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Chapter 61 Heavy trust

In the supplementary group at Dawangzhuang, just having Zhou Jinbao in Xuchang City brought so much convenience and information to Zhou Wen. Closed development has no vitality. Only by actively integrating into this society and into this era can it be better and smoother.

achieve your ultimate goal.

Moreover, in the future national war of resistance, only by relying on the national revolution and establishing extensive intelligence channels can we better play the role of ourselves and our brothers.

Therefore, all Zhou Wen's plans are to embrace the biggest and thickest thigh in this period and open up a bright road for future development. Only by developing his own team first can he be able to help organizations and people in need.

Zhou Wen's only worry now is whether the time recorded in the data is accurate. So the members of the reconnaissance team and he took turns to go to the woods to lurk and observe the situation at the station.

In the afternoon, it was Zhou Wen's turn to observe in the tree. Now Zhou Wen has two telescopes. The old one is now used by Zhang Xiaoping and the reconnaissance team. His own was given by Zhou Jinbao, and it is actually a brand new German Zeiss 6x30.

The telescope also has reticles for measuring distances. Telescopes made in Germany are synonymous with high-quality products in any era.

Zhou Wen had a clear view of the entire station. Train after train came from the direction of Xuzhou, and train after train returned. A large amount of military supplies were unloaded, and a large number of troops quickly jumped off the train amidst the sharp whistles, without even thinking about it.

After resting and recuperating, drive west quickly.

Zhou Wen knew that this was an increase in troops from the National Army, and it seemed that the situation on the front line was not optimistic. Then what he learned from the information may be true, and the principal was going to the front line to supervise the battle.

The only thing that is a little annoying is the constant takeoff and landing of old bombers from Guide Airport a few miles away. The harsh roar of their engines is always impacting the eardrums. Some planes even fly over the woods at low altitude, and the air currents sweep the trees and sway left and right.

Even with Zhou Wen's skill, he had to use both his hands and feet to maintain his center of gravity.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, another train pulled into the station. The appearance of this train was no different from other trains, except that it was missing a few carriages. However, with Zhou Wen's keen insight, he still discovered a carriage in the middle.

There are not just one antenna sticking out from the top, but four. Sure enough, it’s here, Zhou Wen thought to himself.

After the train stopped, not many soldiers got off, and some even pulled horses out of the trunk. About a hundred soldiers quickly set up a cordon around the train. Zhou Wen checked the time.

Less than three minutes, not bad, very well-trained, should be a personal security force.

But what this group of soldiers wore on their heads was no longer large caps, but cylindrical cloth military caps. Zhou Wen knew that these were imitation German mountain caps.

The biggest feature of this kind of hat is that there is a layer of cloth around the head of the hat. It is usually folded up and fixed on the front with two buttons on the side. When it is cold, it can be put down to protect the back of the neck and face. The future national army

The Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army during the Anti-Japanese War would wear this kind of hat.

After a while, Zhou Wen found an officer who was also looking around with a telescope. Suddenly he turned his attention to the woods. Zhou Wen felt bad, and saw the officer summoning a few soldiers and all mounted their horses.

, galloping towards the woods.

"Everyone pay attention, eliminate traces, and move deeper into the woods as quickly as possible." Zhou Wen quickly called and ordered.

"Received, transfer immediately." Gao Xiaoshan's voice came from the earphones. Zhou Wen also quickly put away the telescope, adjusted his disguise, and continued to monitor with the naked eye.

Zhou Wen saw the other party quickly approaching the woods and slowed down his horse. The officer with the captain's rank badge was carrying a rifle on his waist, but he reached out and pulled out the rifle that was strapped diagonally in the long cowhide holster under the saddle, and said to these soldiers

He ordered: "Spread out in a line and go in to check." He held a gun in one hand and entered the woods with his horse.

Zhou Wen saw that the officer was about thirty years old, with a Chinese character face, a mustache on his lips, and he looked shrewd and capable.

Suddenly, the mustachioed officer turned his head alertly and looked towards him. Zhou Wen quickly closed his eyes and gathered his breath. Such a keen intuition, he looks like a master, Zhou Wen thought to himself.

Feeling that several people had gone deep into the woods, Zhou Wen opened his eyes and exhaled softly. He couldn't underestimate everyone in the world, especially the principal. How could there be a lack of experts around him? It seemed that he had to be careful in his actions.

The mustachioed officer led the team several miles deep into the woods, and was only a few dozen meters away from the nearest lurking team member. The team member could clearly hear the snoring of the war horse. Only then did he make a circle and ride the horse out of the woods.

The mustachioed officer looked carefully in Zhou Wen's direction again, then hurried back.

Zhou Wen hurriedly called: "It's safe, they have left, the alert has been cleared." Then he heard Gao Xiaoshan let out a sigh of relief and said, "Roger, the alert has been cleared." Zhou Wen thought, it seemed that the situation just now had a negative impact on the transport team.

It's quite thrilling, otherwise Brother Shan Zi wouldn't be so nervous.

As night gradually fell, Zhou Wen also changed his post and returned to the team. He called all the leaders over for a meeting.

Seeing everyone looking at him trustingly and waiting for his orders, Zhou Wen felt warm in his heart. He walked day and night for nearly ten days. The brothers didn't know where they were going or what they were going to do, but they all turned a blind eye and ignored them.

He silently carried out every order he gave without any regrets. With such trust, such dependence and obedience, Zhou Wen's confidence had never been so full, and his determination had never been so firm.

Zhou Wen looked at everyone with a smile and called out one by one: "Brother Shanzi, senior brother, Dacheng, junior brother, Uncle Ma, Dazhu, Ergazi, Li Hu, Niu Bao and other brothers, I, Zhou Wen, sincerely thank you

Your trust in me.

All this time, you don't know what I want to do? It's not that I don't believe you don't say it, but I really can't say it, because there are some things that I am vague about, and I have to implement them and make them clear before I can say them out.

But your unreserved trust and support makes me very touched and sad because something like this may happen again in the future."

Zhou Wen felt a little sad when he said this. There is nothing we can do about it. This is the disadvantage caused by time travel. There is nothing we can do about it!

Miaohua said: "Junior brother, don't think so much. No matter what, our trust and friendship will not change. You also have to believe in everyone. You are the backbone of this team, whether now or in the future.

You are our brain, our head.

It doesn't matter whether you say it or not, everyone just follows you and that's it. Why bother yourself."

"Yes, Awen, we can just follow you, no need to feel bad." Gao Xiaoshan took the lead, and everyone comforted Zhou Wen.

This chapter has been completed!
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