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Chapter 547 Unknown means

In a daze, Harada Keita saw the captain Takeo Nakata again. He was covered in blood. He was originally radiant, but his sinister eyes now looked so helpless. His body was squirming like maggots, struggling, and moving towards

He stretched out his hand and shouted: "Harada... Harada... come and save me..."

Keita Harada subconsciously reached out and tried to hold the captain's hand, but somehow he felt weak and weak. Looking at the captain who was so close, he couldn't reach his hand. It seemed that there was a thousand miles between him and the captain.

Mountains and rivers.

Keita Harada was anxious and frightened. He saw more and more blood flowing out of the captain's body, but still couldn't hold his hand. He shouted desperately: "Captain...Captain, come here a little bit...come a little bit more...


Keita Harada's heart felt like a huge stone was pressing down on him, his chest was squeezed until there was no air at all, and a feeling of suffocation rushed straight into his brain.


Keita Harada let out a long breath and found himself sitting up on the tatami in the darkness, gasping for air and sweating profusely.

It turns out I was dreaming just now.

However, the bloody figure of Squadron Leader Takeo Nakata in the dream still lingers in my mind for a long time.

Keita Harada looked at the moonlight coming from the window and looked at his watch. The time was just over 3 o'clock in the morning, but at this time he was no longer sleepy. He looked around blankly and felt an indescribable loneliness and tiredness in his heart.

At this moment, he suddenly smelled an unusual fragrance. His many years as an agent made him instinctively alert. He subconsciously reached out and touched under the pillow. There was a treasure that he never left behind, a well-maintained baby.

Very nice Browning M1900 pistol.

Speaking of pistols, I have to mention here, why don't Japanese agents equip themselves with their own bastard box, which is the Taisho 14th-year-old pistol?

In fact, there are two reasons. One is that the bastard box is too unreliable and has low power; the other reason is to hide the identity. You must know that the only one using the bastard box in the world is Japan, and there is no other semicolon.

Even China’s motley crew wouldn’t look at this type of junk pistol.

No matter how you disguise yourself as an agent, as long as you take out the bastard box and shoot it, it is equivalent to having the words "I am Japanese" written clearly on your forehead.

Therefore, the elite agents of the Japanese intelligence department generally use imported Browning M1900 pistols. Only in the late World War II, when Japan was too poor to expose the problem, did Tekko start to equip its own pistols as a last resort.

As soon as Harada Keita's hand touched the handle of the pistol, his head felt dizzy, and his hands and feet became weak and weak. Waves of strong sleepiness came over him. He clearly felt that he had touched the pistol, but he just couldn't pick it up.

In the dream just now, the powerless and helpless situation appeared again, but now Baga is not dreaming, okay?

Keita Harada fell into a coma with confusion and confusion...

At this time, a man in black entered the room, wearing a gas mask on his head. In the darkness, he looked like a bull-headed horse face from the underworld. He quickly searched various furniture and furnishings in the room with light and skillful movements.

He even knocked on the wall with his hands, and after confirming that there was no partition wall, he picked up Keita Harada, who was as soft as mud, with one hand and walked out of the room.

At this time, there were ten unconscious people lying around in the courtyard where several Japanese people had been drinking. Several dark figures were going in and out of various rooms. After a while, someone came down from the small building carrying a box.

He gestured to a man in black in the middle of the yard. The man in black waved, and a few black figures walked out of the gate of Songmu Trading Company with two Japanese people between them. They walked along the dim street lights silently.

Disappeared into the distant night.

The man in black in the yard looked around, used brooms and rags to remove some traces on the ground, opened the windows and doors of each room to let in the wind, held a box in his hand, and pointed to most of the things on the ground.

The safe was as tall as a person. A tall and strong man in black walked out of the darkness and easily lifted the safe, which weighed more than a hundred kilograms, onto his shoulders.

After the two walked out of Songmu Trading Company, they placed the box on the ground. The shorter man in black walked in again, closed the door of the trading company from the inside, and then went upstairs and jumped down from an open window on the second floor.

, landed as lightly as a wild goose and made no sound, then he picked up the box on the ground and left together with the tall black figure, and disappeared deep into the street in a short time.

Keita Harada didn't know where he was or what was wrong with him now. He just felt that he had been walking in darkness, or wandering, as if this darkness had no end at all.

He didn't know what the purpose of walking was, whether to escape from the darkness that was overwhelming him or to find the peace he had been longing for deep in his heart. Anyway, he felt very tired, but his feet moved uncontrollably.

move on……

Gradually, he felt a looming light. He wanted to open his eyes wide and look, but he felt that his eyelids were like a thick wall that he could not push. He tried hard and tried to tear it with his hands, but his hands couldn't.

It is uncontrollably motionless.

Finally, hard work and hard work brought about results. The light gradually became transparent, passed through the thick eyelids, and shined directly on his pupils. At this time, it looked so dazzling, and his eyes were so irritated that he finally felt it.

When the light came, he was never willing to give up. He endured the physical discomfort and continued to fight hard against his eyelids.

I saw it, finally saw it... It was a bright light shining directly on my face.

His groggy mind gradually began to move, like a machine that had been rusted for many years, with slow response and jerky operation. He began to feel numbness and pain from his legs and hands. The sharp perception he had trained for many years began to develop.

Play a role.

What is certain is that he is in a room now, with his hands and legs tied tightly to a chair. His eyes, stimulated by the bright light, can still vaguely see a few people sitting in the darkness in front of him.

He realized that he had been arrested, but he didn't know which force he had fallen into. The Chinese? The Russians? The British? Of course, the Chinese were more likely.

But I couldn't even remember how I was exposed or how I was caught. My head was still as dizzy and heavy as if it were filled with lead.

A voice without any emotion came from the front, speaking Chinese.

"You are the first person to show signs of waking up, which means that your physical fitness and willpower are stronger than others. For you agents, it means that you are their leader and team leader."

This chapter has been completed!
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