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Chapter 616 like

Zhou Wen continued: "The 35th Army is far away in Suiyuan. The departure expenses and logistics are prepared by the Suiyuan Province and the Peking Branch. It doesn't cost you a penny. The model brigade and my nephew's teaching corps are provided by Shanxi. You

Just plucking out the cold hair is enough."

"No, it is the duty of the old man to supply the model brigade. Your teaching team will make the preparations on its own, so you don't come to take advantage of the old man."

"Commander, this is too much, isn't it? What difference do we have between us? Besides, the training nephew of the Model Brigade is doing his best. My training team is completely losing money to help, but I don't ask you all the time.

Every penny is paid, and the battle is together, our entire logistics is arranged by you, how can you clearly distinguish between yours and mine?"

"Then I will take 70% of your ammunition factory's output next year at cost price."

"40%, no more, you can't do it like your nephew, right?"



"Go away, I'm not an old farmer selling vegetables. If I don't bargain with you, if you don't agree, I'll just go on my own."

Zhou Wen cursed in his heart: "What an old man!"

He doesn't necessarily have to take advantage of the commander, but in a war, if there is no commander to support him from the rear, and his supplies arrive at the front and are uniformly distributed by the Military Commission, the combat effectiveness of the mercenary group will be restricted by logistics.

.You must know that once Marshal Zhang is forced to step down, Granny He who takes over does not have any high moral integrity.

Besides, during the Great Wall Anti-Japanese War, the ammunition supply of the entire Chinese army was very tight. The principal in Nanjing did not spend a penny and left it all to the Peiping branch. The more than 200,000 Chinese troops would not have sufficient ammunition.

Wouldn't others be jealous when they see your truckloads of bullets and cannonballs?

The old man in front of me wants to gain credit and fame, but he doesn't want to contribute money and effort. How can this be reasonable?

Moreover, the ammunition factory in Lishi currently only has two bullet production lines. It is not yet able to expand production capacity and varieties in a big way. It was already painful for me to give 30% achievement in the past. Now it is 60%. How is it possible?

But it's not a problem to be frozen like this. Zhou Wen thought about it, thought about it, and said with a smile: "My nephew always comes up with an idea for you. If you adopt it, let's do what I say. How about it?"


"What's your idea? If it's not worth anything, don't show it in front of the old man."

Zhou Wen smiled mysteriously and said: "You are always guarding Baoshan and fighting for food with your nephew. The Taiyuan Arsenal has been suspended for almost two years. Now that you have sworn to resist Japan, you only need to put forward the condition of resuming work at the arsenal with that Marshal Zhang. You have the great cause of resisting Japan."

Presumably he won't be embarrassed if he can't protect his status now. As long as the arsenal can resume production, will you still care about your nephew's three melons and two dates? "


The handsome man almost slapped him on the thigh.

You must know that since the defeat of the Central Plains War, Shanxi has been nominally under the unified control of Marshal Zhang, who is in charge of the overall situation in the north. After Marshal Zhang left the field, Marshal Zhang ordered the Taiyuan Arsenal to completely stop production and not produce a single gun or bomb. To this end, a special commissioner was sent to the front

to supervise.

In fact, this was also the intention of the principal, not to allow the Jin army to have another chance to expand its combat power.

However, at that time, Marshal Zhang relied on the largest arsenal in the country in Shenyang, so of course he did not care about the life or death of the Taiyuan arsenal.

Now it's a different time. The 200,000 Northeastern Army under his command no longer has the support of the Shenyang Arsenal. The guns and ammunition have to be bought from Shanghai and Hanyang Arsenal, and they have to look at the principal's eyes. Life is getting harder now. , is also one of the reasons for the current decline in combat effectiveness and disorganization of the Northeast Army.

If he can give the commander some face and allow the Taiyuan Arsenal to start production, then the Northeast Army will have another channel to supply ammunition, and the key is that it will no longer be held hostage by the principal.

The commander figured out this problem in an instant. While he greatly admired Zhou Wen's sharp thinking, he also regretted it greatly. He was really a fan of the authorities. How could he not have thought that he had benefited from this little bastard in vain?

It seems that by sending troops to Hebei this time, they gained not only credit and reputation, but also the resumption of work at the Taiyuan Arsenal. It can be said that they killed three birds with one stone.

I won’t argue with him now. As long as the Taiyuan Arsenal can resume work, I really don’t care about your three melons and two dates, old man.

Next, after some careful planning by the two foxes, one big and one small, the guests and the host parted happily.

The next day, the commander-in-chief sent a telegram to Marshal Zhang to agree to send troops. At the same time, he ordered all the troops under his command to start gathering. He ordered the 35th Army in Suiyuan and the Model Brigade in Yangqu to serve as the vanguard of the entire army and prepare to march out of Hebei. .

Time soon came to January 1, 1933. The Japanese army began premeditated provocations in Shanhaiguan. They sent people to throw grenades and fire several shots in the camp courtyard. However, they falsely accused the Chinese army of what they had done. They used this as an excuse to lodge a complaint with China. The four conditions arbitrarily and unreasonably required the Chinese army, police and security forces to withdraw from the Nanguan and South Gate of Shanhaiguan and allow the Japanese army to station them. After being rejected by the Chinese, the Japanese army occupied Nanguan Station on the morning of the 2nd and disarmed the Chinese police. .

The attack on the city began at 9 a.m. and was repulsed by the defenders. The Japanese 8th Division immediately sent an ultimatum to the Chinese garrison, requiring the Chinese troops to withdraw from Shanhaiguan immediately. At 10 a.m., part of the Japanese 8th Division took four trains , arrived at Shanhaiguan under the escort of 3 armored vehicles, and 10 minutes later launched an attack with its garrison supported by 5 aircraft of the 1st Flying Squadron.

The Chinese troops in Shanhaiguan are two battalions of the 626th Regiment of the 9th Brigade of the Northeast Army, with a strength of less than 1,000 troops.

However, the Chinese defenders responded calmly. This was the first time since the September 18th Incident that the Northeast Army faced the Japanese army and refused to retreat. The battle lasted until the afternoon, when the Japanese army retreated due to their strength.

On the morning of the 3rd, more than one brigade of the Japanese 8th Division launched a fierce attack on the south gate of Shanhaiguan with the support of 15 aircraft in turns. The naval guns of the Japanese Navy's 2nd Foreign Expedition Fleet also attacked from the sea east of Shanhaiguan. The Chinese defenders launched a bombardment.

The fierce fighting reached 14:00, when the southeast corner of the city was broken through by the Japanese army, and the Japanese naval guns continued to bombard our rear support troops. The regiment leader Shi Shian organized several counterattacks but failed to work, and instead suffered heavy losses.

The commander of the 1st Battalion, Ande Xin, and the commanders of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th companies were killed in battle successively. The officers and soldiers of the 2 battalions had suffered all casualties. Shi Shian led the remnants to retreat to the west bank of Shihe River in the afternoon. The Japanese army occupied Shanhaiguan on the same day and Soon they controlled the traffic arteries inside and outside the pass.

The news of the capture of Shanhaiguan spread to the country, causing an uproar across the country. Students in major cities held anti-Japanese demonstrations. The people's anti-Japanese voices surged across the country. Warlords from all over the country also called on the national government to quickly send troops north to resist the Japanese and regain the lost territory.

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