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Chapter 625 Junkers Ju52

In early January 1933, in addition to the Japanese army launching an offensive in Jehol, which attracted the attention of the entire Republic of China, there was another incident in Taiyuan, Shanxi that aroused the interest of the people of Taiyuan.

On January 9, the Shanxi Daily’s headlines did not report on the Japanese military operation in Rehe, but reported on Shanxi’s first airline, Shanxi Civil Airlines, and China Airlines to jointly launch a civil flight from Tianjin to Peking to Taiyuan.


In other words, in the future, you can fly from Taiyuan to Beiping and Tianjin. The distance that used to take days and nights can now be reached in a few hours.

Speaking of Shanxi Civil Airlines, it is actually inseparable from Marshal Yan’s aviation dream in his early years.

Marshal Yan worked hard to manage his "territory" in Shanxi throughout his life and was known as the "Tu Emperor of Shanxi". The domestic and foreign policies he implemented were all to safeguard his own interests in Shanxi. In order to gain a foothold in Shanxi and develop his own

He knew that he must master a powerful military force, and developing the air force was one of his pursuit goals.

He successively sent overseas students composed of his sons, nephews, or close associates to France to study aviation technology. In 1925, he introduced the French "Gaudron" aircraft manufacturing technology, and hired senior engineers and pilots from Germany with high salaries for several months.

At the Taiyuan Arsenal, two bi-wing training aircraft were assembled with Chinese technical workers. Rather than manufacturing the aircraft, it is better to say that it is the imported assembly of the aircraft, because 99% of the aircraft's parts are imported from abroad.

After a period of manufacturing and assembly, the aircraft was finally born in Shanxi. In the same year, the "Aviation Corps" was established with about 20 members. Later, the "Aviation Preparatory School" was established, and the instructors were international students who returned to Shanxi from studying in France.

, the school has more than 60 students.

However, the development of Shanxi's aviation industry has been bumpy and full of twists and turns. First, the aircraft purchased and assembled in the early stage had accidents during training one after another, and four aircraft crashed. What made Marshal Yan even more sad was the loss of instructors and pilots.

However, Marshal Yan's aviation dream was not shattered. By the end of 1930, he had invested heavily in purchasing or assembling more than 20 aircraft from Britain, France, Germany, and Japan. Shanxi's Army Aviation Brigade also grew to more than 20 pilots and ground staff.

More than 30 people, including nearly 50 repair workers.

But before his army aviation brigade could form combat effectiveness, before he was defeated in the Central Plains War in 1931, in order to prevent the Shanxi Air Force that he had worked hard to create for many years from being aborted, he also had to prevent the planes and pilots he had invested countless efforts in from being destroyed by the Nanjing authorities.

To annex, he could only secretly transport the aircraft and personnel of the air force originally stationed at Taiyuan City North Airport to an airstrip in Fenyang and seal them up.

However, when he returned to Taiyuan a year later, most of the aircraft that had been mothballed were lacking maintenance and could no longer take off. In addition, all the foreign experts and instructors hired previously had returned to China, and the few flying personnel were even more lost.

Quite a few. Moreover, Nanjing has long had the intention to unify the country's aircraft under the central jurisdiction.

He simply gave up the idea of ​​establishing an air force for the time being and turned to developing civil aviation.

At this time, the largest civil airline in the Republic of China was China Airlines, a Sino-US joint venture established in 1930. China Airlines used Luoning seaplanes and Stimson passenger aircraft to operate routes such as Shanghai-Chengdu, Shanghai-Pingxiang, Shanghai-Guangdong, and Chongqing-Kunming.

It was not until the end of the Central Plains War that the situation in the north gradually eased, so AVIC began to consider opening a northern route.

It was under this circumstance that Marshal Yan cooperated with China Airlines to open a route from Tianjin to Peking to Taiyuan. The next step is to consider opening a route from Peking to Shanghai to connect the two most important cities in northern and southern China.

At this time, at the training range of the Yangqu Military Camp, Zhou Wen was playing with a shell gun with a magazine the same length as the gun handle. He had no time to care about the airline. He was concentrating on constantly changing his hands to aim and shoot.

One moment, with the palm facing up, the gun is held flat and fired, and the next moment, the palm is facing down, with the back of the hand facing upward, and the gun is fired.

"Pah... pah!" The clear sound of gunshots echoed over the training ground.

Beside him, Miaohua also held a rifle with one hand. After Zhou Wen finished loading a magazine, he started to aim and shoot.

Behind them stood Zhang Xiaoping and Xu Dacheng, a group of brothers from the first team who were watching the fun.

"Papa...papa pa!"

After finishing a magazine, Miaohua Zoumei said: "Although this gun can be fired continuously, the muzzle jumps very hard. After three rounds, it was difficult for me to suppress it, and it was even less possible for others. I think it is still the Ruger."

Artillery-type pistols are easier to use and more accurate."

At this time, Zhou Wen said with a smile: "Senior brother, go ahead and look at our two targets, and you will know what is going on."

Miaohua knew as soon as she heard that the secret must be in Zhou Wen's shooting posture just now, so she didn't say much and strode towards the target 50 meters away. Zhang Xiaoping also became interested when she heard this, and followed with several brothers.

Find out.

When Miaohua saw that there were only 6 bullet holes in his target, which meant that only 6 of the 20 bullets hit the target, this situation was simply unbelievable to him.

You must know that although Miaohua has inherent flaws in shooting at a distance of 200 meters, within 150 meters he is as good as a gunner. Even professional snipers like Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping dare not say that they can definitely defeat him.

Miaohua was not surprised when she saw her results. On the contrary, she thought it was normal. She also used short bursts. If she had used long bursts or directly held the trigger, her results might have been even worse. This was not a result of shooting skills.

The problem is the gun.

However, after he saw a dozen bullet holes in Zhou Wen's target, he looked at Zhang Xiaoping and knew that the key to the problem was Zhou Wen's shooting method with the flat-end pistol.

It turns out that the shell gun used by Zhou Wen and Miaohua today is the 20-shot shell gun that Zhou Wen bought from Germany not long ago. It is also called the Mauser C96-M712 rapid-fire shell gun, commonly known as the "rapid machine". The magazine of this shell gun

It is separate and inserted from the bottom of the gun body. The magazine capacity is either ten or twenty rounds. When a twenty-round magazine is inserted, the magazine protrudes a lot from the gun body and is basically flush with the grip. It is called

"Twenty-ring pot-bellied box".

However, until the Mauser factory stopped producing the shell gun in 1939, no country in the world adopted the 20-shot shell gun as the standard weapon of the army.

The military of various countries do not use shell guns not because of the poor quality of the gun, but because the price of the gun is higher than other pistols. When used as a pistol, the size is too large. As a submachine gun, it is difficult to control the muzzle jump. Before fully automatic shooting, you must

Combining a wooden gun case with the gun body as a stock to control the muzzle jump is complicated to operate and difficult to carry. It is really difficult to go up or down.

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