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Chapter 735 Warriors

Lei Dahai judged the enemy's situation in just a moment.

In this dark night with the cold wind blowing in his face, drops of cold sweat broke out on his head.

what to do?

At such a close distance, it was too late to run.

He didn't even have time to turn around and inform the brothers behind him, because the Japanese troops on the opposite side also heard the movement, and the sound of gun bolts being cocked was heard one after another.

Lei Dahai shouted: "Lie down!"

He pulled out the shell gun from his waist, lay down on the spot, and fired a few shots into the darkness ahead.

And the actions of the several team members behind him were not slow. His team fought all the way from the Northeast to Rehe, and went through several battles in Rehe. The brothers who are able to survive to this day all broke through the dead.

The heroes who came out were not bad in terms of experience and reaction.

So, immediately after the sound of his gun, several team members behind him scattered and lay down, and fired at the opposite side with their rifles as quickly as possible.

There is no need to aim at this time, just keep the muzzle from raising too high.

There was also a chirping of birds coming from the opposite side, and then bullets that were denser than those from our side came whizzing out of the darkness.

"Ba 呴... 呴..."


Suddenly, the sound of gunfire and the whizzing of bullets from both sides in the darkness broke the quiet night sky.

Both sides were unprepared, and neither side knew how many people were on the opposite side. They all lay down or squatted on the spot and started shooting.

Lei Dahai had finished shooting 10 bullets from a magazine, and then pulled out another shell gun from his waist and continued shooting.

At this time, the bullets from the opposite side were getting denser and denser, making the ground around Lei Dahai crackle, indicating that more Japanese soldiers from the opposite side were catching up from behind and joining in the shooting.

At this time, both sides are betting on their lives. If you hit me, it will be mine, and if you hit me, it will be yours. It is a fair fight, and no one can bully anyone.

There were constant muffled sounds or the thud of bullets hitting his body from behind him, but there were also several miserable howls and ghostly screams coming from the other side.

"No, we can't keep fighting like this, otherwise no one will be able to leave once the little devils start firing with heavy firepower."

If it had been during the day, I don't know how long it had been since the Japs' roundabout troops had set off.

Lei Dahai was familiar with the tactics of the little devils. Fortunately, it was in the dark. The little devils did not know the depth here and did not dare to divide the troops rashly.

Moreover, the enemy's machine guns and grenade launchers haven't fired yet, so they are probably at the back of the queue and are probably catching up now.

While firing, he waved to Xiao Qi, who was quickly crawling over, and shouted: "Take the people and retreat quickly. There are many Japs and we won't be able to resist for a long time."

Xiao Qi said anxiously: "Brother Dahai, you..."

"Quickly retreat, squat down and run, hurry up!" Lei Dahai yelled with red eyes.

If you don't dare to attack while the little devil is in the dark for a while, as soon as there is a glimmer of light on the horizon, all your dozens of brothers will be here.

Xiaoqi didn't dare to neglect, turned around and crawled back.

Not long after, sparse sounds came from the darkness, and Lei Dahai knew that most of the brothers had begun to retreat.

At this time, a man wearing a sheepskin cotton-padded jacket bent over and ran over with a Czech machine gun. He lay down on the spot, set up the machine gun and started shooting at the opposite side.

"Ta da... da da da..."

"Brother Dahai, you go first, I'll cover you," the machine gunner shouted after firing a few shots.

Lei Dahai yelled: "Xizi, what a fool you are, get out of here quickly, this is an order."

The man named Xizi said while shooting: "Brother Dahai, I just got shot in the stomach and can't walk. Now that I'm still strong, I'll give you cover. Go quickly, don't let my blood flow in vain."

Lei Dahai's eyes turned red when he heard this. This Xizi was the only machine gunner in their brigade. He was originally from the Northeast Army, and he was considered his die-hard brother in the Volunteer Army.

These comrades who are used to seeing life and death know that now is not the time to be pretentious. Dahai nodded to Xizi. He couldn't see Xizi's face in the darkness, but he could see a row of white teeth showing in the darkness. Lei Dahai knew this

It was Xizi who was smiling at herself.

He held back the tears that were about to burst out of his eyes, braved the hail of bullets above his head, turned around and ran towards the rear with his waist hunched over.

"Brother Dahai, don't forget to bring me some wine every year from now on. I'm so hungry."

After Lei Dahai ran a certain distance, he straightened up and started running wildly. While running, he wiped his tears and said silently in his heart: "Xizi, as long as I can escape, my brother will be indispensable for your wine every year."

While he was running, he saw seven or eight brothers lying on the road, unable to survive. One of them stretched out his hand to him. Lei Dahai was about to reach out to help him, but he heard this brother looking at him and saying with a smile:

"Brother Dahai, give me a grenade, I don't want to be captured alive by the little devils."

Lei Dahai was crying and wanted to pull him up, but the man said: "Don't bother, my waist was broken by a bullet, just give me a grenade."

Lei Dahai choked and said: "Good brother!"

He took out the last grenade he had and handed it to the brother.

Even though he has seen many life and death partings and the cruelty of the battlefield, five of his good brothers who he brought from his hometown have died in battle in the past few years.

But tonight after a narrow encounter with the Japanese army, so many brothers were lost in just a few dozen seconds, and they were all elites who had survived the war. Lei Dahai's tears couldn't stop flowing, and his heart hurt as if it was bleeding.

At this moment, the sound of gunshots came from behind, and at the same time there were explosions and fire, which were so clear and eye-catching in the darkness behind them.

Lei Dahai's heart sank. He knew that this was the sound of the Little Japanese 92-type heavy machine gun. Because this machine gun has a low rate of fire, the sound of the gun sounded like the sound of pheasants calling in spring. The brothers in the Northeast gave

This gun was nicknamed "Pheasant Neck".

Although the rate of fire of the Pheasant Neck machine gun is relatively low, its shooting accuracy is relatively high. Coupled with the effective range of 800 meters and the 7.7 mm pointed bullet, its power and lethality are a big kill for the volunteers with crude weapons.


In a wilderness like this where there is no shelter around, the threat of this gun is even greater.

The explosion sound is naturally caused by the Japanese grenade launcher. In this dark night, the grenade launched by the grenade launcher not only has the damage caused by the explosion, but also has the illuminating effect of the fire after the explosion.

Moreover, Lei Dahai didn't even need to look back to know that what the Japs fired must have been incendiary bombs. They didn't want to kill the enemy, but just wanted to illuminate them.

At this moment, the clear and sweet sound of Xizi's familiar Czech machine gun suddenly stopped.

This chapter has been completed!
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