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Chapter 741 The devil enters the village

However, Chai Youde was quite open-minded. After all, his eldest son and daughter were both very successful, and they would all live in big cities in the future. Apart from giving them some money, he could not do much to help them.

But it’s not bad to have a little son to protect him. Even if he is a silly boy, he is still his son, right? If he gets a wife in the future, he will continue to flourish.

I have never heard of a fool giving birth to a son who is also a fool, right? In the future, these properties that I have purchased will make this silly son starve?

And although Chai Youde, the youngest son, is stupid, he knows how to love his parents. When Chai Youde comes home from work, this stocky son will carry the Taishi chair to rest his father's feet, and will also help his father beat his back. Beating his legs, Chai Youde was so happy that he loved him even more than his eldest son.

However, Chai Youde put on his cotton-padded clothes and went out of the backyard. He saw the helper's family in the front yard, all three of them shivering, standing in the yard.

The man who helps in this household is called Chai Youxiao, who is Chai Youde’s distant cousin. He was lame in an accident a few years ago and can no longer do farm work. The family is living in great hardship.

Chai Youde took the whole family to help in the house, which at least allowed the family of three to solve their survival problem.

Moreover, Chai Youxiao's son is only fourteen years old, so he can usually keep up with Chai Youde's silly son.

When Chai Youde heard the gunshots coming from the distance, he was actually very nervous and scared, but when he saw Chai Youxiao's family being helpless, he felt calm.

In this remote village, the backbone of the hundreds of young and old in the village is himself, so he must not panic.

After calming down his mind, Chai Youde ordered: "Youxiao, go to the village and ask everyone not to go out. When it gets dark, quickly raise the fire and make more food for later use."

Then he ordered Chai Youxiao's eldest son: "Gouzi, you carry the ladder and follow me to the old locust tree at the entrance of Nancun. You are usually good at climbing trees, so you can climb up and help me watch for some movement." .”

Chai Youxiao listened to his cousin's instructions, and for some reason, his heartbeat was not as strong as before. He quickly responded and walked outside.

Chai Youde, on the other hand, took his dog and went straight to the old locust tree at the entrance of the village.

At this time, the gunfire in the distance became more and more intense, and there was also a roaring explosion. Chai Youde, who was walking on the snow, felt nervous, his feet went weak, and he almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

"Uncle, be careful, the ground is slippery." Gouzi grabbed Chai Youde who was about to lose his center of gravity.

What he didn't know was that Chai Youde knew it was broken when he heard the rumble. It was the sound of artillery!

To him, the Japs grenade was considered a cannon.

Although he has never seen the battlefield, he has heard many things on the battlefield from others after many years of business. When the two warring parties started to use artillery, it meant that the number of troops was large and the fighting was relatively fierce.

Chai Youde thought that in his village, all the houses were made of earth blocks. A large area would collapse when hit by this artillery shell!

Thinking of this, Chai Youde didn't want to go to the village entrance. Now he only felt that he had to hide in his cellar to be safe.

Gouzi, a half-grown child, didn't know the power of artillery yet. He was just afraid that his uncle would slip again, so he grabbed Chai Youde with one hand and held the wooden ladder on his shoulder with the other. Soon he arrived at the old man's house at the entrance of the village. Under the locust tree.

I don’t know how old this old locust tree is. Anyway, Chai Youde has been standing at the entrance of the village since he could remember. When the weather is hot, all the young and old in the village like to enjoy the coolness and chat under the shade of the dense tree.

Just when the dog climbed up on the ladder to a thick branch of the old locust tree, a trace of fish belly white hung on the horizon.

"Uncle, it's a group of people in yellow coats who are chasing and beating a group of people who don't know who they are. No one has been hit yet."

Chai Youde, who was standing under the big tree, knew as soon as he heard that the men in yellow coats must be Japanese soldiers, and quickly asked: "How many people are they? In which direction are they chasing?"

"I can't see clearly either. It looks like it's coming towards our village."

Chai Youde was very anxious after hearing this, and thought that since his nephew was illiterate, he might as well climb up to see what was going on, so that he could make a judgment in his mind.

So, with the help of his nephew, Chai Youde climbed the wooden ladder tremblingly up the tree and squinted his eyes to look into the distance.

It didn't matter. It almost made my heart pop out of my mouth.

It turned out that he happened to see Lei Dahai and the others stopped and looked towards the village, apparently wanting to hide in the village.

"Oh my God! Can you have pity on the hundreds of innocent young and old in our village? Don't come here! Lure the Japanese soldiers over. Those little steel cannons are not something we ordinary people can bear."

Chai Youde silently prayed for God's blessing.

Maybe his prayers had an effect, or maybe these heroes who fought against the Japanese soldiers had good intentions. They only stayed a few hundred meters away for a blink of an eye, and then continued to move forward in the original direction.

In this cold morning, Chai Youde was sweating profusely on his head. He took out his handkerchief and wiped the sweat. He just wanted to squat on a tree to take a breath, but his legs were shaking so much.

At this time, Gouzi's voice sounded in his ears, "Uncle, the Japanese devils are chasing us from behind. Will they come to our village?"

Chai Youde's heart suddenly lifted again, and he said: "Little ancestor, don't scare me. The Japanese soldiers are chasing people and beating them. Why are they in our village..."

As he spoke, he stood up again and looked at the group of Japanese soldiers in the distance who looked like wolves and tigers. They were all wearing yellow coats, some had dog-skin hats on their heads, and some had Huang Shengsheng's steel helmets.

They held rifles in their hands and ran from the distant wilderness. The bayonets on the rifles shone coldly from time to time and looked straight at people.

At this time, Chai Youde could only say silently in his heart again and again: "Don't come, don't come!"

I saw those Japanese people looking at the figures running in the distance, firing two guns from time to time, looking like they were herding sheep, and about to go around the village, but saw a few Japanese soldiers behind them.

He looked in the direction of the village.

Chai Youde was shocked when he saw one of the people holding something up to his eyes. He was knowledgeable and knew that the man was looking at the situation here with a telescope, so he quickly pressed Gouzi's shoulders and held them together.

Everyone squatted down.

Although Chai Youde had never used a telescope, he knew that it had a magnifying effect, and he was sure that he and his father would be discovered.

After a while, he couldn't bear the anxiety anymore, so he stood up tentatively and took a look through the dead branches on the old locust tree, but his heart sank to the bottom of his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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