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Chapter 333

At 10 o'clock in the morning, in a private house not far from Huangdu Station, there was a short strong man dressed as a coolie in a small attic, holding a telescope and discreetly observing the situation on the street ahead through the window.

This private house is located at the intersection of two streets. It can just observe the train station and the road leading to the city. The location is very good.

Suddenly, the strong man spotted a team coming from the depths of the street, neatly dressed and fully armed. He looked at the team's equipment carefully. The strong man muttered in Japanese: "Baga, what an elite force.

They all wear steel helmets and have so many machine guns. They came from the school. It seems that they are the reinforcements that arrived by train last night."

The strong man kept quietly observing and counting the number of people. When the long queue disappeared at the end of the street, he put down his telescope and quickly wrote on a piece of paper with a pen for a while, then walked quickly to the simple stairs of the attic and walked towards

He shouted: "Ono-kun, send the information to Watanabe quickly. Hurry, a regiment of the Chinese Army is heading towards Wusongkou, and the Chinese Army has increased its troops."

A lean man who yawned climbed up the stairs, took the note from him, and cursed in Japanese: "Why are there more troops? These despicable and dirty Chinese people should all be killed."


"Come on, Ono-kun, if you can kill the Chinese with your mouth, then our heroic Imperial Japanese Army is still fighting bloody battles at Wusongkou. Go quickly so that the military can get our information earlier.

Imperial soldiers will be able to kill more Chinese people."


The strong man watched Ono disappear from his sight, then turned back to the attic window and continued to observe what was going on outside.

Not long after, the strong man heard a rhythmic "tick-tick" sound coming from the room below the attic. He nodded with satisfaction and continued to watch.

I don’t know how much time passed, but the strong man looked at the sun getting higher and higher in the sky, and his ears could no longer hear the sound of the message below. Knowing that the message had been sent, he relaxed and put down the telescope casually.

I moved my hands and feet lightly, and felt a wave of tiredness coming over me. I knew in my heart that it was because I didn't sleep last night, and my body was a little tired, so I wanted to ask Ono down below to come up to change the shift, and I went down to catch up on a nap.

As soon as he reached the top of the stairs, he heard the sound of rolling rubble above his head. He wondered if there was a cat jumping on the roof, so he walked over to open the window and drive away the stray cat running above him.

This strong man is not careless. As a senior spy from the Japanese military intelligence agency, he knows the situation in China very well.

He knew that until this time, China did not have a formal national intelligence agency, let alone any counter-espionage or counter-intelligence capabilities.

It can be said that all Japanese intelligence organizations stationed in China have been running rampant in China for decades. Many of them are considered by experts to be semi-open espionage agencies. They blatantly steal and bribe all aspects of China's intelligence in broad daylight, and have not been punished.

Even if there is even a little bit of counter-insurgency and punishment, in most cases, the Chinese people have no awareness of counter-intelligence and confidentiality.

He believed that his disguise and identity were perfect, not to mention that the radio station would be discovered. What kind of radio listening equipment? The intelligence department of the Empire of Japan had just been equipped with it, right? And it was still in a state of high confidentiality. You are poor.

If it is not rubbish, then the backward and barbaric Chinese people can have it? Will they be able to use it?

So he was not vigilant and just thought there was a wild cat on the roof.

Just when the strong Japanese spy was about to reach out and push open the window, he suddenly saw a masked man in front of him, holding a rope in his hand and swinging straight towards the window. Although he was swinging, he was still strong.

In Han's eyes, it was like a roaring human-shaped cannonball. Before his head could fully recover, there was a crisp sound of "Crack!" and the wooden window was smashed into pieces.

The strong man only had time to raise his arms to protect his face when he felt his arms were hit by a huge force. He felt as if his body was hit head-on by a speeding heavy truck. His thick and stocky body suddenly changed.

It turned into a leaf blown by the strong wind, leaving the ground and floating into the air. What followed was the "click" sound of his broken arm, followed by the severe pain and vibration of his back hitting the wall.

All this happened so fast that the strong man didn't even realize what was going on. He felt that all his internal organs had left his body at this moment. He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Then his vision went dark, and his originally stocky and strong body seemed to have been shattered, and he collapsed limply on the ground.

The masked man who broke in through the window breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to lift off his hood, revealing a baby face with big eyes. It was Zhang Xiaoping.

It turned out that after Dai Guoguang learned about Zhou Wen's request, he quickly called in the police from the Huangdu Police Station (there were indeed grassroots police units like police stations during the Republic of China). The police also called in the local Qing Gang gangsters, and in a short time they were in Southeast

Several families were targeted in the direction.

Why so fast? Because the general direction has been basically determined, Zhou Wen only needed the help of the police and Youth Gang members to determine a few points to basically lock in the suspect.

Zhou Wen estimated that the Japanese intelligence officers could not have been spies who had infiltrated early, because not to mention provoking trouble in Shanghai, last year's September 18th Incident was also initiated by the Japanese Kwantung Army unilaterally and temporarily.

Lure agents are deployed in remote Shanghai suburbs.

Therefore, the first screening condition given by Zhou Wen is people who have recently moved to this area.

The second screening condition is foreigners with a northern accent.

You must know that China is a vast country with rich resources and a long history. Each province and even different counties in each province have different dialects and accents. When Japanese people learn Chinese, they basically learn Mandarin, which is the northern dialect, and the languages ​​of other regions, especially the south.

It's impossible to say that.

The third screening condition is that there are no dependents, especially households without children.

There are less than 100 households within 1,000 meters in the southeast. Coupled with these conditions, several households were quickly identified. After Zhou Wen arrived at the scene in casual clothes and observed carefully, he basically determined the house at the intersection of the street.



It’s so obvious. The three members of the family are all men. They claim to be an uncle and two nephews. There are no elderly people in the family. They all have northern accents. Moreover, the house they chose to rent is in a great location, so they can observe it at the same time.

There are two streets in and out of the train station. More importantly, these three men rented a house just a week ago.

This chapter has been completed!
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