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Chapter 516

Zhou Wen no longer detained the three officers and asked Zhang Xiaoping to return the weapons to them. Zhou Wen was not interested in making any more dramatic remarks and waved them away. Of course, he was not afraid that these officers would dare to come again to cause trouble.

Now that he has thought about leaving, he doesn't need to worry too much about doing things.

In the past, it was because of considerations that since the experience and tactical experience of fighting against Japan should be taught to more future anti-Japanese troops, and at the same time, it was also to seek a freer and broader path for the mercenary group, so I kept a low profile and played both sides, just to do it.

The establishment of good military academy instructors and the establishment of the Party Headquarters Instruction Corps are two major events.

Now, not only the graduating class of the military academy has completed the teaching, but also the temporary teaching for active officers has come to an end. It can be said that Commander Zhang's important trust has been basically completed.

The Party Headquarters has even single-handedly raised a fully-staffed second detachment. The first phase of training has been completed. In the future, it only needs to retain some instructors for professional training in different branches. It doesn't matter whether you are there or not.

It's important.

Seeing that their parents had returned safely, the officers and soldiers of the guard regiment naturally dispersed and returned to the cordon line.

As a result, the tense atmosphere that had been tense before was immediately relieved. After all, everyone knew that continuing the confrontation would not be beneficial to both parties.

Not long after, a car rushed to the scene, escorted by two trucks of guards. Zhou Wen knew from a distance that high-ranking officials had arrived.

Sure enough, the three officers who had just been detained hurriedly greeted them like children who had been bullied by others when they saw their mother. A lieutenant general got out of the car. After a few salutes, they danced and filed a complaint. The colonel

He also untied the bandage on his neck that had been tied by his men, pointed at the wound and complained bitterly about the other party's brutality.

As soon as the lieutenant general heard that the other party was from the Central Party Headquarters Training Corps, he roughly guessed who he was. He thought that this person was indeed as rumored, a bandit with a bad temper, and he even dragged all the troops with him.

Once they come out, these people who have no regard for party discipline and state law should be punished.

He is not a fool. Although he is dissatisfied with Zhou Wen's actions, he will not go up to ask for punishment. However, seeing that the other party is still standing on the ground and does not come to say hello to him, of course he, a lieutenant general, will not

Take the initiative to ask.

After thinking about it, he ordered the adjutant next to him: "Go and invite the officer opposite and speak more politely."

The colonel who heard this next to him wanted to cry. Didn't he want to send someone to arrest him directly? Is it necessary for you, a lieutenant general, to act like this? It seems that you are someone who even the deputy commander of the Nanjing Garrison Headquarters can't handle. After all,

What's the origin? Wasn't this stabbing in vain?

A series of small bubble question marks rose from the colonel's forehead, causing a burst of stars.

Zhou Wen didn't insist on taking the initiative to go there, but since he had already had a conflict with the Nanjing Guards, he still had to observe before making a decision. Since he had shown his tyrannical side, there was no need to meet with an official.

He just gave in. With all his elite men around him, only the principal in Nanjing could make him bow his head.

So he waited motionless for the major who looked like an adjutant to salute him and report that it was Deputy Commander Tang, commander of the Nanjing Garrison, who asked him to come and ask questions. Then he straightened his collar and signaled to Brother Miaohua that he didn't need to follow, so he followed the major.


Zhou Wen's actions are also very particular. If you are polite to me, I will show respect to you. At the same time, I will also be very calm and not bring a subordinate, which also means a layer of trust.

When Lieutenant General Tang saw Zhou Wen's behavior, his dislike for him weakened a bit. Although he had a bandit temperament, he was still a knowledgeable person, not the kind of stupid young man who didn't want to be stingy.

I saw Zhou Wen coming to Lieutenant General Tang, standing at attention and saluting in a standard manner: "Reporting to Commander Tang, the captain of the Central Party Headquarters Education Corps is reporting to you."

Lieutenant General Tang casually returned a military salute and said: "Tell me, what's going on?" He felt unhappy again. How could anyone report to his superiors only his official position but not his name? Is it because no one taught him or you bandits are like this?

Registration number?

Zhou Wen didn't seem to notice Lieutenant General Tang's eyebrows furrowed like a hook. He glanced left and right and said softly: "The situation reported by this humble position involves confidentiality. Please step aside, sir."

Lieutenant General Tang became even more impatient. I don't even trust my subordinates anymore. Why should I lead any troops? Isn't this sowing discord? He was about to reprimand when he heard another sentence from Zhou Wen and immediately stopped.

"This matter involves Japanese spies."

Seeing the officers around him walking towards the far corner like a daughter-in-law who was angry with her mother-in-law, Lieutenant General Tang said: "Tell me, what Japanese spies are you talking about? Don't be alarmist."

Zhou Wen stood at attention again and saluted and said: "I was disrespectful of my humble duty just now. Zhou Wen, the captain of the Central Party Headquarters Training Corps, reports to Chief Tang."

Only then did Lieutenant General Tang realize that it was not that Zhou Wen did not understand the rules, but that he did not want his name to be made public. Then he saw that although Zhou Wen was wearing a damaged colonel officer's uniform and the leather shoes under his feet were even more torn, he was still hiding his name.

He couldn't help but exude the heroic spirit of a soldier.

He also solemnly returned the gift to Zhou Wen.

Zhou Wen continued: "Bizhong went to the girls' middle school to pick up his sister and go home this afternoon, but he was suddenly attacked by more than a dozen Japanese agents. Not only did they attack Bizhong, but they also killed Bizhong's sister. Fortunately, Bizhong handled it properly.

, my brothers also fought tooth and nail to protect me, and this prevented the vicious conspiracy of the Japanese agents from succeeding."

When Lieutenant General Tang heard that it was a Japanese agent, he looked solemn and asked: "Do you have evidence to prove that it was the Japanese who did it? Are there any other personnel who slipped through the net?"

Zhou Wen said: "Thirteen well-trained agents, outstanding marksmanship, very particular about tactics and teamwork, poison hidden in their collars, some of the injured who couldn't afford it swallowed the poison and committed suicide. You said we have agents from that department in our country?"

Can it be compared with this? Currently, only Japan can cultivate such high-quality agents."

Zhou Wen thought for a while and then added after careful consideration: "Besides, besides the Japanese, who else would have such a big hatred against a humble position and want to assassinate me at all costs? You must know that training these agents is not easy.

The amount of money spent is astronomical, and there are not many agents of this quality in our country."

Lieutenant General Tang's mouth twitched after hearing this, "Don't you have many enemies?" That means others are not as capable as the Japanese, otherwise everyone would want to take advantage of you.

But he still believed Zhou Wen's words. Only the Japanese would be so brave and unafraid of death, willing to commit suicide rather than be caught. Only the Japanese would be so deliberate in getting rid of this person named Zhou.

This chapter has been completed!
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