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Chapter 376 Hit the Nemesis

The Japanese army's first attack failed. At this time, it can actually be said that the Japanese army's brown sugar tactics have met their nemesis, but they have not realized it yet, so there will inevitably be a second or even third time.

It may be a coincidence, or it may be that Shimomoto Xiongmi, the commander of the 24th mixed brigade of the Japanese army, met his destined nemesis. Anyway, he carefully planned two tactics that others thought were extremely exquisite, and they were all coincidental by Zhou Wen.

It was resolved easily and at a considerable cost.

The last landing and sneak attack at Yunzaobang, with its subterfuge, clever deployment of troops, etc., had actually completely deceived the 19th Route Army General Headquarters. Unexpectedly, the volunteers were mobilized to the temple to set up defenses, and they happened to be in the temple.

Miao Xing captured two Japanese spies. Through some information provided by the Japanese prisoners' oral confessions and the deduction and judgment of several outstanding officers under his command, Zhou Wen actually became aware of the Japanese army's intentions.

What's even more strange is that although Zhou Wen's volunteer army is nominally under the command of the Nineteenth Route Army, due to its special status and not subject to the military law of the Nineteenth Route Army, it can dare to attack without orders from the headquarters.

Take the initiative to mobilize troops and go to Zhaojiaqiao to set up an ambush in the middle of the night.

The most important thing is that Zhou Wen's volunteer army has the strength to fully compete with or even surpass a Japanese brigade in terms of number of people, officer command level, weapons and equipment level, and individual soldier skills.

Rich achievements.

If you were another commander of the Chinese army, they would generally not dare to mobilize their troops without orders from the headquarters, especially during wartime. And to say the least, even if there are such daring people,

However, due to the limited combat effectiveness of the troops, this battle may not be won.

And this time, the brown sugar tactic that Shimomoto Xiongmi came up with happened to seize the weakness of the Chinese army, that is, the lack of effective suppression methods beyond a distance of 200 meters.

You must know that even if the domestic Hanyang-made rifles are well maintained, due to manufacturing process problems, it is very difficult to hit the target 200 meters away. Unless a master like Zhou Wen is very familiar with firearms, few people can do it.

.Only the later domestically produced mid-level rifles (imitations of the German G98 standard rifle) can maintain stable ballistics at 300 meters or even 400 meters.

The number of light machine guns equipped to the platoons of the 19th Route Army is too small (only one for each platoon). Secondly, it requires experienced and skilled veterans to fire accurately at a distance of 200 meters, and it is easy to be fired.

The Japanese army's grenade was restrained. For example, the machine gun master of the 1st regiment was killed by the Japanese grenade after hitting only two enemies.

As for heavy machine guns, there are even fewer. No company is guaranteed to have one, and no one is willing to deploy it in the front line. Moreover, the equipment of the Chinese army during this period was basically imitation of the Maxim water-cooled heavy machine gun, which weighed more than

60 kilograms, and a bucket filled with clean water is required for cooling. It is quite inconvenient to move. It is usually deployed in a machine gun bunker with thick protection as suppressive firepower.

Therefore, the brown sugar tactic invented by Shimomoto Xiongmi later developed into the period of the All-out Anti-Japanese War and became a magic weapon tactic used by the Japanese army against the Chinese anti-Japanese army.

This is also the reason why the Chinese army, especially the anti-Japanese armed forces behind enemy lines led by our red organization, often uses close combat and night battles to attack Japanese devils and puppet troops.

In fact, this is a tactic of last resort. Of course, there is also the factor of saving bullets. After all, the anti-Japanese troops behind enemy lines have no logistical supplies and most of them rely on capture. But the main reason is that we lack effective means of strike at long distances.

The Japanese army's tactics became very passive in front of Zhou Wen's mercenary group. The current fact is that the Japanese army was suppressed at a distance of 250 meters to 300 meters. This distance was also suppressed by the Japanese army's Taisho ten-year throw.

It is outside the range of the canister, and also outside the habitual firing range of most Japanese soldiers. If you want to launch a charge at the risk of your life, there are countless automatic firepower waiting for you to die.

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that Zhou Wen is Shimomoto Xiongmi’s nemesis.

Now for Li Hu and his team, the only thing they need to worry about is the Japanese heavy machine guns and the 92nd Infantry Artillery.

At this time, after Captain Cai received calls from Commander Zhong and the 2nd Company Commander at the regiment headquarters, his jaw did not close for a long time and he was speechless for a long time.

The battle reports that came in were too unbelievable. The Japanese army retreated. After a total of dozens of casualties in the two positions, the Japanese army was forced to retreat. In just ten minutes, they were forced to leave behind several wounded people who fell on the field.

soldiers and a dozen corpses.

According to the military regulations of the Japanese army, the wounded and corpses were not allowed to be abandoned in the retreat. However, the corpses and wounded were all in open areas without shelters, and two more soldiers who wanted to rescue the wounded were shot and killed by Li Hu, a fishing law enforcement officer.

After the Japanese army was defeated, the Japanese squadron leader could only risk the punishment of going back and ordered a retreat ruthlessly.

This gun is so damn accurate, okay? If they don’t retreat, the Japanese squadron leader doesn’t know how many people will be able to go back today. It’s not that he and his men are not brave enough, but that these Chinese gunmen are too cunning.

I witnessed with my own eyes that several veterans with good marksmanship did not have a chance to fight back. Shooting at a distance of 300 meters is not just a matter of raising your hand. It requires precise aim, but how can there be a chance to be precise?

As long as you dare to show your head, the bullets from the opposite side will come one after another, hitting you so hard that you can't raise your head, and they keep changing positions. You can only shoot quickly in the opposite direction. If you can't hit, only Amaterasu will hit you.

Just found out.

Moreover, the machine gun on the other side can shoot accurately, and so can Baga's rifle, and the shooting speed is super fast. Don't you need to pull the bolt and load Baga's? You can clearly tell that the other side only has a dozen rifles and five machine guns, so you just suppress it.

There are more than a hundred people who cannot hold their heads up.

On the way back, the Japanese squadron leader was annoyed for a while. He blamed himself for being careless. Yesterday, he specially requested two heavy machine guns from the squadron leader. However, yesterday the Chinese army fought back weakly, and the heavy machine guns were basically useless. How come the Chinese army on the opposite side today

Just the pheasant turned into a phoenix?

No, I will immediately ask the captain to strengthen two... no, four heavy machine guns when I get back. I want to come back to avenge my shame and let the Chinese army on the opposite side know that our Empire of Japan also has Lord Ma.

At this time, Captain Cai no longer had any doubts about the combat effectiveness of this unit. He was only surprised and admired. He just ordered the two company commanders to inform them to pay attention to the Japanese artillery shelling. He knew that the Japanese army had suffered such a big loss and would definitely try to retaliate.

After returning, the only means of retaliation were shelling and aircraft bombing.

What Captain Cai didn't know was that this small unit was not only powerful in combat, but also extremely courageous.

When Li Hu saw Zhao Da running towards the trench with a mean smile on his face, he knew that this kid must be trying to stir up trouble. Because he had not heard Zhao Da's mortar fire just now, he knew that he must be hiding something evil.

Sure enough, Zhao Da's first words were: "Dahu, do you want to take down the little Japanese infantry cannon?"

This chapter has been completed!
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