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Chapter 660: Jehol Crisis

At dusk, Liu Ruolan, who had been inspecting all day, did not show any signs of fatigue. Instead, she asked Zhou Wen to take her up the mountain behind the steel plant to view the scenery, because Zhou Wen once said that on the top of this mountain called Jiming Mountain

Overlooking Lishi County, you can have a panoramic view of the old city and industrial park. It is a rare viewing spot.

At this time, everyone also knew that today's work was over, and the remaining time was for the young couple to talk about love. There was no need to attract attention here, so they all left one after another.

Even the two little followers, Xiaohu and Hongxiu, were reluctantly dragged away by their uncle Wang Wenzhao.

But Zhou Wen knew that Ruolan must have something to say to him. After all, after the two of them came to Lishi, they had very little time to be alone.

You must know that before men and women in this period got married, they still had to follow some rules in their interactions with each other. For example, when Liu Ruolan met Zhou Wen's father for the first time, she couldn't just go to see Zhou Wen's father. She had to wait until both parties were legitimately engaged.

As a result, Liu Ruolan came to Lishi this time to verify the financial accounts of the steel plant, not because her future daughter-in-law came to meet her husband.

Although everyone knew what was going on, they still had to follow the rules, not for anything else but to prevent Liu Ruolan from being talked about behind her back and to save the Liu family's face.

So on the day of Lishi, Zhou Jinghai hosted a banquet for Liu Ruolan in the name of Lishi Chamber of Commerce, not at home, but at a hotel in Lishi New Town.

Of course, in private, Zhou Jinghai found an opportunity to give an antique jade pendant left by Zhou Wen's mother to Liu Ruolan, which cannot be known to outsiders.

Therefore, after Zhou Wen and Liu Ruolan came to Lishi, they did not have the opportunity to be alone and talk as often as they did in Taiyuan.

After watching everyone say goodbye and leave, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, then walked up the mountain along the specially repaired mountain path.

"Awen, you said that the result of the Sino-Japanese war was that we finally won. Is this true?" Liu Ruolan asked softly.

Zhou Wen sighed and said: "We won, but the price we paid was too great, and the trauma it caused to our country and nation was so great that dozens or hundreds of years later, our people will feel sad and heartache every time they think about it."

Liu Ruolan gently stretched out her hand, placed a small catkin in Zhou Wen's palm, held it firmly, and said softly: "Your dream has brought you too much burden. Although I also believe that the dream you said is very likely to happen.

Yes, but after all, this is not your business alone, it is a matter of life and death for the entire Chinese nation. I just hope that you can just do your best and not bear too many things."

Zhou Wen also held Liu Ruolan's hand tightly and pulled her up the mountain, with a knowing smile on his face. Women in his family know how to care for others. It's really nice to have a daughter-in-law.

Even to Liu Ruolan, he couldn't tell the truth about his time travel. It wasn't that he wanted to keep it a secret from Liu Ruolan, but he couldn't explain it at all and might even scare people away.

Even the client himself is confused about the matter of soul possession. How can he explain it to others? Besides, folk superstitious legends are still very popular in this period. If you say that you are a person possessed by a ghost, I'm afraid it will happen.

It scares people to death directly.

So he can only say that it was the result of the Buddha's dream. Anyway, there are Buddhist beads to prove it. He also took out the things in the Buddha beads space and put them back instantly in front of Liu Ruolan, confusing a wealthy lady from the top wealthy family in the Republic of China.

He was stunned for a moment, and even suspected that Zhou Wen was performing Western magic.

It wasn't until Zhou Wen went to a snack bar and bought a hot braised chicken, put it in the Buddha bead space for a few hours, and took it out again while it was still hot, that Liu Ruolan believed that this amazing thing really happened to Zhou Wen.

Not long after, the two reached the top of the mountain. Zhou Wen had earlier built a viewing platform on the top of the mountain to facilitate his family's viewing, as well as a small pavilion for people to rest.

The two of them sat down in the pavilion. Zhou Wen smiled and took out a pot of steaming tea and two clean white porcelain tea cups from the Buddha bead space. Then he took out a few plates of snacks and snacks and placed them on the stone in the middle.

On the table.

Liu Ruolan watched Zhou Wen perform a magic trick with her beautiful eyes. Although she already knew about Zhou Wen's special abilities, she couldn't help but feel a little sweet in her heart when she saw her sweetheart using this strange ability on herself.

Zhou Wen poured the tea and handed it to Liu Ruolan. He also picked up a cup and took a sip. The two of them sipped the tea and looked down the mountain under the afterglow of the setting sun.

At the foot of the mountain, thick smoke was emitted from the tall chimneys and steel-making furnaces in the industrial park. Together with the smoke from the new city on the other side of the river, it added a different color to the sky. The sparkling Beichuan River in the middle

Like a jade belt, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are clearly separated.

Zhou Wen pointed at the ink painting-like scenery at the bottom of the mountain and said to Liu Ruolan: "Ruolan, look at this beautiful scenery, this great river and mountains, in a few years, they will be destroyed by Japanese bandits' planes and cannons. You

Say, as a person who can know the future in advance, will he be willing to do so? Will he be indifferent? "

"So, it's not that my burden is too heavy, but it's like there's a big stone falling in my heart all the time. I can't tell people, I can't talk to people. Even if I say it, no one will believe it, and they will even suspect that I am a lunatic.


"I believe it, Awen," Liu Ruolan's voice was soft but with a decisive tone.

She put down the tea cup, took Zhou Wen's hands with both hands, looked at Zhou Wen with a pair of big water-like eyes without blinking, and said softly: "I believe you, I believe what you said is about to happen, so I understand you very much now

Mood, although I am just a weak woman, I also hope to share some of your inner uneasiness and anxiety."

"Ruolan, it's really the greatest gift that Lord Buddha has given me that I met you." Zhou Wen said affectionately.

Liu Ruolan said softly: "Me too."

After finishing speaking, he leaned his head lightly on Zhou Wen's shoulder a little shyly.

Although Zhou Wen and Ruo Lan have been deeply in love since they made their relationship public, he was afraid of being rude to the beautiful woman, so the most intimate behavior between them was just holding hands. This also made Mr. Zhou, who has been single for two generations, blush and heartbeat.

, extremely happy.

Now that the beauty is by his side and the warm fragrance is blowing against his face, even Zhou Wen who has never picked up a girl knows that if he doesn't take the initiative, he will really be worse than a beast.

He lightly stretched out his arms and carefully hugged Liu Ruolan's shoulders, feeling the beauty's fragrance. At this moment, he felt that it was the happiest and most satisfying moment in his life.

This chapter has been completed!
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