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Chapter 385 Proud

After Ti Jing destroyed the second armored vehicle, several remaining Japanese armored vehicles on the battlefield were damaged or destroyed by mortars and infantry artillery. They all stopped in the wilderness with black smoke. All the Japanese soldiers who could jump out of the vehicles jumped out.

Running like crazy.

When Ti Jing saw the last armored vehicle that was still intact, he started to speed away. After loading a new magazine, Ti Jing fired three shots in a row without hitting it, because the distance to the vehicle was a bit far away. Ti Jing

His shooting skills began to drop in hit rate after he exceeded 500 meters, but he was still not discouraged and was still aiming carefully, estimating the amount of advance in his mind. Even Zhang Xiaoping next to him began to worry about his good brother.

With a sound of "Bang!", the fourth shot came out. A 13.2 mm bullet instantly caught up with the butt of the Japanese armored vehicle, and a ball of fire appeared at the rear of the vehicle. However, the vehicle still did not slow down and was about to drive away.

After arriving 1,000 meters away, another loud gunshot was heard in the distance, followed by several consecutive shots, causing the armored vehicle to sway left and right, slide a short distance away, and then stop.

"It's Tieniu, good marksmanship!" Zhang Xiaoping shouted excitedly.

It turned out that Tian Boguang and Tieniu hurried slowly and finally arrived at the battlefield from the other side at the end of the battle.

When Tieniu saw that the last Japanese armored vehicle was about to run away, he didn't even bother to put on armor-piercing incendiary bombs. He just raised his gun and fired. He hit five consecutive shots at a distance of 600-700 meters, but he didn't even think about firing the last shot.

, it is estimated that the personnel and equipment in the car are basically gone.

You must know that although the tungsten-core armor-piercing bullet itself will not explode and burn like an incendiary bullet, the large amount of metal fragments and metal particles produced after the warhead destroys the vehicle's external armor will splash around in the vehicle body, which will also cause damage to the vehicle.

It will cause effective damage to personnel and equipment. If it hits the oil line or tank, it will still burn.

Tieniu's five rounds of tungsten core armor-piercing bullets all penetrated the armored vehicle, and the damage caused was enough to ensure that the five Japanese members of the armored vehicle had no chance of survival.

At this time, Ti Jing fired the last bullet in the magazine and hit the rear of the stopped armored vehicle again. At this time, he finally saw flames burning inside the vehicle.

Only then did Ti Jing let out a sigh of relief and said with a naive smile: "I'm still not as accurate as Daniel at long range. Fortunately, he hit all five shots, otherwise this little devil would have escaped with his armored vehicle."

"It's already quite impressive, Ah Jing. The first time you hit an armored vehicle, you destroyed one and wounded two. In the end, you were able to hit two out of five shots at a distance of 800 meters. I dare say that this time you hit the Japanese armored vehicle.

The result is the greatest.”

Zhang Xiaoping is sincerely happy for his body. Normally, this good partner works hard as an observer and cooperates with him wholeheartedly. He never has any objections because he is just a support player. He can feel the results every time he achieves a victory.

He felt happy and satisfied from the bottom of his heart.

Now it's the good brother's turn to show off his power, so of course I have to cooperate and encourage him wholeheartedly.

At this time, Zhou Wen was also in a good mood. Looking at the wreckage of 10 Japanese armored vehicles emitting black smoke and hundreds of Japanese corpses scattered in the fields in the distance, a sense of pride arose spontaneously. Well done to my brothers, so am I.


Since Soul Transmutation, Zhou Wen has worked hard and worked hard to build the dozens of guard companies in Dawangzhuang into the powerful look they are now. He also has thousands of people who can also be called elite auxiliary troops.

Only you know the hardships, hardships, exhaustion, etc. you went through.

It is in line with the saying: Just like a person drinking water, he knows whether it is warm or cold.

However, today, looking at the Japanese troops who once arrogantly bullied China's weakness and flaunted their power on the land of China, turned into burning iron coffins and ugly corpses, Zhou Wen felt that everything he had done was worth it.

"The corpses of Japanese pirates are like mountains and rivers are red."

These are the words Commander-in-Chief Chiang Kai-shek expressed in an interview with reporters after the Yunzaobang victory. Now they have become the headlines of newspapers across the country in the past two days, and they have become the final words to inspire the people and awaken the people across the country to rise up and resist Japan.

Good subject.

Today's victory in the Jiangwan Blockade once again proved to the Chinese people that Japan is not invincible, and also proved that all Zhou Wen's hard work and efforts in the past three years have been fully rewarded.

And Zhou Wen's greatest gratification was that the soldiers of the second squadron had matured rapidly after experiencing two different types of battles, and he could finally take off part of his burden and concentrate on leading the first squadron in combat.

Although Zhou Wen had been sparing no effort to expand his power, expand his troops, create industries, etc. after arriving in Shanxi, he did so out of necessity.


It's because Zhou Wen's painful experience in his previous life gave him a warning that if a mercenary group does not have a deep government background and connections, sufficient financial support, and strong backup support, it can only become a leaf drifting with the crowd.

If a big wave comes at random, it will be gone.

Perhaps in some people's minds, a mercenary group is an armed group that relies on fighting to earn rewards through fighting, and only participates in the war for the purpose of money.

But Zhou Wen's experience told him that this kind of mercenary group has no development prospects. It belongs to the most junior mercenary group and mercenaries struggling to survive at the bottom of the pyramid. It belongs to the rootless Piaoping. The final outcome is

Either die or disband. The small mercenary group Zhou Wen joined in his previous life was of this type. In the end, it suffered a disaster and was completely wiped out due to wrong intelligence and lack of support.

The mercenary group Zhou Wen wants to build must have clear development goals and plans from the beginning, and all battles and actions are carried out with this goal in mind.

Zhou Wen's ultimate goal is of course to resist Japan, but resisting Japan is not mindless resistance. It is not a reckless man who trains dozens of special forces and rushes into battle with guns in hand. It is a plan and a step-by-step process, with a certain degree of independence, and continuous strengthening of oneself.

can continue to play a role in resisting Japan.

In the primitive accumulation stage, the mercenary group can only obtain funds through fighting, just like the bandit suppression during the Dawangzhuang period, gangsters eating gangsters, robbing Shi Shouxin's house, etc. However, after passing the difficult primitive accumulation stage, it is necessary to consider

Walking on many legs, I consider how to maintain a certain degree of independence in the general environment of the Republic of China and play a due role in the anti-Japanese war. At the same time, we must avoid being completely controlled by others and becoming a knife in the hands of others.

Even become cannon fodder.

So everything Zhou Wen did in the past two years was to achieve these goals, so he had to develop relations with the National Army, he had to build his own industry, he had to hook up with several wealthy families, and he had to work with several big names in the Republic of China.

Be careful how you deal with this guy.

This chapter has been completed!
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