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Chapter 311 Preparation

Another important reason for sending Li Yibin and the others to study in Germany was that Zhou Wen had previously assigned an important task to his cousins ​​Wang Chenghao and Zhang Jie, who had already arrived in Germany to study flying skills, to win over some skilled Jews to return to China with them.

You must know that aircraft and tanks, which represent the most high-tech war machines in the world, cannot be bought casually and used. Their maintenance, upkeep and repairs require a considerable level of logistics technology to guarantee these.

Technology also covers a wide range of fields, and cultivating personnel in this field is beyond Zhou Wen's current ability.

Therefore, when Germany begins to exclude and cleanse Jews on a large scale in a few years, we should let those studying in Germany find and persuade relevant Jewish technicians in their respective fields to come to China, so as to ensure that these equipments will be used in China.

It will play its due role when needed. If a few more plane and tank pilots can be found to come back, Zhou Wen will be even more happy to see it.

Besides, according to the history that Zhou Wen knew, the final outcome of these Jews was not very happy. Zhou Wen also did a good deed and saved a life, which is better than building a seven-level pagoda. This is also the responsibility of Zhou Wen, a Buddhist disciple, isn't it?

Zhou Wen had previously asked Li Yibin and Zhong Zhi to temporarily serve as company commanders of two infantry companies. He was asking them to lead the two original recruit company commanders in the area. After all, they were from professional backgrounds. At least in terms of theoretical and tactical literacy, they were not comparable to the recruits.

One is to let them establish a certain emotional foundation with the mercenary group so that they will not have no sense of belonging when they return from their studies.

The two of them had the same semester as Wang Chenghao. They studied in a regular professional school in Germany for four years, which meant that they would not be able to return to China until 1936. At that time, several aircraft and tanks that Zhou Wen liked had just begun to appear, and they followed the equipment.


By then, Zhou Wen's mercenary group will have planes on board and tanks on bottom, hehe... just waiting for the little devil to deliver food.

As for which models of aircraft and tanks Zhou Wen wants to buy, let me introduce Zhou Wen to show off, guess...

The contact to go abroad was of course handled by Mandel and Hobert, who is still in Germany. The situation of excluding Jews in Germany is not that serious now. Hobert is looking for talents in various fields according to Zhou Wen's instructions. It is estimated that he will not be able to come to China until next year.

.At that time, the ammunition factory established by Zhou Wen in Lishi will be managed by Hobert.

After everyone said goodbye, Zhou Wen and the others watched the train go away before walking out of the platform and preparing to return to the training base. Of course, Jiang Tao returned to the military camp to continue training the rookie recruits.

Zhou Wen discussed training matters with Meng Yuting in the car for a while and then said: "Yuting, we will give the soldiers a few days off during the New Year this year and let them go back to reunite with their relatives for a few days. Each person will receive an additional 10

This huge bonus should be regarded as a reward for their recent rapid improvement in training level."

What Zhou Wen said was not a compliment. In the past month, the training results of the second team have indeed improved a lot. This is the credit of Meng Yuting and the others. In the past, although Zhou Wen had a good foundation, he was like a machine.

Every part is excellent and precise, but the operation of the entire machine always feels like something is missing, and there are always unsatisfactory parts. This is also the reason why Zhou Wen felt uneasy before.

Now that Meng Yuting and the others have joined, the quality of the entire grassroots officers has been greatly improved. The second detachment is like a well-oiled machine, and it is starting to run smoothly. In addition, with Meng Yuting and Chen Wanli,

The two masters of tactics corrected some mistakes in direction, and now the overall combat capability of the second detachment has reached Zhou Wen's expectations.

"Holiday? It's better to wait for the Spring Festival. We can't just take it once in the New Year and then again in February, right?"

You must know that the Spring Festival is the most solemn traditional festival in China. New Year's Day and so on are not taken very seriously in this era. People in the countryside don't even have the awareness of New Year's Day. They all plan their lives according to the old calendar.

That's why Meng Yuting asked this question.

Zhang Xiaoping was driving today. Zhou Wen sat in the back seat and sighed deeply and said, "Spring Festival? I'm just worried that little Japan won't give us a good holiday."

Chen Wanli, who was sitting in the front passenger seat, reacted the fastest. He immediately turned to look at Zhou Wen and asked, "Scholar, is there any news?"

Zhou Wen knew that he had to speak out a little now, so he also gave everyone some mental preparation, right?

So Zhou Wen said: "There is news from above that the Japanese have been causing trouble in Shanghai recently. I am afraid they want to make some noise, divert domestic and international attention from the situation in Northeast China, and find ways to make their occupation of Northeast China a fait accompli.


Chen Wanli blurted out and cursed: "These little devils are really ambitious. Before the accounts in Northeast China have been settled, they are thinking about Shanghai again. I say scholar, this Shanghai is not as good as Northeast China, which is already in the hinterland of China, and

It is still an internationally famous and prosperous metropolis. Nanjing is not like the Northeast, watching the little devils do whatever they want and letting them go, right?"

Zhou Wen shook his head and said: "I think this is not the case. How can we allow others to snore and sleep on the so-called side of the bed? If we dare not do anything in our own territory, Nanjing will lose not only our country of China, but also the four surrounding areas."

The public sentiment of tens of thousands of people and the military morale of millions of soldiers. So something will definitely be done this time.

What's more, the 19th Route Army currently stationed in Shanghai is not as ruthless as the Northeast Army. If the Japanese dare to provoke, tens of thousands of soldiers of the 19th Route Army will fight back. By then, they will be half a step away from Shanghai.

Nanjing must also send troops for reinforcements.

This time we can no longer sit back and watch. I will jointly submit a petition for war in the name of the Shanxi Provincial Party Headquarters and the Taiyuan Appeasement Office, and the military expenses will be borne by ourselves. I believe Nanjing will agree. As long as we do not represent the Jin army, there will be no politics.

Taboo on the world.”

Hearing this, Meng Yuting and Chen Wanli's hearts began to heat up. They looked at each other and saw excitement and excitement in each other's eyes.

Yes, as a Chinese soldier, no matter what his stance or political philosophy is, he is consistent in resisting foreign enemies and has a passionate heart to serve the country. He can use what he has learned in his life and fight against foreign enemies on the battlefield, regardless of success or failure.

There will definitely be no regrets in this life.

Meng Yuting thought for a while and said: "Then we must start preparing for war now. Since the scholar said that the military expenses are self-financed, our reserves of weapons and ammunition must be considered, as well as medicines and logistics management.

Let’s start working on it.”

Chen Wanli continued: "The training progress has to be accelerated. Isn't it inappropriate to give the brothers a holiday at this time?"

This chapter has been completed!
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