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Chapter 733 Unexpected encounter

Yin Dongzhenyi had only one conclusion: there were too many enemies, so they swarmed up and killed most of the soldiers in Okuda's team through hand-to-hand combat.

If this is the explanation, then the enemy's artillery firepower would not be too much, otherwise someone would be stupid enough to go up and fight with bayonets instead of using guns when the firepower is superior.

Moreover, based on his understanding of the combat power of the Chinese army, in order to kill nearly a small group of Japanese soldiers in close combat without letting anyone escape in a battle, there must be more than 5 times the number of troops, and veterans must account for the majority.


This shows that this unit, whether it is the Northeast China Army or the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, has at least more than 250 people. Depending on the quality of the veterans under them, at least they have killed more than 100 enemies and have a large number of wounded soldiers, so this unit

It is unlikely that Chinese armed forces will continue to stay along the railway.

After Yin Dongzhenyi analyzed it, he felt that the danger of this attack was not great. As for Yamada Kame's words about avenging the 3rd Guards Brigade, it was nonsense. No matter how poor the quality of this Chinese army was, they did not know that the Japanese army would definitely send a large force.

In the case of the troops, they are still waiting to die.

Moreover, the primary task of the garrison brigade is to ensure the safety of the railway line, not to seek revenge from the Chinese army in the mountains.

But to be on the safe side, he still asked Yamada Kame to send an additional squad and a machine gun unit to follow.

You must know that their 3rd garrison only has one machine gun squad with four 92-type heavy machine guns.

But what is annoying is that Yamada Kame refused to send an additional team in the name of Lingyuan County's defense being more important, and only agreed to send a machine gun unit to Yin Dong Zhenyi.

So, an hour later, before dawn, Yin Dongzhenyi, who had been greeting the female relatives of Yamada Kame's family, took the remaining two teams of his squadron and a machine gun unit temporarily assigned to him, a total of more than 140 people, and they

Starting from Lingyuan County, we braved the dark night and cold wind and walked into the vast wilderness along the railway line.

At the same time, an armed team of more than 50 people came out of the mountains beside the Laoha River and marched quickly from east to west in the dark.

It can be seen that this team is not a regular army. They are dressed in various costumes. The first few are wearing Japanese military coats, but the inside is gray military cotton-padded clothes. Most of the people behind are wearing sheepskin cotton-padded jackets. Some are wearing cotton-padded shoes, and some are wearing Japanese fleece.

Leather shoes.

One of them, a muscular man with a dark face, was at the forefront of the team.

I saw that he was wearing a somewhat damaged Japanese army coat, a dog-skin hat common in the Northeast, and a pair of high leather boots stained with mud.

Underneath the open-breasted military coat is a gray military uniform with an armed belt. On the wide belt around his waist, there are two shiny black rifles crisscrossed on the left and right sides. The whole person exudes a somewhat rough and mighty temperament.

This man's name was Lei Dahai, who turned out to be a company commander of the Northeast Army. After the September 18th Incident, because the troops were dispersed on the way to retreat, he was angry at Shangguan's non-resistance policy, and worried about his family members, so he led six people who shared life and death together.

Brothers from the same hometown return to their hometown in the countryside.

Unexpectedly, when they returned to their hometown where they grew up after all the hard work, the small mountain village that accompanied their childhood memories, the aunts, brothers, sisters, and old and young men they were familiar with were all gone.

Only the ruins of the walls were left under the burning ashes, and only the burned corpses that could only be vaguely humanoid were left.

According to people in nearby towns, a group of Japanese soldiers drove into the mountains more than ten days ago and came back from the mountains a day later...

Seven tall and sturdy men, facing the mountain village that will only remain in memory from now on, facing the newly built big graveyard, howled for a whole night, then pulled out the shell guns from their waists,

He turned around and walked into the vast snowfield.

From now on, we will fight to the death with the little devil!

Later, after several battles against Japanese patrols, although several Japs were killed, three of the six brothers who had followed Lei Dahai out were also killed.

Lei Dahai, who was born in the army, knew that if things continued like this, let alone avenging his relatives, his own survival would also become a problem. He knew that there is strength in numbers, so he took his brothers to join an army active between Liaoning and Rehe.

He joined the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army and was appointed as the captain by the commander of this volunteer army who was thirsty for talents.

Here we will explain what the Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army is.

After the September 18th Incident, some of the 190,000-strong Northeastern Army under Marshal Zhang retreated into the pass and some surrendered to the enemy. As a result, the Japanese army quickly occupied the capitals and major towns of the three northeastern provinces in less than half a year.

When the nation was in danger, people from all walks of life in the Northeast and some officers and soldiers of the Northeast Army and police formed anti-Japanese armed forces such as the Volunteer Army, the National Salvation Army, the Self-Defense Force, the Broadsword Society, and the Red Spear Society, collectively known as the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army.

These armed forces have no unified leadership and organization, and are quite independent. Military expenses are raised by themselves or donated by the public. They mainly use light weapons and even broadswords and spears to attack the enemy with guerrilla warfare as the main combat style.

Holding high the banners of "fighting to the death to resist Japan and saving the country" and "returning our rivers and mountains", the volunteers launched a heroic armed struggle against the Japanese aggressors under extremely difficult conditions.

In order to eliminate the threat to itself from the booming Northeastern Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, the Japanese army mobilized a total of nearly 200,000 puppet soldiers and police in the autumn and winter of 1932 to carry out major "crusades" against the Volunteer Army in various places.

Under the attack of powerful enemies, the Northeast Volunteer Army lacked unified leadership and lacked support from the National Government, resulting in being defeated by the Japanese army one by one.

Most of the main leaders escaped and most of the troops disintegrated. There were more than 140,000 casualties, more than 40,000 people surrendered and were captured, and more than 60,000 people escaped.

However, there were still some volunteers who dispersed and lurked in various places during the Japanese "crusade". After the Japanese and puppet troops suspended their "crusade," the volunteers regrouped, resumed their activities, and continued fighting.

At this time, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army actively participated in the Anti-Japanese National United Front proposed by our party, took the initiative to accept the leadership of our party, and formed the world-famous Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Army.

After several years of heroic fighting, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Forces were reorganized into the 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Armies of the Anti-Japanese Alliance. Although they experienced brutal suppression by the Japanese and puppet troops, some troops still persisted until 1942.

, among which a large number of national heroes who can sing and cry were born, such as Yang Jingyu, Zhao Yiman, Zhao Shangzhi and so on.

In the black and white mountains and rivers, under heavy siege by the Japanese army, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army still persisted in the arduous war of resistance for ten years, fighting more than 20,000 times, killing and wounding more than 50,000 Japanese soldiers and more than 60,000 puppet soldiers.

It can be said that each of them is a well-deserved national hero.

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