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Chapter 639 Shooting

By the time Huang Yisheng received a letter from his family and found out that his nephew had gone to join the army, it was too late. You must know that the military camp does not come and leave when you want. Even with Huang Yisheng's status, he could not violate military regulations and let the army release him.

He could only contact a few familiar senior officers and ask Huang Dayou to be assigned to a unit with the care of his acquaintances after the recruit training.

Huang Dayou is really a soldier. With his good marksmanship and good martial arts, he became a hot commodity after three months of recruit training. Several main forces were vying for him.

In the end, the Logistics Department, who had a good relationship with Huang Yisheng, got him to the 7th Brigade, which also served as the guard of the arsenal.

At that time, the 7th Brigade of the Northeastern Army was an out-and-out imperial guard and one of the most elite units of the Northeastern Army. It had a deep relationship with Marshal Zhang. This was an important reason why the 7th Brigade received special care.

Because Marshal Zhang favored the 7th Brigade very much, he received preferential treatment in terms of welfare benefits and weapons and equipment, making him one of the most favored troops in the Northeast Army.

The 7th Brigade officially has a total strength of more than 7,000 people, plus three special forces companies, with a total strength of more than 10,000.

The brigade not only has light and heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, mortars, field artillery and other equipment, it is also equipped with tanks, armored vehicles and peaceful artillery.

In addition, the quality of the officers and soldiers of the 7th Brigade is generally high. Most of the soldiers have a high school education or above. Almost all the officers come from regular military academies such as Mainland China University, Baoding Military Academy, and Northeast Military Academy. Many of them came back from studying abroad. This was at that time

It is rare in the national army.

The brigade had excellent weapons and a complete range of arms (the baggage and artillery were under the unified command of the headquarters at the time and were uniformly assigned during war). The brigade had more people than a division of the Central Army of the National Army at that time. The quality and quantity of its light weapons were not only second to none in the country at the time, but also compared with Japan.

The army is even worse.

The number and quality of the heavy machine guns and mortars it owned were relatively large and relatively good in the country. In particular, the flat-fire guns and heavy mortars were the most advanced in the country at that time. It can be said that in terms of personnel and equipment, the brigade ranked first in the country at that time.

The best among the division-level units.

What is most commendable is that the 7th Brigade is China's first unit equipped with a tank brigade. It has 12 tanks and armored vehicles and more than 100 cars. It is already a semi-mechanized force.

The 7th Brigade is usually stationed in Beida Camp and is responsible for guarding Shenyang.

However, due to being deep in the base camp and without combat missions for many years, it has become common practice for officers at all levels in the 7th Brigade to show off their ostentation. Most of the officers have families and most of them go home to stay when they are not on duty. The soldiers are also happy to have no one to manage them at night.

Often going out at will, it can be said that the vigilance of officers and soldiers is very low.

On the evening of September 18, 1931, the Japanese army blew up a section of the South Manchuria Railway, accused the Chinese army of sabotage, and began to shoot provocations at Beida Camp. Wang Yizhe, commander of the 7th Brigade, was not in Beida Camp at that time, and many regiment and battalion commanders were also absent.


The soldiers immediately assembled into defensive positions under the order of the officer on duty.

Huang Dayou, who was assigned to the 7th Brigade Headquarters Secret Service Company as a machine gunner, was like other soldiers that night. He was rushed to the position by the officer with a confused look on his face, and the machine gun was set up and pointed at the dark outside the camp.

In the wilderness, my whole body was trembling.

The secret service company of the 7th Brigade is the guard of the brigade headquarters, all equipped with the latest machine-machine submachine guns and Czech-style light machine guns.

Huang Dayou faced the test of war for the first time, and his performance was no different from that of other recruits. His face was white, his throat was dry, and his upper and lower rows of teeth were constantly fighting. The person who was supposed to be commanding beside him was a man with a row of yellow teeth.

For some unknown reason, the squad leader actually distanced himself from him.

He didn't know that if a battle really broke out, machine gun fire would definitely be the primary target of the Japanese grenade launchers. The squad leader was a veteran and would naturally not get too close to the machine gunner.

However, I could only hear intermittent gunshots coming from the darkness, as well as the laughter and yelling of the little Japanese, but I didn't feel any bullets flying towards me.

In the cold and dark night, Huang Dayou, who had been lying down nervously for half an hour, suddenly heard the officer's order from the distance: "Everyone return to camp, the Japanese are provoking, don't pay attention."

All the soldiers, including Huang Dayou, let out a sigh of relief, and some even began to curse.

At this time, squad leader Huang Banya returned to Huang Dayou at some point, reached out and slapped him on the head, shouting: "Are you scared? Didn't you hear the order? Go back to sleep. Mom, what a shame,

It’s hard to sleep peacefully in these poor little Japan.”

So, Huang Dayou stood up, rubbed his numb thighs, picked up the Czech machine gun, and followed the group of soldiers towards the barracks.

It may be that the Japanese were just provoking blank ammunition at the beginning (practice ammunition, which cannot hurt people), with the purpose of attracting the Chinese army to shoot. They attacked justifiably, which led to the misjudgment of the senior generals of the Northeast Army. Wang Yizhe called from home.

The order was: "The team should not move. The heavy weapons should be returned to the warehouse. The soldiers should go back to sleep. If the Japanese come in and an officer comes to negotiate, give the Japanese what they want and do not fight."

Therefore, the troops had to disperse and go back to sleep.

The Japanese waited for a while, but saw no return fire. Unable to hold on any longer, the 240mm heavy artillery destroyed the west wall of Beida Camp in the first shelling. After four rounds of shelling, the Japanese infantry rushed into the 7th Brigade station.

At this time, the poor soldiers finally relaxed after experiencing the previous tension, and were awakened from their sleep again.

Huang Dayou was too nervous and couldn't sleep because he tossed and turned in bed. When he heard the sound of a heavy artillery shell exploding, he sat up and looked around in horror. Then the explosions kept coming.

At this time, a cry-like voice came from outside: "Little Japan is calling in, Little Japan is here."

Then more people were shouting, and then the sound of intensive machine guns rang out. Once Huang Da heard it, he knew it was the sound of Japanese machine guns, and it was really the little Japanese invading.

With a "bang", the door of the barracks was pushed open by someone's kick. Huang Dayou was horrified to see his platoon leader rushing in with disheveled clothes, his panicked expression slightly ferocious.

"Run! Little Japan will kill everyone he sees when he comes in. If the officer doesn't allow you to fire back, if you don't run, Little Japan will block the door."

After the platoon leader finished speaking, he no longer paid attention to the soldiers in the barracks who were also trembling with fear, turned around and ran away.

At this time, the barracks was completely in a state of chaos. In the darkness, some soldiers were looking for clothes and some were looking for shoes. They cried for their parents and became a mess.

At this moment, "swish, swish..." a row of bullets came in from outside the window. Immediately, several people were shot and fell to the ground screaming.

Now the soldiers were even more panicked. Some of them ran out of the door without even wearing shoes.

This chapter has been completed!
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