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Chapter 705 Pre-War Deployment

General Shang Zheng was naturally happy because he had a share of credit for the victory at Wazikou. Now newspapers across the country are publicizing the achievements of the Model Brigade. The 32nd Army, as the superior department of the Model Brigade, was also mentioned in the newspapers.

Since then, the previously unknown 32nd Army has suddenly become a model for the country's anti-Japanese resistance. It is hard to say that it will have a place in the history books in the future.

Coupled with this great gift from his old boss, it was a double happiness. The curve of the corners of General Shang Zheng's mouth, which was usually stern and unsmiling, had not subsided for a long time.

Therefore, General Shang Zheng, who had just entered Qian'an County and had not had time to drink hot tea, ordered the chief of staff to arrange the troops' entry, and he took a few military officers and drove directly to Jianchang Camp.

Regardless of fatigue, he ordered Zhao Changshu to lead the way and went to the remaining battlefield at Wazikou to inspect.

Zhou Wen naturally would not go to Luanxian and Qian'an to join in the fun, and it was not his turn to attend such a scene as welcoming the military commander. He was only a colonel from a subordinate unit of the Model Brigade in name.

He knew that in the next few days, the Japanese army would begin to advance towards the Great Wall defense line. Early this morning, he divided the brothers from the first team into several groups and sent them out to conduct reconnaissance along the Dushan Mountains and Dushan County.

, one is to detect the movements of the Japanese troops, and the other is to find a suitable location to establish a secret camp in the mountains and mountains of Dushan.

In the next period of time, the advance detachment will pull down external operations, and the supply of ammunition and food is very important. If the Japanese army gathers heavily at Lengkou Pass, it is possible to cut off the internal and external supply lines. At that time, the ammunition stored in several secret camps

Supplies are extremely important.

So starting today, the infantry company of the second detachment and the transportation team have been using mules and horses to temporarily transport a large amount of supplies from Jianchang Camp to Xiaoshui's village, waiting for the next order.

Zhou Wen studied the map with several officers in the village to determine the scope of the next battle.

At this moment, the soldiers on guard outside the village came with a messenger from the Model Brigade to report that Zhao Changshu had taken the commander of the 32nd Army to Wazikou and asked Zhou Wen to join them quickly.

Zhou Wen didn't dare to neglect, so he took Miaohua and Chen Wanli on horseback.

To say that there is really no shortage of war horses in the advance detachment now, the Mishan Brigade itself is equipped with a certain number of war horses, and has strengthened a 15-man cavalry detachment, as well as more than a hundred tall and strong mules and pack horses. Now the advance detachment is cheaper


A total of more than 30 war horses were seized, and Zhou Wen sent 10 to the model brigade. The investigation team rode away more than 20 horses, and there are still 6 in the village in reserve.

Now, General Shang Zheng is riding on a white Japanese horse, overlooking the ruins of the Wazikou battlefield from a high place.

The afterglow of dusk shines on the depression below, where more than 1,000 Japanese corpses are neatly stacked. Some of them look hideous, or they have their eyes closed tightly in pain. They were stripped of their coats and only wore white cloth shirts. There are still residues on their bodies and faces.

Black bloodstains.

The officers of the 32nd Army were shocked by this scene. They all looked solemn and silent, but their hearts were turned upside down.

This is the Japanese army that swept through the entire Jehol Province in just 10 days. It is said that the damage in 10 days of battle was only a hundred people, but now there are more than 1,400 corpses lying in front of them.

General Shang Zheng, who had been silent for a while, turned around and asked: "Chang Shu, is the captain of your advance detachment here?"

At this moment, Zhou Wen and others had already arrived on horseback.

General Shang Zheng, who heard the sound of horse hooves, looked at the horses galloping in the distance. A young and heroic colonel jumped off the horse vigorously from a distance of more than ten meters, trotted up to him, stood at attention, saluted, and loudly reported:

"Report, Zhou Wen, leader of the advance detachment of the 32nd Army's Model Brigade, reported to the Army Commander."

General Shang Zheng naturally did not dare to underestimate the young colonel. He also dismounted and returned a military salute. Then he said with a smile: "Young people are awesome! I didn't expect Captain Zhou to be so young. Shang took the liberty to ask, Captain Zhou

How old will you be?"

Zhou Wen's shortcomings were exposed at this time, and he said with some embarrassment: "Report to the commander, I will be 21 years old this year."

"Hiss..." The officers behind General Shang Zheng took a breath of cold air.

Why are you only 21 years old? Are you really only 21 years old?

And listen, this guy said he will turn 21 this year, does that mean he is still in his early 20s?

Well, you have accomplished such great feats at such a young age. I have been in the military for more than ten years. At this age, aren’t we living like dogs?

General Shang Zheng had a different idea. While he was shocked by Zhou Wen's age, he was also very keen on observation.

From the fact that Zhou Wen had previously called himself a subordinate of the 32nd Army, he knew that this young colonel was not a simple man. He knew people, knew how to advance and retreat, and his speech and behavior were more decent and proper than those of the old Jianghu who had been in the officialdom for many years.

He didn't believe that such a monster-like figure could pop out of the cracks in the rocks out of thin air. This person must have some background, and it was impossible for him to come from the Jin army system.

So he asked casually, seemingly in an understatement: "I'm afraid Colonel Zhou is not a member of the Jin army, right?"

Zhou Wen felt a chill in his heart, knowing that this general who had spent half his life in the military had finally become suspicious, so he stopped hiding it. After all, he would still be fighting under his command for some time to come, and it was always not good for both sides to have suspicions.

So he took a step forward and said softly: "Commander, please move."

General Shang Zheng knew that the colonel was going to tell the truth, so naturally he had no objections.

The two walked a few steps before Zhou Wencai said in a low voice: "I didn't want to hide it from the military. The unit with a low-level position is actually the Central Party Headquarters Teaching Corps. Previously, it was called the Central Party Headquarters Shanxi Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army on the Songhu battlefield."


Now it was General Shang Zheng's turn to take a breath. He pointed at Zhou Wen and said, "Are you the one who killed the Japanese Major General in Miao Xing Dajie... and the one who blew up the Izumo?"

Zhou Wen smiled and agreed, "It's just a humble position."

General Shang Zheng pointed at Zhou Wen and never put down his hand. He looked at Zhou Wen with a complex expression for a long time before he took a breath and said, "I'm just telling you, how could a monster like you appear in the Jin army? That's it."

After speaking, he patted Zhou Wen on the shoulder and said, "That's great. Today I finally know the true face of Lushan. I, Shang, am so lucky."

This sentence made Zhou Wen really embarrassed. Could it be that the general of the Republic of China was also his fan?

He quickly said with a smile: "It is a humble honor to meet you, the well-known General, Commander."

General Shang Zheng was in a good mood after being flattered by Zhou Wen. He laughed heartily and waved his hands repeatedly: "Hahaha... That's too much praise. It's too much praise. Shang is just like a chicken.

Phoenix is ​​just a bereaved dog. But with a few compliments from an anti-Japanese hero like you, Xiao Zhou, it is still comforting!"

This chapter has been completed!
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