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Chapter 739

Therefore, Zhou Wen wanted to give them hope of survival when they were about to despair.

So he took the risk of being discovered by the Japanese army and allowed these heroes who were about to stay and fight the Japanese to continue running away.

Now we are here to escort you, and we are here to kill the little devils behind you.

There was no passive thought in Zhou Wen's mind like blocking the pursuit of the Japanese army. All he was thinking about was how to kill all these little devils in this wilderness.

Yes, two men, armed with four guns and one cannon, faced off against more than a hundred Japanese soldiers and killed them all.

This is Zhou Wen's plan.

If it were in other places with slightly complicated terrain or in towns, Zhou Wen would not have such great ambitions to kill so many Japanese troops with just the two of them in a battle.

But today in this endless wilderness, in this snowy land, the shit-yellow costumes of the little devils are so conspicuous. Even if they lie on the ground and huddle in a circle, they look like they are in a pile of snow.

There is no way to hide from the shit.

He thought he could give it a try.

Especially after killing a small team of Japs by himself last night, Zhou Wen was full of confidence in himself. As long as the Japs were not allowed to rush within 200 meters, I would kill as many as they came.

You must know that when a sniper shoots accurately, it is not like shooting at a shooting range. He just aims and shoots.

An excellent sniper, apart from the necessary military skills, must also be able to accurately shoot the enemy, be good at capturing the most suitable target in the shortest time, and make the most appropriate response to the ever-changing combat situation on the battlefield.

Your own adjustments. When to shoot on the spot, when to adjust your position, and when to run away, you all need to make judgments in an instant and put them into practice.

This requires a high degree of concentration of people's energy and mind. Long-term aiming and shooting will also cause various discomforts and fatigue to the eyesight and body muscles. Few people can maintain this extremely mentally draining state for a long time.

What's more, the bullets you shoot hit are not dead targets, but living lives. The splashing blood, painful faces, and twisted bodies will all appear in your sight and mind.

Killing a few people may not cause any emotional upheaval, but killing dozens or even hundreds, even if those people opposite are beasts that cannot be called human beings, will still cause a huge psychological impact on people.

Therefore, snipers in later generations generally have to be equipped with an observer.

In addition to providing the sniper with data parameters, wind direction, humidity, altitude, target movement speed, distance, firepower configuration, etc., the observer must also have extremely keen observation skills to find the sniper immediately on the complex battlefield.

target, distinguish the battlefield situation, and report changes on the battlefield and around the battlefield, which is equivalent to sharing the sniper's analysis and judgment of the battlefield situation, allowing the sniper to focus more on shooting.

It can be said that the observer is another pair of eyes and another brain of the sniper.

This combination can extend the time the sniper can maintain his condition.

Moreover, the observer is also the sniper's companion and comrade-in-arms, so that the sniper will not feel lonely, and have psychological support and security. At least he knows that there is someone looking after him behind him, and someone will provide first aid if he is shot, and if he is approached by the enemy,

Someone used automatic fire to cover themselves.

Not to mention killing people or lying dormant for a long time, thinking blindly by myself and falling into knots.

Therefore, the snipers of the mercenary group must be equipped with an observer, such as: Zhang Xiaoping and Ti Jing, Tian Boguang and Tieniu, Zhao Xiaojin and Miaohua.

In the battle last night, Zhou Wen knew that if Xu Dacheng, a good brother, was not by his side, even if he didn't fire a single shot, would he still feel particularly relaxed? He would still feel relaxed when he sniped and killed the Japanese.

Is it such a joy to do whatever you want?

And after last night's battle, Zhou Wen did not feel any physical or mental discomfort, so he had the confidence to kill more than a hundred Japanese troops today.

In Zhou Wen's memory, it seemed that no sniper in history had ever achieved more than 100 kills in a battle, not even the great master he wanted to surpass - Simon Haye.

Simon Haye is like a lone wolf looking for prey in the ice and snow. He does not need an observer because he is never willing to fight.

This can be seen from the fact that he only carries 25 rifle bullets every time he goes into battle. He is a very self-controlled person, and once he has fired 15 bullets in three magazines, he immediately retreats, leaving the remaining 10 bullets.

It is only used to deal with emergencies.

Zhou Wen is different from him. Firstly, Zhou Wen does not have much free time to hunt. Secondly, he does not have Simon Hayedo's opportunity to find a suitable enemy to attack.

During the Soviet-Finnish Winter War, the Soviet army dispatched 450,000 troops to attack the Karelia region, which had an area of ​​only 170,000 square kilometers. In the early days of the war, the combat zone between the two sides was less than 100,000 square kilometers, equivalent to

There were 45,000 Soviet troops per square kilometer.

Moreover, Karelia's forest coverage rate is 54.4%, and there are thousands of lakes, rivers and swamp areas. The terrain is very complex, which is very suitable for cold shooting and sniping.

Due to the high density of enemy distribution and the suitable environment, Simon Haye could relatively easily detect and find the target for sniping, and he could use the complex terrain to retreat after succeeding in sniping.

Now it would be a lot of trouble for Zhou Wen to find the Japanese army in Rehe at any time, because in the same land of 170,000 square kilometers, the Japanese army only has less than 50,000 people, and most of the main force is gathered around Chengde.

, most of the Japanese troops in other areas were huddled in towns and it was difficult to attack.

If Simon Haye's sniper operation is compared to a civil servant who gets a fixed monthly salary, he doesn't get a lot each time, but the advantage is that his income is stable.

And Zhou Wen is a small business owner who works hard in the business world. He usually does not have a fixed income, but when he seizes the opportunity, he will take risks and make a lot of money.

But what he didn't expect was that just when Zhou Wen had already regarded these hundreds of Japanese troops as his own, and was ready to wait for them to pursue them to a suitable distance before turning on the sniper mode, the Japanese troops split up.

Not long after Lei Dahai and the others ran over, the Japanese army also discovered the village where wisps of cooking smoke began to rise.

After Captain Yin Dongzhenyi discovered this Chinese village, he looked at the thirty or so embarrassed figures still staggering in sight, and did not think that the next battle would be any more difficult. These had already lost most of their combat power and physical strength.

The rabble is also in his pocket.

This chapter has been completed!
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