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Chapter 709

"However, the destruction of the entire Yoneyamashita Beast Brigade was an event that the entire Kwantung Army headquarters, including His Excellency General Muto, did not expect. This reminds me of the Shanghai Incident a year ago. I, the Majesty of the Japanese Empire,

What does the incident of Huncheng 24 Brigade’s collective destruction mean?”

"This shows that there are still some troops in the Chinese army who can fight and dare to fight, such as the 29th Army in the Shanghai Incident and the 87th and 88th Divisions known as the Royal Forest Army. For example, the model brigade that brought shame to our Kwantung Army at Lengkou Pass this time


"However, the actions of a small number of troops cannot change the fact that the entire army is timid and cowardly."

Having said this, Sakamoto Eemon stood up, took the baton from Chief of Staff Taro Yoshida, came to the large map hanging on the wall, pointed to the line of the Great Wall and said: "According to the latest order from His Excellency General Muto,

Our 6th Division and its affiliated units will, after repairing and replenishing ammunition supplies, head to the Great Wall in divisions within 10 days to launch an attack on Xifengkou and Lengkou."

"Your Excellency Muto also specifically explained that since a powerful Chinese army has appeared at Lengkou Pass, they must be eliminated as soon as possible to show other Chinese armies that they dare to be enemies of our imperial army.

We must continue to suppress the Chinese army psychologically and strategically, and let them know that the imperial army is invincible."

Then Sakamoto Eemon looked at Hattori Jiro, who was eager to try, and his face was full of expectations, and said: "Hattori-kun, the offensive operation of Lengkou Pass is entrusted to your mixed 14th brigade. I agree with what you said: 'Empire

The shame of the army must be washed away with the blood of that person. You must take advantage of the moment when the Chinese army is still immersed in the joy of victory, launch a fatal blow at Lengkou Pass, completely eliminate that model brigade, and capture Lengkou Pass.


"Hey!" Colonel Hattori Jiro's face turned red as if he had been beaten to death. He stood up and bowed to Sakamoto Eemon.

This morning, the breath of spring did not blow away the severe cold in the Dushan Mountains.

In a dense forest to the west of Dushan, a team of more than 50 troops stood in a neat formation, fully armed. Zhou Wen stood in front of the team and said loudly: "Brothers, we have been training for so long and experienced so many battles.

Test, now is the time to really show off our abilities.”

"Each group or team does not have a specific battle plan. It is up to you to decide how to fight and what to do. I only have two requirements for you. The first is to kill every Japanese you can see. Don't go out of your way to do it.

Distinguish between officers and soldiers. The second thing is to come back alive."

The expressions of the old brothers who have been on the battlefield for a long time are calm, but there is a faint look of excitement in their eyes, because today they will go out to fight alone.

This is the first time since the establishment of the mercenary group that they have been left alone for a long time. Although they are still in squads and groups, the choice of battlefield and combat methods are all decided by themselves, allowing them to freely let themselves go.

From the beginning of Dawangzhuang to the present, every battle of these old brothers in the first detachment has been carried out on a preset battlefield, with clear combat missions and target plans.

But this time, there is only one target, and that is the Japs. As long as you look at anyone wearing a shit yellow military uniform, you will be done. The entire combat area covers hundreds of square kilometers, and it is basically a mountainous and forested area. To the brothers,

It's like a fish in water, and you can do whatever you want.

Zhou Wen was actually bullying the Japanese army's small number of troops. In the battlefield width of more than 200 kilometers along the entire Great Wall defense line, the forces that the Japanese army could use in the early stage were only one division and one or two mixed brigades, and they were not all sent to the front line of the Great Wall at once.

They were put into the battlefield one after another. In fact, it can be regarded as a fueling tactic that is taboo among military strategists.

This tactic of the Japanese army also bullied the Chinese army because its combat effectiveness and maneuverability were weak, and it also bullied the Chinese army's top commander who lacked the courage and determination to fight to the death.

At this time, the northern Chinese army had nearly 10 corps with 200,000 troops at the Great Wall defense line or on their way to the Great Wall defense line, including three full divisions of the elite 17th Army of the Central Army.

If there is a strong supreme commander, there is no need to concentrate all the troops. You only need to assemble the three most powerful units, the 17th Army of the Central Army, the 29th Army of the Northwest Army, and the 32nd Army of General Shang Zheng, to form a mobile corps and attack the Great Wall while the Japanese army divides their forces.

At each pass, go forward and attack all the way. I dare not say encirclement and annihilation, but it is entirely possible to defeat all the way. This will gain a little initiative for the entire Great Wall resistance war, and then it will be much easier to attack or defend.

It is a pity that during the Great Wall Defense War for nearly more than a month, the Chinese army was stuck on the Great Wall position. No matter whether the Japanese army came to attack or not, they were as stable as an old dog and motionless. Moreover, they were still attacked by Japanese aircraft every day on their simple position.

The artillery bombardment not only caused a large number of unnecessary casualties among officers and soldiers, but also greatly damaged the morale of the entire army.

The most deadly thing is that General He, the new chairman of the Peiping Branch of the Military Commission, deployed all these troops to defend the Great Wall along the more than 200 kilometers of the Uprising in the east and Gubeikou in the west, with no depth of defense.

, and there is no reserve force. If the enemy breaks through at one point, the entire line will collapse.

He is not required to know any deep strategy and tactics, but as a senior military officer, this person does not even have the basic concept of defense depth. He relies entirely on frontline troops to sacrifice their lives to block the enemy's attack. This shows that he has neither courage nor courage.

No level.

And his stupid deployment played exactly into the Japanese army's hands, and instead helped the Japanese army avoid the shortcomings of small troops.

Anyway, the Chinese army does not dare to take the initiative to attack, so I can calmly mobilize my artillery and main force, and attack wherever the defense is weak. As the saying goes, you will gain something if you attack for a long time, how can you defend it?

Historically, the fall of Lenkou Pass was due to the fact that after the Japanese army encountered obstacles at Gubeikou and Xifengkou, they concentrated most of the troops of the 6th Division and mixed them into the 14th Brigade, and simultaneously launched continuous attacks on the defense positions of more than 10 kilometers at Lenkou Pass.

The continuous attacks caused the 139th Division, which had only about 5,000 defenders, to focus on one thing and lose another, and the Japanese army broke through the position.

However, he did not have the courage, but Zhou Wen did.

Zhou Wen wanted to take advantage of the Japanese army's small number of troops and its inability to cover everything, and pull the mercenary group to fight on the outside.

The first detachment is scattered in front, and the second detachment is concentrated and hidden in the back, constantly harassing and sneaking attacks on the Japanese troops in the vast mountains and fields, regardless of day or night, regardless of time and place, they will bite you whenever they are caught, causing you to bleed continuously and reduce your numbers without asking for anything.

To encircle and annihilate, just keep causing casualties.

This chapter has been completed!
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