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Chapter 313 Warmth

At this point, Zhou Wen reminded: "This matter cannot be determined soon. You just need to know it in your mind. Don't reveal it to others for the time being. Let everyone go home to visit relatives in peace."

Early in the morning on December 29, 1931, a truck dragged a plume of green smoke to the gate of Beicheng, Jiaocheng County, 70 kilometers away from Taiyuan. At this time, a group of people who were preparing to enter the city watched curiously.

A truck full of soldiers in strange attire.

The reason why they are called strangely dressed is actually because they all wear fur hats on their heads. Some well-informed people look like the dog-skin hats popular in the Northeast, with a brim.

At this time, I saw several soldiers saying hello and farewell to other people in the car, and then quickly jumped out of the car in front of everyone's eyes. They stamped their feet vigorously and flexed their bodies. It seemed that they had been in the car for a long time.

The high-waisted leather military boots on their feet stomped on the frozen hard ground, making a clear "click-click" sound. It was obvious that there were iron nails on the soles of their feet. Several people turned around and took the coins handed over by the people in the car.

After putting on the large military backpack and waving goodbye to the truck again, amid a series of goodbyes and laughter, the truck started again and went directly around the city, disappearing in a flash.

At this time, the common people at the gate of the city realized that these soldiers were not very old, and their rosy faces exuded a youthful and lively atmosphere. They were all dressed in the same way, with their armed belts and style buckles all tightly tied, strong and good-looking.

Her leggings were worn all the way down to her knees. Although she was wearing winter clothes, she didn't look bulky at all. Instead, she exuded a capable, neat, and mighty temperament.

When everyone saw these junior soldiers, each of them had a holstered shell gun on their waist, the handle of the shell gun exposed outside the holster shone slightly. They were surprised and said in their hearts: "These junior soldiers are so young.

Are they all officers? Look at their military boots and uniforms. I’ve never seen them before. Could they be the guards around the commander?"

I saw a few young soldiers saying hello to each other and saying goodbye. Their accents sounded like they were all locals from Jiaocheng.

There were four soldiers who got off the car. Three of them stood at attention and saluted the youngest soldier before leaving, and then strode into the city gate.

Only the young soldier, who looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old and was slightly thin, packed his backpack and was about to turn around and leave. It seemed that he did not intend to enter the city.

At this moment, a slightly older voice stopped him, "Is this Xinhe? Oops, I almost didn't recognize you." An old man driving a bullock cart jumped out of the car and trotted away while shouting.

Then he came to the young soldier.

This young soldier is Zhang Xinhe, the communications platoon leader of the Second Division of the Mercenary Regiment.

It should be said that Zhang Xinhe is also Zhou Wenhui's eye for gold. According to his previous training in the Jin army's new army camp, it was impossible to select him to join the guard. Zhou Wen liked him because of his age and his ability to read and write.

Among all the recruits of the Jin Army at that time, Zhang Xinhe was the youngest. When he took the initiative to join the army to participate in the training of Jin Army recruits, he was only sixteen years old. A young man who was only sixteen years old, from a poor family and in poor health was able to join the Jin Army at that time.

The fact that he was not kicked out on the spot in the tough environment of army recruit training shows that this young man has strong willpower.

Of course, reading and literacy are also important to Zhou Wen, not to mention that Zhang Xinhe is one of the very few people who were commented on by the original instructor in the recruit file. The instructor's comment is also very simple, that is, he is smart, eager to learn, and has great comprehension, but unfortunately he is too healthy.

Weak, otherwise he would be a good candidate for an officer.

What Zhou Wen cares about has nothing to do with physical strength. After joining the mercenary group, are you still afraid that you won't be able to train well? You will make up for your innate deficiencies later. Aren't you nutritionally deficient? The mercenary group eats meat every day and is full of rice and white flour.

Coupled with reasonable training, as long as you can endure hardship and have perseverance, is a sixteen-year-old boy afraid that he will not be able to practice?

What's more, there are so many arms in the mercenary group. If the combat force is not suitable for you, there is always a department that is suitable for you. Can't you write and calculate? If you can't, go to the logistics team and you will be Old Uncle Wu's helper, right?

So in one year, Zhang Xinhe not only grew a lot in height, but although he still looked thin in appearance, he had developed muscles all over his body, and his strength and skills were completely different from a year ago. Just wait and see.

It's difficult to get close.

The training was even more unexpected than Zhou Wen's. After regaining his health, Zhang Xinhe's advantage of strong comprehension ability was fully brought into play. From the beginning, his role as a dragster gradually transformed into a pacesetter in various basic trainings. When it came time to divide the arms,

The infantry company, artillery company and machine gun company were all vying for him, and even Zhou Wen hesitated. In the end, it was Zhou Yongbin who made the final decision. He accepted the apprentice and then sent him to the communications platoon.

At this time, Zhang Xinhe turned his head and looked with surprise on his face. He shouted loudly: "Uncle Eighth, it's you." After saying that, he hurried up and helped the old man.

It turns out that the person Zhang Xinhe calls Uncle Eighth is from the same village as him. The village where Zhang Xinhe and the others live is called Liuhe Village, which is located on the Wenshui River not far from Jiaocheng. Basically, the entire village has the surname Zhang. This Uncle Eighth

It can be said that he is a distant relative of Zhang Xinhe's family. After Zhang Xinhe's family was ruined, he helped his family a lot, and he was one of the few enthusiastic people in the village.

I saw Uncle Eight holding Zhang Xinhe's hand and looking him up and down, smiling so much that wrinkles appeared on his face, and he kept saying: "Good, good baby. Uncle can see that he is strong and has grown up."

, and also made a career."

Zhang Xinhe quickly said hello to his eighth uncle, and then asked about his mother's condition.

Uncle Eight took Zhang Xinhe's hand and walked towards his oxcart, saying: "How is your mother? Now your old house has been renovated. That Fuyuan company is Renyi, their branch in Jiaocheng."

Every now and then, there are guys lining up to send money and food to your house, and they also hired people to repair your house. You really have found a good commander."

Zhang Xinhe was puzzled. He knew that he asked Fuyuan Company to send money home. This was why Zhou Wen considered that it was not easy to send money in this era. There were no credit unions in the countryside, let alone banks. The only way to send money was to go out.

The fees are entrusted to large banks or large businesses with branches in various places. It just so happens that Fuyuan Company has opened branches in major counties in Shanxi. It is appropriate to let them do this. Of course, there is no charge. Not only is there no charge,

Moreover, I have to come to my door at any time to ask for help, and lend a helping hand if I have any difficulties.

"The guys in the village have said that you kids are their young master's soldiers. According to their young master's instructions, your family will be called military dependents. You will receive money and food subsidies every year and festivals, and you will also have any difficulties in peacetime.

, you can go to Fuyuan Company. If anyone dares to bully military families, Fuyuan Company will help you come forward."

After Zhang Xinhe learned this from his eighth uncle, he felt a warm current rushing into his heart, and his whole body felt warm. At this time, Zhang Xinhe felt as if something was blocking his chest. He was speechless for a long time, but the corners of his eyes were moist.

stand up……

This chapter has been completed!
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