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Chapter 556

The commander perked up as soon as he heard this.

He also knew how difficult it was to train a force that could compete head-on with the Japanese army. He had just proposed it just in case. After Zhou Wen's analysis, although he was slightly disappointed, it was expected.

Now when I hear Zhou Wen say this, I feel happy in my heart. If you can't train hard, then it's not bad to train a team that is good at defense!

And why Zhou Wen is willing to spend time to help the commander has his own purpose.

Needless to say, the personal relationship with senior Zhao Changshu is mainly because Zhao Changshu is the only senior officer with military power in the Jin army who is worthy of Zhou Wen's trust. At the same time, Zhao Changshu has the trust and favor of the commander, so his troops naturally become

It gave Zhou Wen a friendly force that he could fight side by side with without too much precaution now and in the future.

In the past, Zhou Wen spared no effort to develop relationships within the Nationalist Army. In addition to building a high-level relationship network and establishing connections for the subsequent development of the mercenary group, he also had another important purpose, which was not to be easily betrayed by his own people on the battlefield.

In the current and future wars of resistance, Zhou Wen did not have the unrealistic idea of ​​letting the mercenary group fight alone.

The all-out war of resistance is a national war related to the life and death of the country and the nation. It is not about playing house and doing whatever you want behind closed doors. It is about gathering the strength of the whole country and uniting all the forces that can be united to unite as one and unite.

Only then can we persevere until the final victory.

The history that Zhou Wen knew well also developed in this way.

Zhou Wen’s purpose in establishing a mercenary group is just not to become a tool in the hands of others. To develop industries, develop troops, develop relationships, etc., the ultimate goal is to be able to use his familiarity with historical trends and the tactics of the Japanese army in the Anti-Japanese War.

Those robbers and beasts who invaded China have paid a higher price and shed more blood than ever before in history, and it will hurt them to the bone.

However, the tide of the entire history cannot be changed by a small time-traveling figure. There will still be defeats in the war, and the land that should be lost will still be lost. This is determined by the national strength of the two countries.

No matter how powerful the mercenary group is in combat, it only has over a thousand people. This special training model, advanced equipment, and logistical support capabilities were built with countless amounts of money. No amount of Zhou Wen could afford it.

And it’s also easy to get jealous.

But can these more than a thousand people fight the Japanese army alone? Even if every soldier in the mercenary group can equal one to ten, how many results can they achieve by fighting alone? And how many sacrifices will they have to make? What will be left after eight years?

how many people?

The Japanese army is a professional army, and the country has established a complete reserve system. Every soldier who dies can be replaced from home. However, it is not so easy to replace the soldiers who have worked hard to train them.

Therefore, many future battles of the mercenary group will require cooperation with friendly forces. The role of the mercenary group is like a catalyst for chemical reactions. It can maximize its role, so as to achieve more Japanese deaths and more casualties.

The purpose of more blood.

Just like the previous Songhu Anti-Japanese War, without the cooperation of the 19th Route Army and the Fifth Army, how could Zhou Wen's troops achieve such great results? According to Meng Yuting's rough estimate, they would die directly at the hands of the mercenary group

The number of Japanese troops was no less than 3,000.

Without the trust and support of the two generals of the 19th Route Army and Chief Zhang, and without the heroic resistance of the 70,000 soldiers under their command, where would Zhou Wen have been able to find a fighter plane with a fatal hit and find the weak link of the Japanese army?

Think about it, that is a total of three thousand human lives. Even if there are three thousand pigs, let you kill them all. If you have more than a thousand people searching and chasing them all over the mountains and fields, you may not be able to kill them all, let alone three pigs.

Thousands of Japanese troops armed to the teeth.

It was the brave fighting of the 19th Route Army on the front that forced the Japanese army to take risks and entered the ambush circle of the mercenary regiment at Yunzaobang. It was the heroic Fifth Army who launched a full-scale counterattack at Miaohang that allowed thousands of already frightened Japanese soldiers to retreat.

He was driven into the fire circle of the mercenary group like a sheep.

Without the support of friendly forces, the mercenary group would be unable to support itself and could only fight in small quantities, and its role and effectiveness in the war of resistance would be greatly reduced.

Therefore, in Zhou Wen's mind, the role of friendly forces is crucial.

On the Songhu battlefield, with the trust of Generals Chiang and Cai, who were loyal to the country and selfless, and with the support of Chief Zhang, who knew people well and used them well and was kind, Zhou Wen could be said to be like a fish in water, and he used his abilities to the fullest to create a

Another brilliant achievement.

But what about the future?

Does Zhou Wen still dare to expect that his future friendly armies will support and trust him like the 19th Route Army and the Fifth Army, and that future generals who will lead troops will have as selfless a mind as Commander Zhang?

It's not Zhou Wen's style to place hope on others, he has already begun to plan ahead and make arrangements.

The first choice target is Zhao Changshu's Sixth Brigade.

Zhou Wen considered that the future headquarters of the mercenary group would be in Lishi County. Judging from the historical trend, during the Anti-Japanese War, although Lishi County was initially occupied by the Japanese army, there were not many troops left behind after the occupation.

After tens of thousands of Japanese troops launched a large-scale attack on Shanxi, and after the Japanese troops shifted their main force to other frontal battlefields, it would not be very difficult to recapture Lishi with the strength of the mercenary group.

In the next few years, the mercenary group will compete with the Japanese army near Lishi, which requires a strong friendly force to contain the Japanese army, and Zhou Wen's plan is not to compete with the Japanese army back and forth.

Simple, but to turn Lishi into a nightmare for the Japanese army, a flesh-and-blood millstone that makes them so painful that they have to make a choice.

This requires even more coordination and support from friendly forces.

Only after stabilizing the base camp can Zhou Wen have enough energy to participate in battles on other domestic battlefields. Because the battle mode of the mercenary group has very high requirements on logistical supplies, a relatively safe environment must be created for the steel factory, ammunition factory and pharmaceutical factory.


The most friendly forces in Shanxi are the Jin Army and the future Eighth Route Army.

From any perspective of future generations, Zhou Wen's trust in the Eighth Route Army is undoubtedly unquestionable. However, in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, the Eighth Route Army had a small number of people, the anti-Japanese base area was newly established, weapons and equipment were scarce, and conditions were extremely difficult, making it difficult to assemble large forces for combat. Consider for yourself.

What is more important is how to support and support the development and growth of the Eighth Route Army. Large-scale coordinated operations may not be possible until the mid-to-late period.

In the early days, they could only cooperate with the Jin army. There were many factions in the Jin army, including the anti-war faction and the wavering faction. Later, many surrendered and became puppet troops. At present, the only ones that can be relied on are Zhao Changshu's 6th Brigade and Zhou Wen.

Of course you have to plan ahead.

This chapter has been completed!
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