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Chapter 681 Buried a big pit

Mi Shanxiashu, who had escaped the disaster, had no time to rejoice at this time. Just when he was hiding among the Japanese army, a sharp whistling sound flew from the air, which sounded to his ears like a sound from hell.



"Get down!"


Several officers roared loudly and issued different orders.

However, this hysterical roar could not stop the cannonballs swarming in the sky.

20 rounds of 81mm mortar shells and 6 rounds of 75mm mountain artillery shells instantly fell into the chaotic and crowded crowd of the Japanese army. The 26 flying fires and smoke not only created dozens of aerialists and paralyzed people in the center of the explosion.

The severed limbs also created thousands of fragments and iron filings that flew around at high speed. With high temperature and fiery eagerness, they happily penetrated into any flesh and bones that blocked their flight path, bringing

There was a howl of ghosts and wolves.

But for the Japanese troops who were crowded together and unable to disperse in a short period of time, the bad luck caused by the explosion was not only the destructive power of the shells themselves, but also the dozens of pack horses and war horses pulling light, heavy and artillery concentrated in the center of the depression.

It was also visited by several cannonballs.

Although most of the horses survived, even the pack horses that had been specially trained to adapt to the battlefield, ran away uncontrollably due to the animal's instinctive reaction to danger. At this time, any object in front of them was an obstacle.

The obstacle for them to escape, for the animals that are already frightened and crazy, is to step on them without any hesitation.

Corporal Saburo Matsushima's mind went blank because of the sudden explosion. This Hokkaido farmer, who had been taken care of by his fellow squadron leader Toyo Tajima, watched with horrified eyes as his fellow squadron leader was killed by a galloping horse.

The coming packhorse hit him from behind.

Then, the rear hooves of the packhorse, which was tightly strapped with a gun mount of several dozen kilograms, fell heavily and stepped on the lower abdomen of Captain Tajima Toyo who fell to the ground unexpectedly.

Matsushima Saburo stared at Tajima Toyo's eyes facing the sky with his mouth wide open for a moment until his eyeballs bulged out, like two dead fish eyes. His lips were wide open but he didn't make any sound, and his body was curled up like a baby.

He got up, and then heard a deep and low cry from his broken balls: "Songdao, help me."

Only then did Matsushima Saburo react and rushed forward to help Captain Tajima Toyo, but with just a slight exertion, he saw that Tajima Toyo's pale face had been covered with a layer of cyan and was twisted in pain, but still didn't


For Tajima Toyo, whose balls are now broken and her lumbar spine has been shattered, making any sound will bring endless pain.

"Rescue soldiers...rescue soldiers..." Matsushima Saburo shouted with his voice that had become dry and hoarse from fear and sudden blows.

Unfortunately, his cry for help, which no longer sounded like his own, did not call the ambulance. Instead, it attracted an 81mm mortar heavy explosive bomb weighing 6.9 kilograms.

Then... there was no more. This farmer from the mountains of Hokkaido and his fellow squadron leader got on an airplane for the first time... Of course it was a clay plane. As for what he felt the moment he flew into the sky, it is unclear.

Got it.

Of course, it was lucky for Captain Toyo Tajima, because he no longer had to suffer such unbearable pain.

The damage caused by dozens of crazy horses was not too fatal to thousands of Japanese troops, but the panic and impact caused to the already crowded crowd made the Japanese army's formation even more chaotic.

In the low land at Wazikou, which is not much bigger than a football field, the land has been washed flat and smooth by the flash floods that broke out a few years ago. The tallest vegetation is only a few small fir trees that are less than a person's waist high and are taller than an arm.

The slender tree trunks are really not a good cover for the stubby Imperial Japanese Army to block artillery shells. But even so, there are many trembling shit-yellow figures crouching behind these small trees.

Miyama Xia Shu's eyes were red at this time. With his rich experience, he instantly judged that the impact points of these shells were carefully calculated. The firing distance of each gun was about 20 meters. The coverage of one round of shells

A small half of the field was completely covered, and in a few seconds, these loyal and brave imperial soldiers under his command would usher in the second or even third round of bombardment.

The battalion leader who graduated from the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer School is very clear about the killing radius and effective killing distance of a 75mm and 81mm artillery shell, and to his ears, the power of mortar shells does not seem to be average.

It was so big that the damage radius was beyond his expectation.

No, we need to get out of this dangerous area immediately.

Mishan Xia Shu had completely disregarded his own safety. He stood up, pulled out his command knife and pointed at a small forest to the east. He shouted an order: "Kill the frightened horses. All units should spread out in all directions to seize the forest.


It must be said that the Japanese army was indeed well-trained. Even in such a chaotic situation, Yoneyama Shita's order still worked.

Soon there were gunshots, and the frightened horses kept falling down in mourning. Moreover, the Japanese soldiers on the edge of the team had set up their crooked light machine guns and started shooting aimlessly at the surrounding mountains.

Regardless of whether the counterattack at this time has any effect, it will at least stabilize the morale of the military.

But unfortunately, the second round of shelling came soon as expected, and then came the third round. The sound of a few weak machine guns was quickly drowned out by the sound of explosions.

At this time, Miyama Xia Shu didn't care about dodging the shells. Maybe one shot would kill him, but he would be dead. He would no longer be tormented by the tragedy in front of him. He loudly ordered the officers around him to ignore the shells and gather some of his troops.

Move towards the high ground to the east.

After the order was issued, he discovered that the commanders of the 3rd Squadron and the Machine Gun Squadron, who had been waiting for the order just now, had turned into corpses lying on the ground. Only the big holes on their foreheads were still bleeding.

Tell Major Yoneyama Shitaki that there are not only artillery shell attacks, but also silent and life-seeking bullets coming from nowhere.

He didn't know how the enemy accurately found these officers in the crowded crowd, nor did he know what weapons the enemy used to shoot, so he hadn't heard the sound of gunshots until now, but Mishan Xia Shu was a beast who knew himself.

The brigade fell into a trap carefully laid by the Chinese army with unknown organization and unknown numbers, but very powerful combat effectiveness.

This chapter has been completed!
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