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Chapter 397 Scheme Selection

Miaohua did not let the commando continue the attack. He knew that there would be no organized Japanese resistance from here to Jinjiazhai, but to break through the defense line outside Jinjiazhai, artillery support was needed. As long as he passed Jinjiazhai,

You can penetrate directly into Peng's house, not only to join Zhou Wen, but also to block the Japanese army's retreat.

Therefore, Miaohua ordered a detachment to rest temporarily and wait for the artillery to come up.

The artillery arrived very quickly. They dragged the gun mounts with them, so they quickly set up six mountain cannons on the original Japanese position. Two mortar companies followed the infantry company and set up artillery fire at the nearest location.

Five minutes later, Miaohua looked at her brothers who were still fighting high, waved her hand and said, "Let's go."

Just when the Chinese army launched the attack, Zhou Wen's team was still a few kilometers away from Peng's house. There was no way, they came from the south of the temple, and they would definitely have to take a lot of detours, but he was not in a hurry.


Even if the Japanese military headquarters discovers that the Chinese army has begun to counterattack, it will take time to understand the battlefield situation and issue various orders. At such a critical moment, the headquarters will generally not move quickly, otherwise it will easily cause command inconvenience.

There were no large Japanese troops in front of Zhou Wen, so he accelerated his advance.

At about 9 o'clock in the night, Zhou Wen finally arrived at Peng's house. He knew that this was the headquarters of the Japanese army without even having to investigate.

Because they had already discovered at least three Japanese patrol teams before they reached the village entrance. Having so many security forces deployed behind such a front line must be protecting important targets.

Pengjiazhai is a small village with more than a dozen households. Most of the houses have been destroyed by artillery fire. There are only a few intact houses in the north. Zhou Wen asked Zhang Xiaoping and the others to hide on the spot, but he used the cover of night to surround the entire village.

Investigation began on the periphery.

There were lights and the sound of rumbling machinery in the village. Zhou Wen knew it was the sound of a diesel generator, which further confirmed his judgment.

He carefully avoided several hidden sentries of the Japanese army, and found a defensive position built by the Japanese army to the west of the village. Many Japanese soldiers were warming themselves up and chatting in the position. Zhou Wen could hear their voices clearly. It seemed that the guards of this headquarters were

The Japanese army had no less than one squadron.

Zhou Wen slowly moved to the north of the village. It was not far from the bank of Yunzao Bang, and he could just see the houses in the distance. He took out his telescope and quietly looked in the direction of the light in the darkness.


Sure enough, Japanese troops came in and out of several houses, especially the large tiled house with white plaster walls in the middle. Zhou Wen discovered the antenna on the roof with the faint light.

"It's a good idea to bring Zhou Yongbin here this time. He discovered Japanese spies before, and now he's discovered the Japanese headquarters. What a genius!" Zhou Wen said secretly proudly.

Now Zhou Wen has two plans in his mind. One is simple and crude but relatively safe, which is to let Xu Dacheng set up artillery attack outside the village. There are a total of 10 6.9 kg heavy artillery shells lying in his Buddha Bead space, which are used in several houses.

Instead of firing 10 rounds, it only takes 5 rounds to ensure that all those houses are destroyed. And after the firing, he will evacuate directly and find a place to hide and wait for the large forces to come up. This is why he selected Xu Dacheng to join the squad.


But the problem is that shelling may not necessarily kill the Japanese commander. If he escapes by chance or is injured but survives, it will be difficult to kill him under the protection of nearly 200 Japanese troops.

The other plan is much more dangerous, which is to first sneak attack and then storm, rush directly into the headquarters and kill all the Japanese soldiers in the room, and then use these few houses as a base to resist the Japanese army's retaliatory attack until the large forces arrive.

After carefully observing the conditions of these houses again, he gradually made up his mind.

Zhou Wen retreated to the team's hiding place, signaled to Zhang Xiaoping to be alert, then shook off his cloak, and five heads got into the cloak. Zhou Wen turned on the flashlight and marked out the distribution of the Japanese troops on a piece of paper, and then began to lay out a raid plan.

Ten minutes later, six black figures quietly moved to the east of Peng's house. This direction was behind the Japanese army and just avoided the Japanese position to the west of the village. The defensive force was relatively weak. Zhou Wen was preparing to launch an attack from here.

Zhou Wen finally chose the most dangerous, but also the fastest solution to the problem.

Raid into the village, completely destroy the Japanese headquarters and kill the Japanese commander.

He didn't want to leave any regrets for himself, and after observing the conditions of those houses, he also gained confidence in holding on to the largest tiled house, but how long he could hold on would depend on improvisation. He believed in himself, and also

Believe it brothers.

At this time, everyone was checking the Ruger P08 artillery pistol with a silencer in their hands. Under the gun handle was a snail-shaped drum, which was filled with 32 rounds of 9mm Parabellum pistol ammunition. It was effective.

The range reaches 150 meters.

This is why Zhou Wen bought this kind of pistol at all costs. It has a long range, high accuracy, and many bullets. This is the time for it to show its talents.

In addition to a Luger pistol each, Liu Hei carried a G-13 machine gun, and Zhang Xiaoping, Ti Jing and Er Gazi all had Somi submachine guns.

Xu Dacheng is carrying a mortar without a bracket. Now Xu Dacheng can hold the barrel with his right hand and load the ammunition with his left hand without the bracket. Although the 81 mm caliber barrel is slightly thicker

Some, but within 10 consecutive artillery rounds, he, the third humanoid mule and artillery master of the mercenary group, can still control it, and can still guarantee the hit rate.

This is what Zhou Wen asked him repeatedly during training.

You must know that if the 81mm Brandt mortar is equipped with a bracket, the weight will reach 59 kilograms. Even Xu Dacheng cannot carry such heavy equipment for a long distance, not to mention that he must also carry a pistol and other equipment, like today

The rapid interspersion of more than ten kilometers requires crawling, cat-walking, galloping and jumping, etc. In the middle, even a real mule will fall down from fatigue.

So today’s mortar only has a barrel and a base, totaling 40 kilograms. Even so, Zhou Wen and several people changed their backs to bring this gun over. Therefore, the shells can only be installed in Zhou Wen’s Buddhist bead space, otherwise they will come closer.

With 70 kilograms of shells, everyone would probably collapse from exhaustion.

In addition to the submachine gun, Ti Jing also carried a backpack full of German long-handled grenades.

Zhou Wen's main weapon is still his usual G-31 semi-automatic rifle. Even at night, he can hit a target at a distance of 200 meters. What's more, the moonlight is very strong today and he has not hidden in the clouds. Zhou Wen is confident that he can extend the shooting range.

About 300 meters.

In this case, even at night, the firepower of this small team is very impressive, and it can take care of both the distance and the near. This is where Zhou Wen's confidence lies.

Next, they waited silently, waiting for the moment of attack to arrive.

This chapter has been completed!
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