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Chapter 352 Change

When Su Yaqin saw Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping walking in with a motionless and unknown person, she finally felt relieved and turned her attention to Jiang Han again. At this time, Tieniu had already given him first aid.

The upper arm was tightly bandaged up to the armpit, and Ziqinghong medicine was applied to the wound. However, the wound was too large and the wound was still bleeding. Su Yaqin still did not break free from anxiety.

At this time, there were chaotic footsteps outside the door. Uncle Wan hurried in with an anxious look on his face. He saw that Su Yaqin was safe and sound. He breathed a sigh of relief and gasped: "God bless you, Miss is fine, but I was scared to death."


When Su Yaqin saw Uncle Wan, she couldn't bear it any longer. Everything that had happened before had brought this young lady, who had grown up in a peaceful and peaceful environment, to the edge of collapse. She threw herself into Uncle Wan's arms and burst into tears.

Zhou Wen also shouted in his heart that he was lucky. Fortunately, only one person was injured. He looked at Miaohua and Gao Xiaoshan who followed them in and said, "Brother Shanzi will gather the team immediately and clean up house by house. I don't know if there are only two enemies yet."

Gao Xiaoshan turned around and left. Miaohua glanced at the two people lying motionless on the ground like dead pigs and tied into rice dumplings, and said, "Are they Japanese spies again?"

Zhou Wen said: "It should be, I have to rely on my senior brother's methods to pry open their mouths as soon as possible. I have a bad feeling. If spies infiltrate in such a place not far from the front line, the Japanese are afraid that

What's the plan?"

Having said this, he looked into the room and said, "I think this family may have been killed. Let's go in and check."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked in. Sure enough, he found the bodies of a family of three in the back room. Zhou Wen looked carefully and saw that they were a young couple in their thirties and a boy of seven or eight years old. The boy's eyes were still half-open.

The bodies of the child and the man were on the ground, while the woman's body was on the kang, half-naked. It seemed that she had been humiliated before her death.

Three members of the family were stabbed to death.

Zhou Wen silently covered the woman's body with a sheet, and said to Miaohua in a deep voice: "Don't move at the scene for now, let brothers come and see the evil done by these beasts in human skin.

Zhang Xiaoping and Ti Jing who followed in did not speak, but there seemed to be fire flickering in their eyes...

An hour later, next to an ambulance at the entrance of the town, Zhang Xiaoping, Su Yaqin and Lin Yuhui stood outside and waited silently. None of the three of them spoke. Half an hour had passed since Jiang Han was carried to the car for emergency surgery.

At this time, the town had been cleared, no other Japanese spies were found, and most of the vehicles in the convoy drove in and started unloading.

The air temperature in Shanghai at night in February was still very low, but none of the three people felt cold. Their hearts were now tied to Jiang Han, who was lying on the operating table and was not out of danger. Feng Tianpei and the volunteer followed.

American doctors are performing surgery on him.

Su Yaqin and Lin Yuhui were concerned about the safety of their friends, while Zhang Xiaoping was filled with guilt. He believed that it was his carelessness that caused the serious injury to the college student whom he had just met, and that he failed to protect them.

Lin Yuhui had not spoken since Jiang Han was injured. When his friend's arm was cut off with a knife, the tragic scene of blood spurting deeply stimulated him. He did not feel scared, but felt angry and self-blame.

The cruelty and ruthlessness of the Japanese, the blood debt of the family of three, and the uncertainty of his best friend's life and death. In just over an hour, his outlook on life has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Someone must pay the blood debt, and the anger in the heart must find an outlet.

He blamed himself for being frightened and helpless when the incident happened. He blamed himself for having learned so much knowledge and culture but being powerless and helpless when Xinmu Jiaren faced death threats.

I blame myself for being a tall, tall man, but I don't have the strength to restrain a chicken, and I don't even have the courage to risk my life.

When he saw Zhang Xiaoping's momentum and skill in using his body to block the Japanese gun, he was deeply shocked and inferior.

He was such a young man who was younger than himself. Before, he felt faintly proud of the envious and yearning eyes of others. He was also proud of being an outstanding college student in the eyes of others. He even got angry because Su Yaqin chatted a few more words with others.

Feel unhappy.

And now, when the test of life and death comes, it is this young man who has used his courage, body, and ability to save himself and the goddess in his heart.

Now Lin Yuhui only feels ashamed and guilty when facing Zhang Xiaoping.

Suddenly, Lin Yuhui looked at the looming stars in the sky, took a deep breath, and then said softly but firmly: "I'm going to apply for the military academy, and I'm going to join the army."

Su Yaqin was stunned. She stared at Lin Yuhui blankly, speechless for a long time. She just stared at Lin Yuhui with a firm face with her eyes wide open. Water vapor instantly appeared in her big bright eyes.

She knew Lin Yuhui's character. He was relatively calm, but once he made up his mind, he would not change it easily.

Of course she also knew Jiang Han and Lin Yuhui's admiration for her, but she didn't have that kind of feeling for them in her heart. She didn't have that kind of feeling that could make her feel like three autumns had passed since they saw each other. She just regarded them as...

Good friends, good playmates, and good classmates.

She once naively thought that her (his) friendship would last a lifetime.

Now, after experiencing a life and death test, everything is different.

Su Yaqin shed tears. She looked at Lin Yuhui sadly, waiting for him to change his mind. Lin Yuhui did not dare to look into her eyes. He looked up at the stars in the sky and said, "I have decided what will happen today."

It made me understand that in troubled times, one more college student and one more soldier cannot change China, but I can change myself. Maybe I can help China kill one or even a few more Japanese beasts. Blood debts must be paid with blood.


When Lin Yuhui finished saying this, tears were streaming down his face.

Zhang Xiaoping wanted to persuade, but he didn't know what to say. He himself was not good at persuading others. He had no intention of looking down on the two boys. In his opinion, there were specialties in skills. What they learned was knowledge, and what he learned was

If you kill someone, you should of course stand up and protect them in battle.

At this moment, the ambulance door opened. Zhang Xiaoping and the others hurried forward. Feng Tianpei, wearing a white coat and a mask, stuck his head out and said: "There is no life-threatening danger for the time being. Get ready to enter the town. The wounded need a good rest."

After hearing this, Su Yaqin's tense mood relaxed. She felt her legs and feet became weak. She sat on the ground and thought of everything that happened today. She buried her head in her legs and sobbed softly...

This chapter has been completed!
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