward, intellectuals were still respected. Especially in big cities, ordinary literati or teachers still had a certain status in society, and idlers did not dare to slight or beat or scold them at will. Therefore,

The police station guards couldn't do anything to him, not to mention that they had taken a lot of benefits from him, so they could only block him out and not let him in.

While Peng Feng was wandering helplessly at the door of the police station in the snow, he suddenly heard a burst of noise from the police station, and then saw a group of police officials with epaulettes swarming out and lining up at the door.

, saw a group of police officers coming out again, waved them away without saying a word, and set up a cordon at the gate, looking as if they were welcoming some big shot.

Peng Feng had no choice but to retreat to a street corner while carefully observing and memorizing the appearance of these police officials. It was rare to see so many high-ranking police officials at once, so he quickly memorized a few. It would be easier to talk to him if he met them outside the door the next day, right?

I didn't try to guess who the big shot was coming to the police station. After all, he was so far away from me that it was impossible to see him even if he wanted to.

This chapter has been completed!
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