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Chapter 578

Zhao Changshu sat down on the chair, picked up a tea jar on the table, drank it in one gulp no matter whose it was, and then wiped his mouth with unfulfilled interest and said: "The offensive and defensive drills of the First Regiment and the Second Regiment are also

That's it, I've made great progress compared to before, but I still can't compare with your teaching team, it's not satisfactory."

At this point, his eyes glowed, and he looked at Zhou Wen and continued: "But your anti-slope fortifications in Xiaodong Mountain are amazing. Our two regiments took turns attacking 8 times, but they couldn't take it down, and they were judged to be fighting.

Those little bastards are still unconvinced with the loss of more than 2,000 yuan, but I agree with the ruling of Yu Ting and their practice referee team. I am afraid that in actual combat, the loss will be more than that."

"Tsk tsk, I really don't know how you came up with it. The firing angle of those machine guns, the layout of the artillery, and the use of the reserve team are really not good anymore. There is no blind spot for firepower. Those bastards under my command were still yelling at first.

Your firepower points have been destroyed by our artillery, but when we went up to the top of the hill, we saw that our imaginary 30-minute artillery coverage did not even scratch a hair on your head."

At this time, a middle-aged colonel officer, Zhu Jiang, the chief of staff of the Model Brigade, came with Zhao Changshu and said: "Yes, your observation posts are too hidden. The tops of the observation posts are covered with steel plates. Generally,

The 75mm artillery can't threaten them at all. When our soldiers launched the attack, dozens of machine guns were deployed on the top of the mountain in just a few minutes. If it were an actual battle, it would be a massacre."

Zhao Changshu took the cup filled with water from Chen Wanli, drank it all in one gulp, and then said: "This is because your team did not help, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. Awen, I will station all the troops in Xiaodongshan today.

We're at the bottom of the mountain. We need three days to fully understand this set of tactics. Don't withdraw your teaching team, just teach on the spot."

Of course, Zhou Wen fully agreed to Zhao Changshu's request. This was a friendly force that we would share life and death with in the future. Even if Zhao Changshu didn't say anything, Zhou Wen also had the same plan. He just wanted to use the intuitive effect of the exercise to achieve the purpose of on-site teaching.

It seems that the purpose of this exercise has been achieved, and preparations for war will begin later, and the preparation of logistics materials will begin now.

Zhou Wen smiled and said to Zhao Changshu: "Senior, I have been practicing here for a few days, including the construction of tunnels and the layout of various trenches. There is a lot of attention to it. The new equipment I purchased in the past few days will also arrive, and this batch of equipment

There are nearly 3,000 mines. By then all the engineers of the model brigade will gather together to learn how to lay mines, how to detect mines and how to remove mines. Seniors, you will be busy."

Speaking of landmines, I believe everyone is most familiar with the anti-Japanese movie "Landmine War" in the 1960s. However, the actual situation is that during the Republic of China, landmines were not widely used in China. Even when the full-scale Anti-Japanese War broke out, the Chinese army did not use it extensively.

War examples of the use of landmines.

The main reason is that laying landmines requires certain skills and knowledge, and most of the Chinese army is composed of illiterate farmers. It is extremely difficult to train qualified engineers, and there are not so many funds for testing and training.

The second reason is that the Japanese army came well prepared. Based on the experience accumulated in operations in Northeast my country and Shanghai from 1931 to 1932, they judged that the Chinese army would definitely use landmines on a large scale in the future Sino-Japanese war. Therefore, with its Due to its national strength and scientific and technological advantages, it ordered the development of an efficient mine detection and demining device in advance, and officially equipped the army in 1938. This device is the Type 98 mine detector used by Japanese engineers in the movie "Mine Warfare".

The third reason is mainly that China's steel production is too small, and limited resources must be used on artillery and firearms that can cause direct damage. The Ordnance Industry Department of the National Government did not regard landmines as the focus of production, and even in the later period, they basically

They no longer produced landmines. It was not until the outbreak of the Pacific War that landmine technology and assistance was obtained from the United States, but no attention was paid to it.

But Zhou Wen thought differently. During World War I, the warring countries used landmines very extensively. In small-scale battles, they were used to surprise and kill the enemy. In large-scale battles, they were mainly used to delay and interfere with the enemy.


Manual demining is very slow. Once the enemy knows that there is a minefield ahead, it is possible to take a detour, but the detour may require climbing a mountain. The purpose of landmines is not to kill infantry, but to clearly tell you that there is a minefield, and demining and

Taking a detour will take a lot of time, your attack will have to be delayed and rerouted, and your retreat may be even more miserable if your retreat is blocked by a minefield.

During the Second World War, Rommel, the Desert Fox, was at a disadvantage in terms of military strength, so he used landmines flexibly to defeat the British army many times. He even set up a "Devil's Garden" minefield in the African desert, which was 8 kilometers deep.

Hundreds of thousands of anti-tank and anti-infantry mines were buried, becoming an important barrier for the German army.

As for anti-tank mines and high-power mines, Zhou Wen has no plans to buy them yet, because the Japanese army does not have many tanks. Now the mercenary group has purchased a lot of PzB-31 anti-tank guns, which are now available in every infantry company.

An anti-tank squad equipped with 3 anti-tank guns is more than enough to deal with the thin-skinned tanks of Japan.

The landmine Zhou Wen purchased from Germany this time is called the S-type anti-infantry mine. It is a new type of anti-infantry landmine that Germany has just successfully developed. It is not famous yet, but after the outbreak of World War II, it became a nightmare for Allied soldiers.

The German S-type mine is a jumping mine, and it was the most famous jumping mine in World War II, nicknamed "Bounce Betty".

The S-type mine is a steel cylinder less than 13 centimeters high (not including the sensor) and less than 10 centimeters in diameter. It looks like a grenade and weighs less than 4 kilograms. The steel rod extending from the upper part of the mine surrounds the main fuze.

The fuze is connected with a initiating switch or sensor, which can be detonated by a pulley or a pressure sensor.

In terms of power, the S-type anti-infantry mine is not the largest, but it is the most vicious, and there is no one among them.

After the S-type mine is triggered, the main fuze delays for four seconds and then detonates the propellant. The exploding propellant shoots the mine into the air and activates three delay balls between the propellant and the three detonators. These three balls

This will delay the explosion of the mine, giving it enough time to reach the appropriate height.

What's the meaning?

The mine explodes when it jumps to a height of 90-100 centimeters in the air. The main charge is surrounded by about 360 steel balls, short iron rods, or broken metal pieces. These will turn into pellets and be shot horizontally in all directions at a fatal speed.

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