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Chapter 679

Moreover, this time the preparations were relatively complete. Chen Wanli also issued a tactical map to each company. Although it was a manual sketch made by several officers, the combat purpose and fire coverage area were clearly marked, including the final

During the general attack, the attack directions and tasks of each platoon of the infantry company were explained.

Zhou Wen was full of praise for this kind of meticulous arrangement. Chen Wanli was meticulous in everything, considering every possibility on the battlefield and making corresponding arrangements.

If this type of tactical arrangement is used in other battles, it will be just like arm's-length tactics. After all, troops are unpredictable, and the ever-changing situation on the battlefield cannot be predicted in advance.

However, when the movements and goals of the Japanese army were clear, and the rest areas and surrounding terrain of the Japanese army were fully understood, this arrangement seemed thoughtful and meticulous, even like commanding a programmed machine.

Once it is started, it will run automatically, so there is no need for manual operation at all.

This is Chen Wanli's command style, while Meng Yuting is prudent in using troops and has a strong view of the overall situation. Zhou Wen can't judge which of the two is better, but Chen Wanli has achieved the ultimate in command and deployment this time. It is the result of two generations of people.

Zhou Wen couldn't fault him at all.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the combat troops of the advance detachment set off after having a hot meal.

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon, Wazikou, a low depression in the Yanshan Mountains that had been deserted for a long time, was suddenly filled with a dense crowd of people. The chaotic sound of leather shoes and horse hooves broke the tranquility of this white-capped mountain forest.

Miyama Shishu stood on the hillside, watching his 1st Squadron dispatch a small group of Japanese troops to establish a warning machine gun position on a high ground in the direction of Lengkou, while the 3rd Squadron established a warning on the high ground to the east.

The other troops marched into the leeward depression in an orderly manner one after another.

He stroked his Danrenhu proudly, and was very satisfied. The quality of the imperial soldiers was reassuring, but these squadron leaders were too careful. At this time, in this place, where can I find success?

The organic Chinese army, unless they have wings and fly over.

Naturally, he would not stop his men from deploying. After all, this was going deep behind enemy lines, so be careful and you would not make a big mistake.

Miyama Xia Shu ordered the messengers around him: "Order each squadron to rest where they are. You can light a fire to keep warm. Let the warriors drink some hot water. In half an hour, the security troops on the high ground will be replaced."

At this time, Mi Shanxiashu was no longer afraid of exposing his target. What if he was discovered by the Chinese army? Could it be that they still had time to mobilize their troops?

Mishan Xia Shu has this confidence. As long as he reaches the foot of Phoenix Mountain, no one can stop the advancement of the Imperial Warriors. It only takes one charge to capture Lengkou Pass a few kilometers away. This mission will be successfully completed.


Watching several messengers run away, he walked directly to the signal soldiers who were setting up the radio station, waiting for them to debug the machine and prepare to report to the headquarters that he had arrived.

At this time, this depression, which was only 800 meters wide and 500 meters long, was crowded with Japanese soldiers wearing shit-yellow military coats. They stomped on their heavy leather shoes, and the iron nails on the soles of the shoes interacted with the frozen ground.

Fighting hard, making a clicking sound.

Most of the Japanese soldiers gathered together in twos and threes, breathing heavily and talking and laughing. Some lit up cigarettes and passed them around to each other, as if they were going to travel instead of fighting.

Saburo Matsushima is a logistics soldier and cook of the 1st Squadron of the Beast Battalion. This corporal, who also comes from the mountains of Hokkaido, has served in the Imperial Army for four years. Originally, veterans like him should be the backbone of the Imperial Army, and he is favored by many younger recruits.

Object of respect.

However, Saburo Matsushima had no merit in terms of military skills. His shooting and stabbing skills after several years of training were not as good as those of a recruit who had just come out of the recruit camp. In the army, he was often punished by his superiors and ridiculed by his colleagues.

Strange to say, under such rigorous training by the Japanese army, no matter how hard he tried, he still had no improvement. His fixed target shooting at 100 meters was quite satisfactory, but beyond 200 meters, he relied on luck, and in most cases he failed.

If he misses the target, he will be highly praised. His stabbing skills are even more unflattering. Due to his poor family and malnutrition since childhood, he lacks the most needed explosive power and speed compared to others.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for someone like him to serve in the Japanese Army's Class A Division, and he would be the subject of ridicule even in the local garrison troops in Japan.

However, being from Hokkaido, he is blessed with his birthplace.

Among all the Class A divisions of the Japanese army, because all the soldiers of the 7th Division, known as the Hokkaido Division, are from Hokkaido, and because Hokkaido is a relatively poor and backward area in Japan, they are regarded as country bumpkins by people in other areas and are often looked down upon.

This also resulted in people in the Hokkaido Division being relatively homogeneous and xenophobic. Even some officers from other places who came to serve in the Seventh Division would be ostracized and isolated.

So even though Matsushima Saburo's performance was so unbearable, in the words of Captain Toyo Tajima, the leader of the 1st Squadron, I would rather this idiot Matsushima Saburo be useless in the 1st Squadron, but I can't let him go outside and embarrass our Hokkaido Division.

Tuan's face.

Of course, it was impossible for Matsushima Saburo to enter the combat unit and achieve meritorious service. Captain Tajima Toyo, who came from the same village as him, arranged for him to be a cook in the logistics unit.

At this time, Matsushima Saburo was picking up a lot of dead branches to make a fire with the help of several companions. However, the dead branches in the snow in winter were very moist. Matsushima Saburo used up half a box of matches, but there was only smoke but no open flame.

A Japanese sergeant who was waiting for hot water next to him said impatiently: "Matsushima, you idiot, you are not good at fighting. Now you are so stupid to light a fire. I really don't know what use you have?"

At this time, a Japanese corporal next to him smiled and said: "Matsushima-kun is still useful, have you forgotten Sergeant Ono? Yesterday in Lingyuan County, if it weren't for this guy's sharp eyes, those few people would have changed their disguises and made their faces look bad."

The Chinese woman who was smeared with soot ran away."

Another Japanese soldier also joked: "Yes, this guy Matsushima is slow in everything he does, but he climbed on that Chinese woman very quickly. He got down in less than a minute."


A group of Japanese soldiers laughed evilly and lewdly.

Saburo Matsushima, who was accustomed to being laughed at by his colleagues, was not annoyed. He showed a simple and honest smile on his face that was darkened by smoke, and continued to blow on the smoking pile of dead branches with his mouth.

Then, his smile grew wider, a small flame emerged from the pyre, and the fire was finally lit.

He raised his head happily and was about to brag to his companions, but he was stunned by a larger and brighter fire on the high ground not far away that was just within sight.

This chapter has been completed!
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