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Chapter 677

As early as on the march, Zhou Wen and Chen Wanli carefully studied the possible marching route of the Japanese army. According to the common sense that soldiers need to be quick, and the rapid collapse of the Rehe War caught the Chinese side by surprise, Zhou Wen judged that the Japanese army was unlikely to hide their whereabouts.

Go for a detour and take a mountain walk.

The purpose of the Japanese army is very clear, which is to take advantage of the panic of the Chinese command to raid the Great Wall defense line with surprise troops and once again disrupt the deployment of the Chinese army. This requires the Japanese army to act quickly and decisively, and strive to defeat the enemy in a short time.

Conquer and control Lengkou Pass.

Therefore, it is most likely that the Japanese army will move in a straight line and use the official road from Rehe Dushan to Lengkou Pass to march quickly. This is also the normal route for caravans to enter and exit the pass.

The investigators sent by Zhou Wen lined up all the way west along the Dushan Mountains. The westernmost investigation team was only 20 kilometers away from Xifengkou, while the northernmost investigation team could already see Rehe Province from a distance.

Dushan County.

In fact, Zhou Wen currently has insufficient troops. If he still has extra troops, he can set up an ambush circle on the road from Dushan to Xifengkou, because Xifengkou was also captured by another Japanese army in history.

, and was later recaptured by the 29th Army’s sword squad in a night attack.

At 4 o'clock in the morning on March 3, on a peak in Dushan, Li Hu, who was sleeping soundly wrapped in a sleeping bag under a big tree, was shaken awake.

"Team leader, team leader, there is a situation."

Li Hu suddenly woke up and saw that the person calling him was Zuo Mingqing, a new member of the team. He could see excitement and nervousness on his young face.

Li Hu quickly put on his quilted winter combat uniform, followed Zuo Mingqing to the foot of a thick spruce tree, climbed up in twos and twos, and saw a team member observing the direction of Dushan County with a telescope.

When the team member saw Li Hu coming up, he handed him the telescope. Li Hu took the telescope and looked into the dark distance.

After searching for a while, dots of light appeared in the darkness in front of the lens. Li Hu immediately judged that these were torches used to illuminate the march.

After observing carefully for a while, Li Hu turned around and ordered Zuo Mingqing under the tree: "Wake up the brothers and prepare combat equipment."


Just as Zuo Mingqing was about to turn around, he suddenly asked nervously: "Team leader, do you want to notify other groups?"

"No need for the time being. It's too dark now and the distance is too far to judge the enemy's number and marching route. We will use the night to conduct close-range reconnaissance later, and then notify others."

Li Hu patiently answered Zuo Mingqing's questions. Of course, he knew that it was Zuo Mingqing's first time on the battlefield, so nervousness and excitement were inevitable. When he answered his questions, he was not only explaining tactics.

It also has the effect of relieving his nervousness.

When he fought for the first time, that is, when he attacked the Yitiantian bandits, he was worse than Zuo Mingqing. At that time, his head was buzzing all the time. He only knew that the scholar's orders kept coming to his ears, and he acted like a machine.

I fired according to the order. Did I hit? How many people were hit? I have no idea.

Looking at Zuo Mingqing's back as he turned to leave, Li Hu felt both relieved and a little bit urgent. He was pleased that his team had a generalist who could both fight and understand battlefield first aid. This increased the safety of his brothers.

The guarantee and sense of urgency come from the fact that this brother named Zuo Mingqing is really outstanding. Not only his martial arts skills are better than his own, but his marksmanship on the training ground is also impressive. Not only can he shoot accurately, but he can also shoot really well.


As long as you pass the test of the battlefield, it is very likely that your military skills in all aspects will surpass yours in the future.

Originally they were all brothers, and Li Hu was not a jealous person, and he still remembered that instructor Miaohua said that these Wudang disciples had accepted the inheritance of the famous sects since they were young, and their martial arts foundation was much more solid than those of them who were wild.

If you have more, your achievements in martial arts will be much higher in the future.

For example, Zuo Mingqing, with the help of the scholar's Prajna Qi, easily entered the late stage of Qi and Jin not long after he arrived, and he has been training hard for several years, and now he is still lingering in the middle stage of Jin's anger. What a human being.

More infuriating than popular.

There is no problem in all of this. The more capable people in the mercenary group, the stronger the combat effectiveness. Everyone knows this truth. There is only one embarrassment. In the future, these Wudang disciples have entered the realm of Qi Jin, and they are all first-rate masters.

Okay, who will be the team leader?

It doesn't matter whether he is the team leader or not, but if he really wants to be fucked, his old face will be greatly embarrassed.

Moreover, Li Hu knew that such a sense of urgency would also happen to Sun Dazhu and Ergazi and other team leaders. Only Uncle Ma of the machine gun team and Xu Dacheng of the artillery team were better, because they were technical jobs, not martial arts experts.

You can play well.

Therefore, Li Hu and the others now seem to be driven forward by an invisible whip. They can only train harder and learn cultural knowledge and command skills. As the scholar said, martial arts and military skills are not the same.

It doesn't mean you can become a qualified commander.

He didn't know that this was how Zhou Wen hoped that these Wudang disciples would stimulate and spur the old brothers in the mercenary group after they joined.

This group of old brothers in the mercenary group started from Dawangzhuang. After experiencing countless victories and honors, and after discovering that even the Japanese army, known as the strongest army in Asia, was no match for them, they established themselves psychologically and spiritually.

He has gained super self-confidence and invincible momentum, and the idle army has completely ignored him.

This is of course a good thing. It is the foundation and foundation of a strong army, an army of steel, and an invincible army.

However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. Super-strong confidence may breed arrogance, and invincibility may lead to arrogance and arrogance.

Moreover, it may also produce side effects such as laziness, self-satisfaction, decline in ambition, etc.

This situation first appeared when Meng Yuting and his group of officers who stayed in the Soviet Union joined.

This requires some external and internal stimulation to motivate them to not slack off and keep moving forward.

External factors are not what Zhou Wen wants. It is a life-and-death battle, not playing house on the training ground. External stimulation factors are nothing more than encountering stronger opponents, which means paying the price of life and blood. Zhou Wen

How could you give it up?

What's more, Zhou Wen's purpose of building a mercenary group at all costs is to cultivate an invincible army. According to the current combat effectiveness, equipment and advanced tactical thinking of the mercenary group, it is not easy to find a strong opponent with the same number.

Then we can only stimulate and motivate from within. Now that the entire Wudang Dragon Clan has joined, it is a very good opportunity. It will not only stimulate the middle and lower-level officers, but also serve as a warning to the senior leaders of the mercenary group such as Gao Xiaoshan and Miaohua.

This chapter has been completed!
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