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Chapter 360 Hope of the whole army

In fact, the situation is now clear. Although the Japanese frontal attack is fierce, it is not terrible. With the help of solid fortifications and criss-crossing trenches, the more than 4,000 people of the 156th Brigade can still withstand the attacks of more than 2,000 Japanese troops from the two brigades.


But the Japanese troops landing on the Yunzaobang Riverbank were very deadly. If the Shanxi Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army of the Central Party Committee could not withstand it or even be defeated by the Japanese troops, then the flanks and back of the 156th Brigade defense line would be completely exposed to the attack of the Japanese troops landing.

This front is in danger of collapse in an instant.

Therefore, whether the Shanxi Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army of the Central Party Headquarters can block or temporarily hold back the Japanese troops who landed at Yunzaobang with no less than a brigade of troops until reinforcements from the 122nd Brigade arrive will be the winner of this battle.


General Chiang Kai-shek and other members of the headquarters were not sure about this.

General Chiang Kai-shek knew clearly that a Japanese brigade was equipped with more machine guns and artillery than a Chinese regiment.

The important thing is that the Japanese soldiers who use these equipment are very professional veterans, and the Japanese infantry group tactics developed around these equipment are also very scientific and have been practiced skillfully.

It can be said that the same equipment cannot have the same effect as that of the Japanese army when it is in the hands of the Chinese army. The key lies in the training level of the soldiers on both sides, the level of individual and group tactics, and the quality of the soldiers.


General Chiang believes that if it relies on solid fortifications and favorable geographical location, a regiment of the 19th Route Army can withstand the offensive of a Japanese brigade regardless of casualties. However, it will not last long. The troops must be rotated for rest and replenishment in one day at most, and in person

The Japanese army could maintain a vigorous offensive for a week.

If the two sides engaged in a field battle, one regiment of the 19th Route Army might not be able to withstand the Japanese attack for an hour and would be defeated. Even if there were two regiments, General Chiang Kai-shek was not sure whether they could withstand the attack.

It can be seen from this that the combat effectiveness of a Japanese brigade is very strong. This is not just a simple advantage in weapons and equipment, but more importantly, a comprehensive advantage in cultural quality, physical condition, spiritual world, military quality, teamwork, tactical level, etc.

The combination of these advantages constitutes the powerful combat effectiveness of the Japanese army.

Now, the hope of the whole army lies in whether the Shanxi Volunteer Army of the Central Party Headquarters, which General Chiang is not familiar with, can block the attack of such a Japanese brigade and can hold on until the reinforcements arrive.

You should know that if Zhou Wen and the others rushed to the river to set up defenses after receiving the order, they would probably not have time to build strong fortifications. They might even run into the powerful Japanese brigade before they could even build a simple blocking position.

At this moment, General Chiang had in his mind the image of the young colonel with thin eyebrows and big eyes, with a calm and confident face that was incompatible with his age. From the moment he shot down four Japanese aircraft, it was already clear that this man was by no means what he originally imagined.

’s young master brother.

Later, I got some information from the confessions of several Japanese spies, and I peeled off the cocoons and completely deduced the Japanese army's entire attack plan bit by bit. This is enough to show how outstanding and extraordinary this person is.

Admiral Chiang can now only hope that the men led by this extraordinary young man are equally extraordinary and outstanding. Only in this way can they turn the tide and reverse the situation of the war in one fell swoop.

The headquarters sent a telegram to the Shanxi Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, the central party headquarters in Miaohang Town, and soon received a reply. However, the content of the telegram surprised Chiang Kai-shek.

"What? Zhou Wen led his team to the Zhaojiaqiao River Beach last night to set up a blocking position."

Seeing the usually calm and calm General Jiang's face change drastically, Commander Cai quickly took the message in his hand and browsed it quickly, and then began to study the map carefully.

After a while, he sighed: "This commander Xiao Zhou is really extraordinary. It seems that he is very confident in his previous judgment. He has already led his troops out of the river bank to set up blocking positions before receiving the order from the headquarters.

Let’s take a look. The Zhaojiaqiao blocking position was also chosen very cleverly. It is the best and closest landing point to the side of the 156th Brigade. In case the Japanese army chooses to land from the river bank further back, this is also the only way for the Japanese army to attack the 156th Brigade.

Damn, this guy is awesome!"

"That's very impressive. This guy has vision and determination. Hehe...he took the team out without any orders, and actually played a trick on me that the general would not accept his life. He is so brave." Jiang Shang.

The general said, "You know, the commander of the Japanese army seems to be a different person this time, and the tactical deployment is very clever.

He secretly mobilized a large number of troops under our noses. He attacked from the front, landed on the flanks, and made sneak attacks from behind. They were all linked together, and he took the initiative at every step. We were led by his nose and struggled to deal with it.

Now this guy has helped us take the first step, and he is also the winner. Let’s see if they can withstand the attack of a large enemy group.”

"I don't think the problem is big." Commander Cai said excitedly, "You don't know, I heard from Lao Dai that this guy's volunteer army only has about a thousand people, but its equipment is surprisingly good, with dozens of machine guns.

Not to mention, there are also more than twenty artillery pieces of various kinds. If we give them enough time to build defensive positions, it is still very possible to withstand the enemy's attack."

"Yes, and the Japanese landing force cannot be supported by heavy artillery. If the volunteers only defend, they have great hope." When General Jiang said this, there was hope in his eyes.

Then he changed the topic and said: "But we still need to inform the 122nd Brigade to let their reinforcements adopt a forced march to eliminate all interference. They must reach Zhaojiaqiao within two hours at all costs. After all, they are the forward troops of the Central Army.

, and it bears the name of the Central Party Headquarters. If the losses are too great, I will not be able to explain to all parties."

Although General Jiang admires Zhou Wen's decision-making and deployment, no matter what kind of equipment or first move, in the end, combat power will do the talking. That requires fighting the enemy with all his strength, even if he can withstand it.

The enemy's attack will cause the Volunteer Army's own losses to be considerable.

To be honest, sending Zhou Wen's volunteer army to the battlefield was a last resort move by General Chiang Kai-shek. If it hadn't been for the Japanese commander who almost hit his vital point with a move, he would never have sent this force whose symbolic significance is greater than its actual significance.

Go and fight the enemy face to face.

From the perspective of the tactical command of both the enemy and our commanders, this time it was considered a defeat for him.

Thinking of this, General Jiang couldn't help but feel a little depressed, and at the same time he was also a little worried about the cruel battle that the volunteers were about to face.

This chapter has been completed!
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