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Chapter 336 Bombing

Although Zhou Wen has little experience in interrogation, he has read a lot of novels and film and television dramas about this aspect in later generations. In particular, there are many such descriptions in the novels of the great god he is crazy about.

A lot of knowledge and information. Even if you haven't eaten pork, you have seen a pig running. At least you know how to interrogate, and focus on the heart.

That's why he acted carelessly at the beginning, even ignoring the first step of the interrogation, and started the execution directly, and also let two other spies watch the execution. The purpose was to make the enemy think that he was nothing.

He is a pervert who only likes to torture people, and he is really unambiguous in his approach. He will first make someone lose one of their legs before reluctantly starting to ask questions. If he doesn't get an answer, he won't even wait for a second. He will immediately

Start moving toward the other foot, and even prepare to move toward the third foot... Hehe!

His purpose is to kill two birds with one stone. Regardless of whether the person in front of him can bear it or not, there will always be someone among the three who is not very determined, right? Everyone will compare in their hearts whether they will be able to bear it if they are tortured like this.

Can you live in it?

The unknown outcome is the most fearful factor. Watching your accomplices struggling and howling in endless pain, imagining that you will soon face the same fate, watching the person who destroyed a

The body structure of a living person was not taken seriously, and even the body parts of the person were smashed one by one like chopping wood and piling. The officer, who was expressionless and seemed calm, had a psychological defense line for the two spies who were watching the execution.

Collapsed layer by layer.

Just when Shuda was tortured to the point of physical and mental collapse by Miaohua's splitting hands, the last bit of persistence left by the other two spies completely disappeared.

After Zhou Wen and others interrogated the three spies separately and compared their confessions one by one, the basic situation became clear.

These three Japanese spies were all affiliated with the Intelligence Section of the Japanese Army Headquarters. They formed a lurking team with Tsuyoshi Shuda as the team leader. They were sent to lurk near Huangdu Station on the eve of the war in order to explore the Chinese army's logistical support and troops.

mobilized information and promptly reported it to the Japanese military headquarters via radio.

Zhou Wen and Dai Guoguang speculated that the Japanese must have sent more than one spy team, but after interrogation, the three Japanese all said in unison that they did not know how many teams there were, and that the intelligence teams all used radios to contact the headquarters directly, without any horizontal contact.

of channels.

Zhou Wen has superhuman perception and two lifetimes of experience. He is basically certain that these people are not lying. Think about it, intelligence teams generally do not know the situation of other teams. This is also a basic common sense in intelligence work.

The operator in the Shuda intelligence team is called Yutomo Watanabe. He is the youngest of the three. He is also the one who has joined the intelligence agency for the shortest time. Of course, he is also the most frightened. His confession is relatively detailed, including:

One item attracted the attention of Zhou Wen and Dai Guoguang.

It turned out that the Japanese had recently received intelligence that after more than ten days of fighting, the ammunition reserves of the Nineteenth Route Army were running low. They guessed that Nanjing must send a batch of ammunition before sending reinforcements.

You must know that Japanese intelligence agencies have been continuously infiltrating China for decades, and they have a good understanding of China's domestic situation. They know very well that with the operating efficiency of the Nanjing government, reinforcements cannot be organized quickly, and they need to

A certain amount of time is required for mobilization and dispatch. But before the reinforcements go to the battlefield, the 19th Route Army must be allowed to persist for a while. Supporting a batch of weapons and ammunition is a top priority.

The Japanese military command ordered the Shutian team to keep an eye on Huangdu Station. Once a military train transporting ammunition was found entering the station, it should be reported as soon as possible, and the Japanese military command would send planes to bomb.

So for a few days, Tsuyoshi Shuda had been mingling with the team of porters at the station, just to observe the supplies being transported by the train, and then he discovered Zhou Wen's team.

Some people may not understand that since the Japanese army basically has complete control of the air superiority over the Songhu battlefield, wouldn't it be enough to just blow up the Huangdu Station?

Yes, this is what the Japanese did during the Battle of Songhu six years later. Not only did they blow up the station, they also blew up everything along the Shanghai-Nanjing Railway, basically destroying the Chinese army's railway transportation line.


However, the war six years later was a full-scale war. The two sides were fighting a national war with the goal of forcing a country to surrender. The current Songhu Anti-Japanese War was only a limited-scale local war. The purpose of the Japanese war was not to force the Japanese to surrender.

In occupying Shanghai (of course, if you don't resist, they will take it easily), their purpose is to divert international public opinion against the Japanese Kwantung Army's occupation of Northeast China, and to show off its muscles to China.

Therefore, the scale of their war must be controlled, and they cannot bomb indiscriminately, especially in the rear areas of the battlefield. They must also consider the influence of international public opinion. The typical example is that they want to be bitches and build memorial arches at the same time.

You must know that Shanghai is currently the financial center of the entire Asia and the financial transit point for European and American powers in Asia. If the interests of Europe and the United States are harmed, they must stand up and take measures. The Japanese cannot stand the condemnation of most powerful countries in the world.

If the United States, Britain and other major powers are angered and impose some kind of economic sanctions, Japan's domestic economy, which is currently on the verge of bankruptcy, will be even worse.

Therefore, the bombing of the station behind the Songhu battlefield cannot be normalized and large-scale. It can only be a one-off, or at most two-off deal. This can also explain that it was an accidental bombing or a plane malfunction that dropped the wrong bomb. Anyway, it was still possible.

There is room for arguing with each other, right?

Since it is a one-two hammer deal, it is necessary to control the timing and nodes. Now that the 19th Route Army is short of ammunition, the nodes are there. Once it is done, it can quickly win the victory and end the war.

Therefore, bombing China's rear support weapons and ammunition has become a top priority. The key now is when will the military columns come and how much will they come?

When Dai Guoguang thought clearly about the causes and consequences, his expression became serious.

Under Zhou Wen's questioning, Dai Guoguang sighed and said: "Commander Zhou, I won't hide it from you. Now the military's ammunition reserves have bottomed out, but the ammunition column supported by Nanjing will arrive tonight, and tomorrow morning

There is another column, I am worried that there are other Japanese spy groups operating, and I am afraid that if they are exposed, it will be a big trouble. I have to report this situation to the headquarters immediately, and I have to report it in person."

Zhou Wen thought for a while and said, "Wait for me for a moment. I will take two officers with you. I will also report to the headquarters and ask for instructions on the next task."

In fact, Zhou Wen had thought clearly now. Judging from all aspects of the situation, he also expected that the Japanese would not dare to let go and bomb the rear of the battlefield, and he had a hazy idea in his mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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