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Chapter 341 Propaganda

Everyone on the ground was stunned for a moment, including Mo Dahai and Wang Zhili, who had single-handedly achieved such a brilliant achievement, including more than 200 officers and soldiers from two machine gun companies, including Zhou Wen and other officers who were observing with binoculars at the train station.

Including brothers from more than a thousand mercenary groups.

Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. Some soldiers even rubbed their eyes, and some even pinched their faces hard, suspecting that they were dreaming.

But the fireworks and black smoke scattered in the sky proved everything.

Zhou Wen, who came back to his senses, was filled with emotion and said to Meng Yuting: "I didn't expect that our mercenary group would have a good start with two machine gun companies winning the jackpot."

Meng Yuting also said happily: "Scholar, we were worried that the soldiers would inevitably be discouraged when they went to the battlefield for the first time. This time, the two machine guns fired a good start, which greatly inspired the entire mercenary group.

Effect, I wonder if we should consider giving certain rewards to the two machine gun companies to stimulate other companies."

At this time, cheers came from the distance, followed by cheers from everyone. They shouted loudly, excited, and vented. Many soldiers even threw the helmets on their heads into the air, caught them, and threw them again, one after another.

At that time, Huangdu Railway Station had become a sea of ​​joy.

Zhou Wen nodded and said: "We should make good use of this opportunity to promote and encourage. Let's do this. We have not been free since we arrived last night. Today, we will take advantage of this opportunity and hold a mobilization meeting for the whole regiment before the battle. At the meeting, we will shoot two machine guns.

They will be commended and given certain material rewards, and we will add them up later."

Zhou Wen thought about the beginning today, but he didn't expect the ending to be so perfect. He even wondered if it was due to his Buddhist luck. Why was it that none of the four planes were injured and escaped, and none of them fell to the ground dragging black smoke?

, they all exploded and caught fire in the air. This plane was like paper, and it exploded when hit casually?

It wasn't until the two machine gun companies came back and listened to Mo Dahai's explanation that Zhou Wen understood the reason for such a great result. That was the enemy commander's death-defying tactical arrangement. The formation was dense, the flying altitude was too low, and the speed was reduced.

, flying horizontally close to the ground, just entering the center of the air defense fire network, and other factors of chance.

What they don’t know is that the bombs hung by the four bombers are also one of the fatal factors. Logically speaking, when the bombers are attacked at low altitude, they should throw away the bombs under the belly of the aircraft as soon as possible.

, This is not only to reduce the weight of the aircraft to facilitate maneuverability, but also to protect the aircraft, that is, to prevent bombs from being detonated.

Think about it, what is the concept of a 500 kilogram bomb exploding? Not to mention a crispy aircraft with basically no protection, even a tens of thousands of tons of warships wrapped in thick steel plates would be enough to be hit by one.

Shimizu Kazuki and the No. 2 plane following him were hit too suddenly and too intensively. Before the bombardier had time to react, the plane started to catch fire and then disintegrated and exploded in the air.

For Plane No. 3, the bombardier had already pulled the bomb release handle, but for some unknown reason, the mechanical suspension got stuck and the bomb could not be dropped, and then tragedy struck.

The bombardier of Plane No. 4 was killed immediately, so the pilots desperately tried to drive the heavy plane directly into the air defense position. In fact, all the crew members on the plane died before the bomb was detonated.

Even if an aircraft that is out of control and is being beaten to pieces falls to the ground, it will not be able to hit any effective target.

"What? Killed all four? Hahaha, what a great victory. I didn't expect that we fought the Japanese for so many days, but the Central Army took the lead first. This little Zhou really has something."

General Chiang was overjoyed after receiving a call from Dai Guoguang. This was the best news he had heard since the war started on January 28, and it was also the greatest achievement achieved by the Chinese army so far.

Previously, the Chinese army's anti-aircraft firepower on the front line only had four anti-aircraft guns. This was already the only anti-aircraft firepower of the 19th Route Army. Moreover, they were worried about being targeted by Japanese aircraft, so they could only fire a few shots and quickly move their positions. Until now.

Only one enemy aircraft was damaged.

General Chiang now no longer dares to underestimate this volunteer army who he thought was here for melee combat. He is an expert in fighting and fighting. He knows how difficult it is to masturbate on the ground. What's rare is that he is still unscathed.

That means the battle ended very quickly, so quickly that the Japanese planes were completely wiped out before they had time to fight back.

There are many factors involved in this. Smart command, intensive firepower, shooting accuracy, experience in anti-air shooting, etc. are all indispensable. In China, this is not something ordinary troops can do.

Although only four enemy planes were shot down, it was not a big loss for the Japanese army, which had more than 100 land and sea fighters of various types on the Songhu battlefield. However, it was not a big loss for the Chinese army who were fighting tenaciously against the enemy on the front line and the rear actively participated in support.

This is of great significance to the anti-Japanese people. At the very least, it enhances the morale and confidence of the troops. It also greatly stimulates and enhances the enthusiasm of the people in the rear to support and support the 19th Route Army in the anti-Japanese war. It also provides international support for China and China.

The military has earned more respect.

As for the Japanese army, this kind of loss is not something they can easily bear. The influence of international public opinion has dealt a blow to the morale of the Japanese army and air force. Moreover, now that the air defense capabilities of the Chinese army are known, in order to prevent another tragedy, we must also deal with it.

A series of issues including adjustments to the tactics of the Japanese Air Force were like a slap in the face to the Japanese army, which had always been arrogant, arrogant and pretending to be awesome since the beginning of the war.

General Chiang Kai-shek, who was assigned a big-shot mission both in military and political terms, could consider all these factors clearly in an instant, and knew how to make use of this victory to make a big deal.

The victory of the last small-scale battle was promoted and hyped from a strategic perspective and perspective.

He reported the battle report to the Nanjing Military Commission as soon as possible, and used clear codes to inform the whole country about the victory and achievements of the battle.

In the evening of that day, Admiral Chiang also accepted interviews from reporters from several well-known Chinese and foreign newspapers in Shanghai. While promoting the victory of this battle, he also displayed the parts of the Japanese aircraft wreckage collected by the Chinese army at the scene, and also

There were sidearms and some personal items found from the corpses of Japanese pilots. At the same time, they vigorously condemned and exposed the ugly face of the Japanese army's attempt to expand the scale of the war and inhumanely began bombing civilian facilities in China's rear.

This chapter has been completed!
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