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Chapter 584 Feelings

Zhou Wen admired the Sichuan Army soldiers' sense of serving the country, and naturally wanted to see what a Sichuan-made single rifle looked like.

He asked again: "Do you keep your steel gun at home? Don't you take it with you for self-defense when you go out on mountain trails?"

Wan Tiangui chuckled and said: "Bring it with you, why don't you bring it with you? It's just because I was afraid of being confiscated by the soldiers when I went into the city, so I left it at a friend's house on the way. His village is not far ahead. I'll wait for a while."

I'll take my nephew to get it. When we get to the mountain road, we'll have a gun to use."

Zhou Wen nodded and said, "You will lead the way in a while. When we get to Jianchang, you will be rewarded."

"Okay! Young Master, just relax. I promise to escort the caravan to Jianchang Camp properly." When Wan Tiangui heard that there was still a reward, his voice became even louder and his chest clapped.


As they were talking like this, the caravan unknowingly came to a fork in the road. Wan Tiangui said a few words to Old Jiangtou, then accelerated his horse and ran forward, while Old Jiangshu commanded the caravan to turn up.

A narrow mountain road, and then rode a horse to Zhou Wen's side, and said side by side with Zhou Wen's little black horse: "Young master, Lao Wan went to the village ahead to get a gun, let's go forward slowly, he will catch up in a while


Zhou Wen nodded and then asked: "Uncle Jiang, is this road the former business road?"

"Yes, but once you enter the mountains, there are more forks in the road. People who don't know the road generally don't dare to take this road. In the past, a caravan once walked in the mountains for three whole days, and then went back after twists and turns.

Came the same way."

Soon after the caravan entered the mountain road, the road began to become rough and the speed slowed down. When going uphill, the horsemen dismounted and led them along. Today's journey is long, so they must save their horsepower.

At this time, we came to a relatively empty place. There was no one around, except for the cold wind blowing in the air, which caused the withered and yellow leaves on the trees to fall one after another.

Zhou Wen looked around and said to Old Uncle Jiang: "Let's take a break and wait for Old Wan."

Uncle Jiang knows Zhou Wen's rules, so of course he won't violate them.

Miaohua knew what Zhou Wen meant, so she asked her brothers to tie up the horses, jumped off the horses, and walked towards the three carts in the middle, signaling the guys to come up and help. More than 20 people started unloading the goods together, and soon they were exposed.

Those long and short packages.

The next scene made Uncle Jiang and the waiters stare straight in their eyes.

I saw Miaohua and the others opening the packages in three strokes, and the bright rifles and short guns appeared in front of them. Uncle Jiang had seen the world, but he still doubted whether he was dazzled. He rubbed

Rubbing his eyes to make sure he saw it correctly, there was actually a machine gun inside. Although he didn't know the specific model, he knew that it was a machine gun, the kind of weapon that could knock down a large area with a single stroke.

Zhou Wen said with a smile: "Since Uncle Jiang knows that there are no armies on this road, only bandits, my brothers will not hide it. We will hold the weapons in our hands openly. Even if there are bandits, we must weigh them.

If you can't fight us, we will have less trouble, right?"

Uncle Jiang looked at the seven or eight rifles and those boxes of cannons, thinking that this young master was really secretive. He had guessed that they might be weapons when he saw Miaohua and the others hiding the parcel boxes at the bottom of the cart, but he couldn't.

Unexpectedly, they were all steel guns. You must know that during this period, there were more than a dozen powerful bandits who were considered figures in the underworld.

As far as Uncle Jiang knows, there are really no bandits of this size in the Jianchang area of ​​Lulong Road. There are only hunters in the ordinary mountain village. When they see the fat sheep coming, they gather together to make a vote. Usually

I don't dare to take any lives, and I won't rob all the caravans. I just want you to shed some blood, but it won't be too painful to make a big enemy.

As far as the weapons of the young master's guards are concerned, let alone shooting, the hunters on the lookout will run away if they see them from a distance. If they randomly shoot the machine guns into the sky, it is guaranteed that no one will dare to approach for more than ten miles, and they will be afraid.

You go to their village and cause trouble.

In fact, Zhou Wen wanted to have this effect. On the one hand, the weapons were used for self-defense, and on the other hand, they served as a deterrent. Zhou Wen and the others came to Lengkou to investigate the terrain, but they were pressed for time and had heavy tasks, and they did not have time to talk to the local people.

This kind of power is grinding, and I don't want to expose the identities of several of them.

In this troubled world, it is common for good people to be bullied, and for good people to be ridiculed. Zhou Wen doesn't want to play a game of pretending to be a pig to eat a tiger, pretending to be cool and slapping others in the face. He just wants to show his fangs openly. How dare you?

Come and try to mess with me, this will save you a lot of trouble.

With long guns and short cannons in hand, the brothers naturally began to exercise their powers. Miaohua simply said a few sign languages, Zhang Xiaoping led two brothers to go out on guard, and Ti Jing smiled and held the Czech machine gun in the middle of the big gun.

The car and the two previous boxes were placed beside him. There were two team members guarding each side of the caravan, and Sun Dazhu led a few people behind him. A simple marching formation unfolded.

Some people here may be wondering, isn’t the standard machine gun of the mercenary group the German MG-13? Why is it changed to the Czech type?

In fact, this is Zhou Wen's caution. When he comes to an unfamiliar area, even if he wants to bring weapons, he can only bring bulk goods. The long gun is made in Hanyang, and the short gun is a box cannon. It cannot be the latest purchased twenty-ring speed machine.

It's a Dahong 9-shot shell gun.

Speaking of which, I have to mention the twenty-shot shell gun, also called the speed machine shell gun, which is the latest shell gun developed by the German Mauser Company.

The previous Mauser shell gun had a ten-round fixed magazine, and a bridge clip was used to press the bullet into the gun from above. The magazine capacity was ten rounds, and it could only be used as a semi-automatic pistol with a single shot.

The 20-round magazine of the speed-operated shell gun is detachable and the magazine is longer. It also has a speed-operating machine that can adjust the rate of fire. It can be fired single or continuously. When it is fired continuously, it is equivalent to a miniature submachine gun -

Gun, long range, strong penetration, more powerful firepower!

In fact, the twenty-ring speed machine is dispensable for the mercenary group. The melee weapons of the mercenary group have basically taken shape. The submachine gun is the Finnish Somi, with a 71-round drum magazine and excellent shooting technology.

It has been able to cope with most battles. Now even the second detachment is equipped with a Somi submachine gun. Although it cost Boss Zhou a lot of money, after the test of the Songhu Anti-Japanese War, it has been proved that this weapon is really excellent.

The first choice of the mercenary regiment's sidearm is the powerful, sturdy and durable Colt M1911 pistol, which is also easy to carry when marching. Originally, Zhou Wen planned to equip each officer and soldier of the second detachment with a Colt M1911.

However, Zhou Wen's feelings for the shell gun finally prevailed.

This chapter has been completed!
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