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Chapter 729 Trial

Zhou Wen's sniper position did not choose the only high ground nearby, but a mound in front of the high ground. There was a lot of dead grass laid on the mound. With that high ground as the background, it was impossible for the Japanese army to find Zhou Wenkai from a distance.

The trajectory of the gun.

The later it gets, the more Zhou Wen’s advantages will be revealed.

But at this moment, he didn't want to wait any longer, because even the Japanese officer began to move forward with a few Japanese soldiers.

At this time, the furthest Japanese machine gunner was also 400 meters away.


Zhou Wen never stopped after pulling the trigger.

The machine gunner and deputy on the side of the Japanese army were knocked down first, followed by the machine gunner in the middle, and then the four nearest Japanese soldiers who had survived until now.

In the horrified gaze of the Japanese officer, he saw his men falling to the ground one after another as they were marching, and only the faint whizzing sound of bullets piercing the air could be heard.

What's going on with Baga?

How can anyone shoot like this? Machine guns are not so coherent and accurate, not to mention that Japanese troops from three directions were shot at. He clearly knew that there was only one rifle shooting, but it felt like there were several rifles shooting from different directions.

Come on, the level of the sharpshooter on the other side was beyond his understanding.

It was completely unimaginable to him how a rifleman could achieve such a coverage shooting effect. A rifle could match the lethality of a heavy machine gun. What was even weirder was that this rifle also had a silencer.

, in this dim sight, the gunman's position could not be found at all.

However, Zhou Wen's shooting will not stop because of his confusion and ignorance.

What is sniper mode?

For Zhou Wen, once he starts shooting, he will never stop until all the enemies fall.

Zhou Wen's heart was as calm as water at this moment, and he had no thought at all about which Japanese was closer and which was a greater threat?

He is now fully immersed in the shooting operation, just like playing a single-player shooting game in later generations. As long as the enemy in sight appears in the center of the sight, he will pull the trigger without thinking at all.


I saw that he always held a new magazine between the little finger and ring finger of his left hand. Once the bullets were out, he pressed the unloaded magazine latch with his left thumb, unloaded the magazine smoothly, and then inserted the new magazine without any pause.


The movements were coherent and natural, like flowing clouds and flowing water. In just a blink of an eye, he started shooting again. At this time, his left hand held a new magazine on his finger.

Moreover, his body did not move at all during the entire reloading process, and his eyes never left the scope. In other words, his sight line never strayed from the target.

With such a tight shooting rhythm, Xu Dacheng could see Zhou Wen's every move clearly from the side, but the Japanese army in the distance could hardly feel any pause, as if the gunman opposite could never run out of bullets.

In the increasingly dark wilderness, the Japanese soldiers fell to the ground one after another, as if they were possessed by evil spirits.

The Japanese soldiers behind were trying hard to keep their eyes open, trying to see where the bullets were fired.

But suddenly, the gunmen on the opposite side were like ghost killers from hell, harvesting lives silently and extremely quickly.

Now let alone the Japanese army, even Xu Dacheng's eyes widened when he saw it. How could this rifle be used like this?

Although Xu Dacheng had long known that Zhou Wen was awesome, this was the first time he watched Zhou Wen kill people so wantonly at close range.

Not to mention you can hit accurately, you can also hit fast.

Not to mention how fast you hit, how can you still see so far in such dim light?

If Xu Dacheng had played the game of later generations, he would definitely have said: "Awen, is it interesting? Are you still cheating?"

Yes, Zhou Wen now has all the tricks, automatic aiming, automatic head lock, unlimited bullets, and he is also invisible...

So the little devil is crying, if you don’t play like this, I want to complain to the official website.

Unfortunately, the Japanese soldiers had no way to complain. They could only die and cry to their Amaterasu.

At this time, the few Japanese grenade launchers in the back were already panicking. The rest of you were holding machine guns and rifles, and they all fell to the ground. We, with the pumps, could still make the grenades grow wings and fly.

Isn’t it possible to get over it? Are we still running up to catch bullets?

As a result, several grenade launchers who Zhou Wen could not control for the time being stopped, looked at each other's pale faces, and then turned around and ran away.

Only then did they realize that their squad leader had already fled. As they ran so fast, they could only see the vague back of their second lieutenant.

However, it is too late to think of running away now.

At this time, most of the dozens of Japanese soldiers in this team had fallen on the ground as darkness began to fall.

Zhou Wen stood up, looked at the fleeing figures in the distance, and said to Xu Dacheng: "Go down and clean the battlefield, collect some Japanese bullets, and pay attention to safety."

Before he finished speaking, he was like a swift leopard, rushing into the dark wilderness in an instant.

The speed of a Qi Jinjing master's sprint is no less than that of a galloping war horse.

If Zhou Wen were to participate in the Olympics now, he could basically win all the championships in the 100 meters, 200 meters, and track events. Breaking a few world records would be just a joke.

He only chased for a few dozen seconds before he could see the little devil's back. He chased for a few more steps, shortening the distance to about 100 meters, then stopped, took a deep breath, raised his gun, and aimed.

Pull the trigger.


At this time, in the sky that became extremely silent as night fell, the low sound of the G-31 semi-automatic rifle through the suppressor was finally heard by several Japanese soldiers, but they ran even more happily.

What's the use of knowing that the gunshot came from behind? I don't have any guns!

Even the only second lieutenant holding a southern pistol did not dare to turn around and fight back. This pistol was slightly better than a fire stick. The effective range was only a pitiful 50 meters. It was still a theoretical value. It could hit those behind him.

The men were so cowardly that it was impossible to hit the Chinese gunmen in the darkness behind them.

Now he could only rush forward, watching the lights in the town getting closer and closer, but the footsteps behind him disappeared completely after a few screams.

He knew that his men were all screwed.

Now, at this moment, under this sky, he could only hear his own heavy breathing like a bellows. His feet felt heavier and heavier, and his heart became more and more panicked and scared. He could no longer run.

This chapter has been completed!
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