Turn off the lights
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Chapter 402

In the dark night, a long line of running lights appeared on the simple road in front of Peng's house, like a pack of wild wolves with glowing eyes, so eye-catching in the darkness.

Lieutenant Colonel Takeshi Fujita was sitting in the second truck. Under his cold and calm face was a heart of anxiety and expectation.

He can only hope that the Chinese army in front is only a small force with a small number of troops. Otherwise, thousands of Japanese troops will once again face a desperate situation tonight, which is already unfortunate enough.

When he was still seven or eight hundred meters away from Peng's house, Takeshi Fujita ordered the car to stop. He did not want to send the bright convoy under the gunpoint of the Chinese army.

However, he still underestimated the strength of the Chinese army ahead.

Just when he ordered all the vehicle lights to be turned off, and the soldiers got off the car to form a team, preparing to search and move forward on foot, a dense scream rose in the night sky ahead. Even in the dark night, Fujita Takeshi's extremely pale face could be seen

With a face like a human face, he shouted: "Concealed!"

The shells fell with his voice, and the explosion and flames enveloped the entire convoy in an instant. The Japanese troops who had jumped out of the car and were gathering were like ants whose nest had exploded, and scattered in all directions.

After nearly three minutes of violent artillery bombardment, the shelling suddenly stopped. Except for the sporadic cries of the wounded, this dark area fell silent. The sharp contrast between movement and stillness made people feel inexplicable.

Weird and terrifying, but no one knows when the next attack will happen.

Takeshi Fujita stood up from where he was lying on the ground. At this time, his heart seemed to have been eroded by the cold current from the Arctic, completely frozen into a lump of hard ice.

The worst case scenario emerged. There was not a small group of Chinese troops ahead, but a force of at least brigade level or above. Otherwise, it would be impossible to have so many artillery.

He turned to look at the subordinate officers who also had pale faces, then looked up at the dark night, and said: "Gentlemen, the time has come to sacrifice your life for His Majesty the Emperor. I order the soldiers to launch a campaign in the dark night."

Charge as a whole and don’t stop until we break through the Chinese army’s defense line. Let’s count as many as we can.”

After saying that, he pulled out the command sword from his waist and stood at the front of the team. He waved the command sword forward and took the lead in trotting forward.

Just behind him, nearly four hundred Japanese troops formed an offensive formation, holding rifles in their hands and following closely behind them. They paid no attention to the wounded and corpses on the ground, and did not dare to think about whether they were attacking.

In an instant, you will become one of them.

Fujita Takeshi didn't know how long it had been since he had taken the lead in a charge like he did today. After jogging less than 100 meters, he began to feel short of breath and his heart was beating faster. Unknowingly, he was slowly passed by other Japanese soldiers.

He looked at the team moving forward silently in the dark night, feeling sad in his heart. He didn't know how many people would survive today, but what he knew was that from today on, the Huncheng 24th Brigade would no longer exist.

The Japanese army's plan was simple and crude. Under the cover of darkness, they marched 200 to 300 meters in front of the Chinese army's position and began to charge with all their strength.

However, to their disappointment, before they reached the planned charge distance, a flare shot up into the night sky. The area originally shrouded in darkness was instantly covered as if it were completely covered by the light of a small sun.

Hearing the screams of shells piercing the sky in the distance, hundreds of Japanese soldiers spontaneously and desperately let out howls like trapped animals and began to sprint with all their strength, without any further orders from their officers.

But dozens of flames suddenly burst out from the front, causing all the Japanese soldiers to despair and have a nervous breakdown. It was the flames fired by dozens of machine guns. In this kind of wilderness where the enemy is dark and we are clear, how can we survive?

Find a way to survive.

They have completely lost their ability to think. No one thinks about how to live, because no one has such a sense of luck. They are now completely numb and no longer care about the shells that are raining down every second.

The bullets whizzing towards you are wreaking havoc on others or your own body.

They howled and charged like zombies, even hoping that bullets or shells would fall on them sooner and end this hopeless struggle and pain.

Zhou Wen lay down in the trench and kept shooting. But he felt that such a battle was no longer challenging, and he even began to become numb.

Human life is so fragile, as long as a bullet weighing only a few grams can take away a living life - even if this life belongs to the enemy.

But this is war, a life-and-death war.

A few years later, the opposite group, which can still be called life, caused greater and more tragic casualties to Chinese soldiers and even Chinese civilians.

As soon as Zhou Wen thought of this, the brief discomfort and intolerance in his heart instantly disappeared.

Every person with a conscience or a normal person will have some psychological fluctuations, intolerance, contradictions, or confusion when unilaterally harvesting a large number of enemy lives.

But Zhou Wen has never been able to figure out why humans, who were also born as humans, in this group or race, actually did everything in the next few years that even animals could not do.

They take pleasure in killing, no matter you are a soldier or a civilian, or an old man or a child. After insulting women, they torture them to death in all cruel ways. They put the fetus in the belly of pregnant women on the point of a bayonet.

Make fun and make fun of.

It stands to reason that this group or race has entered a civilized era, and even boasts that it is a country of etiquette. But in the face of the wails and pain of all kinds of helpless lives, why can you laugh? Why do you take pleasure in this?

Is it because you are not human beings?

Zhou Wen's mood swings only lasted for a short while, but in just such a short time, the battle was coming to an end.

The artillery and machine guns have stopped firing, and only the riflemen are still searching and shooting at any suspicious targets in the field. The flares have never stopped, firing one after another, always covering the wilderness in light.


Today's battle is under the full command of Meng Yuting, and Zhou Wen is only fighting on the front line as a sniper.

To be honest, Zhou Wen's favorite thing is to lead a team of brothers to the battlefield in person. What he likes best and is best at is special operations.

The hard work he put in for more than a year, whether it was establishing an industry or training new recruits for the second squadron, was all so that he would have no worries when leading the first squadron in combat, and there would be no shortage of funds or equipment.

Now, after a series of battles, the second squadron has begun to mature from commanders to soldiers. They may not become the kings of soldiers like the brothers in the first squadron, but they rely on the close collaboration of the team to form a sophisticated machine.

Fighting machines, even killing machines.

And in the near future, more components and functions will be added to this machine, such as aircraft and tanks. Their development potential is still huge, and Zhou Wen is also looking forward to it.

This chapter has been completed!
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