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Chapter 75

Zhou Wen decided to send Buddha to the west and help others to the end. Seeing Chief Qian walking back and forth with a frown on his face, he continued: "The most urgent task now is to obtain conclusive evidence and information about the opponent's reinforcement of troops, and at least to find out the general situation of the opponent.

The deployment. I humbly ask for orders and lead a small team to sneak into the enemy for in-depth investigation. If I can catch a tongue and bring it back, then a big problem will be solved."

Chief Qian was so moved that he almost burst into tears. He held Zhou Wen with both hands and said with red eyes: "Brother, brothers are kind and righteous. I am speechless, brother, but we must never let brothers risk their lives. If we go deep behind enemy lines, then

It’s like death but no life, let’s think of other ways.”

Zhou Wen also said emotionally: "How could Zhou Wen not understand how much Chief Qian cherishes and values ​​me? Although I have performed some modest contributions to win the appreciation of the principal, and I have some friendship with other officers, the only one who is truly reliable is you, Chief Qian."

So now we are both prosperous and devastated. Time is tight, this risk is worth taking, it must be taken. Moreover, you know the strength of our transportation team, and we are still somewhat sure of doing this. Don't worry.


Chief Qian was not a mother-in-law person. Knowing that Zhou Wen was right, he immediately said: "Okay, I will keep the brotherhood in my heart, but safety must be the first priority. If something goes wrong, evacuate immediately. Remember, remember.


After the two of them discussed the route of action, contacted the troops, etc. on the map, Zhou Wen looked at the sky outside and said: "God is also helping us. I think it will rain tonight. I will gather the people and try to get everyone on horseback in an hour."

Let's go, maybe we can be back before dawn tomorrow."


At 8 o'clock in the evening, in the National Army trenches on the Pheasant Gang front line, the entire transport team was lying on the edge of the trench, waiting for the sky to darken.

Zhou Wen's plan is to sneak into the enemy's position with Miaohua, Zhang Xiaoping, and Jing Jing, and look for the regiment-level headquarters to catch him alive. Gao Xiaoshan will lead other team members to stand by in his own trenches. If an accident occurs, the transport team will need to advance forward.

, open a hole and rescue Zhou Wen and the others.

Zhou Wen had already contacted the frontline commanders before and marked the suspected enemy headquarters areas on the map. The area where Zhou Wen and the others sneaked into was the junction between the two enemy regiments. It was not difficult for the four masters to go there.


At 9 p.m., a National Army regiment on the left position launched a feint attack with gunfire. Tracer bullets from machine guns shuttled through the night sky, and a mortar battalion also began a 10-minute shelling. The purpose was to attract the enemy's attention.

, Zhou Wen turned to look at Gao Xiaoshan, nodded solemnly, and took the lead to climb out of the trench.

I saw four people crawling to a low place, and immediately stood up and walked quickly, disappearing from the sight of Gao Xiaoshan in an instant. Only the flash of the explosion of shells in the distance could vaguely see a few figures advancing vigorously.

Gao Xiaoshan has already made arrangements for possible assault battles. The suppression of several machine gun positions on the opposite side and the selection of breakthrough points have been carefully allocated. As soon as the battle starts, it is guaranteed to be captured within five minutes.

Zhou Wen's voice came from Gao Xiaoshan's earphones: "We have passed the No. 1 position."


The long wait made people full of anxiety and worry, but Gao Xiaoshan suppressed his uneasiness and kept encouraging himself: "The scholar is the most powerful. He never does anything he is not sure about and will definitely succeed."

By the time Gao Xiaoshan received the call from Zhou Wen and the others that they had passed through the enemy's No. 3 position, almost two hours had passed.

Gao Xiaoshan used the oil lamp in the trench to raise his wrist and look at his watch. It was already 11:30 at night. This watch was the prize he won in the last competition.

It dawns early in June, and now it is less than seven hours before dawn. Time is running out. Gao Xiaoshan is anxious, but looking at the anxious eyes of the team members looking at him, he calms down. Now his every move is affecting him

Brothers, don't mess around and trust the scholars. Wouldn't the worst result be a fight? If we really fight, who else will we be afraid of?

After calming down, he once again considered the various details of the battle.

What he didn't know was that in order to ensure that the enemy was still not alert when they came back, Zhou Wen and the others were not allowed to use knives or guns to injure people when they passed through the enemy's position. They could only rely on Zhou Wen's superhuman vision and hearing to keep going around.

As a result, the route on the map was only five kilometers, but I had to detour 15 kilometers.

At 1 o'clock in the morning, it started to drizzle. Zhou Wen and the four of them had been lurking at the entrance of Xiaodongzhuang village for forty minutes. There were two sentries at the entrance of the village.

Xiaodongzhuang is a suspected headquarters target, and now we need to determine the time for the changing of the sentry.

Four figures, covered with weeds and leaves, were lying on the ground in the darkness. Even within five meters, it was impossible to spot them without looking carefully.

Zhou Wen and the others did not bring rifles this time, but four Thompsons and four big-eye rifles. Among them, Zhou Wen and Zhang Xiaoping were equipped with homemade rifles.

Finally, five minutes later, the change of guard came. An officer came with ten soldiers. After they came, two people were replaced on guard, and the others continued to patrol.

The two sentries were cursing and cursing God for not opening his eyes because it rained while they were on guard duty. They only heard a "pop" sound. One of them saw his companion's head opening like a gourd, with red and white splattering all over his face. This

I have never seen such a frightening scene. I saw my companion falling to the ground softly. Just as I woke up, I felt severe pain in the back of my neck, and my vision went dark before I fell down.

Miaohua held onto the body of the sentry who fainted and fell, and dragged him into the dark night rain.

Zhou Wen found out through interrogation that this was indeed a headquarters or a brigade headquarters. This was a stroke of luck, and he decided to act immediately. He already knew that the brigade headquarters was located in a large courtyard to the east.

Now we need to drive straight in, kill all the generals along the way, and eliminate all patrols and sentries along the way to ensure safety when exiting.

The whistle at the entrance of the village is Ti Jing's steel bullet showing off its power. Now Zhou Wen is in front holding a gun-mounted big-eye roller. Zhang Xiaoping, who is also holding a silenced big-eye roller, is on the left. Ti Jing is on the right with a steel bullet.

Miaohua took Thomson behind, formed a diamond-shaped attack formation, and reached the compound where the brigade headquarters was located.

There were two sentry posts at the entrance of the courtyard. Zhou Wen walked far away and came to the northwest corner. Ti Jing squatted half-crouched with his hands and fingers crossed upward. Zhang Xiaoping stepped on it with one foot. Ti Jing lifted up and sent him up. Zhang Xiaoping gently and deftly

He climbed up to the top of the wall. After carefully observing the surroundings, he told Zhou Wen in sign language that there was no one in the courtyard, they were all in the house, and there was a light in the main room in the middle.

Zhou Wen signaled Miaohua to go up to the top of the wall, and Miaohua and Zhang Xiaoping quietly touched the top of the gate.

Zhou Wen went around the corner in front of the gate again, saw two sentries standing on the left and one on the right, and threw an iron bullet over. The two sentries heard the rolling sound of "Gulu Lu" on the ground, lowered their heads to check, and felt the sound of wind blowing above their heads.

Every time I come, the back of my neck hurts and I never wake up.

This chapter has been completed!
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