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Chapter 755 Gun God

Xu Dacheng smiled and said: "Everyone is alive and taking a bath in the pond. By the way, which army are you from?"

Lei Dahai said: "We are the subordinates of Commander Xiong Changkui Xiong of the Rehe Anti-Japanese Volunteer Army, and I am the captain of the first brigade."

"Why are you here? Are you separated?"

When Lei Dahai heard Xu Dacheng's question, he felt the pain in his heart, and sighed: "Oh, our team was broken up, and we ran into this group of Japs again early this morning. After an encounter,

There are only about thirty brothers left."

Speaking of this, Lei Dahai, a strong Northeastern man, couldn't help but choked up his voice and his eye circles became red.

Xu Dacheng patted him on the shoulder comfortingly and said: "You are all good men. The blood of the anti-Japanese warriors will not be shed in vain. We will avenge you. We will keep all these devils here today. No one can escape."


Somehow, Lei Dahai, a thirty-year-old adult man, felt quite natural being patted on the shoulder and comforted by a young man. Perhaps this was because Xu Dacheng showed a strong will to not take dozens of Japanese in his eyes.

He has a gentlemanly demeanor and will not let Lei Dahai have any grudges just because of the age gap.

Lei Dahai noticed that Xu Dacheng said "us", so he looked around and found no one else.

Xu Dacheng looked at his puzzled look, smiled and pointed to the mound with his eyes.

Lei Dahai and Xiao Qi's eyes widened, and they saw that the mound with a radius of only more than 100 square meters was completely covered with snow. There was no human figure anywhere.

Xiao Qi's observation ability was still keen. He looked carefully for a while and finally found a place on the hillock with a slightly different color. After looking more carefully, he found that a small part of the sole of a leather shoe was exposed. This time, along the leather shoe

Looking up, I finally found a human figure that had been covered with snow.

At Xiao Qi's signal, Lei Dahai finally saw it and took a breath of cold air.

This kind of camouflage that is almost invisible even up close, as well as the resilience and strong will shown by this soldier almost motionless, are both the only ones that Lei Dahai has seen in his life.

You must know that in this cold weather, no matter how thick your clothes are, it is almost impossible for a person to lie in one place for a long time without moving. However, this soldier persisted for at least an hour. This is from his perspective.

You can see it from the layer of white snow covering her body.

This snow was not spread on his own, but was covered bit by bit by the snow from the sky, and he was still motionless, with almost no trace of falling snow on his body.

However, no matter how hard Lei Dahai and Xiao Qi looked, they couldn't find anyone else.

"Don't look at it. It's just the two of us. He killed those corpses on the snow by himself. I didn't do anything."

Xu Dacheng said casually.

This sentence shocked the two brothers Lei Dahai and Xiao Qi into dizziness.

Are you saying that just one person killed dozens of Japanese? Did he kill all those corpses on the snow by himself?

Looking at their unconvincing looks, Xu Dacheng smiled and took off the telescope he was carrying, handed it to Lei Dahai and said: "Climb up with the telescope and take a look. The little devils are all taking a bath in ice water.

It’s so cool.”

Lei Dahai hesitated.

This person is my savior, and now I still don’t believe what they say. This is a bit unreasonable.

He immediately waved his hands and said: "No, no, I believe you are our savior. If I don't believe what you say, am I still a human being?"

In fact, it's not that Xu Dacheng wants to show off, the main reason is that he admires Lei Dahai as a man.

In order not to affect the innocent villagers, this man resolutely gave up entering the village to avoid the only way to survive. Now he is worried about the safety of his savior and once again risks death to come to support.

It is not an exaggeration to describe him as being extremely affectionate. No matter what his abilities and abilities are, just because he has chosen morality when faced with the choice of morality and life and death many times, he is the person Xu Dacheng and Zhou Wen are willing to meet.

A good big brother and a good brother who is also willing to help.

So Xu Dacheng persuaded: "It's okay, the two eldest brothers can just climb up and take a look. The little devils are probably stiff with cold hands and feet now, and they can't have any accurate shooting skills. Just go and see what these beasts are suffering.

It makes you feel happier, doesn’t it?”

So Lei Dahai and Xiao Qi stopped being pretentious and took the telescope from Xu Dacheng's hand with some embarrassment. They climbed up the mound lightly, for fear of disturbing the disguised gunman who had killed dozens of Japanese.

At this time, within the sight of Lei Dahai's telescope, one could clearly see the shape of the corpses of the Japanese two hundred meters away and even the painful expressions before death.

He was shocked to find that most of these Japs had been shot in the head and face, and the bullet holes that began to turn black and purple made the already weird-looking corpses even more hideous and terrifying.

Of course, he also saw the pond in the distance. The Japanese's swinging bayonets sticking out from the low areas of the pond showed that there were still living things in the pond.

He looked at the reflected ice fragments and the water surface in the distance of the pond, and couldn't help but shudder in his heart. It was so cold in the ice water, but these little devils couldn't bear it.

However, he still overestimated the endurance of these Japanese soldiers. It had only been half an hour since he entered the water, but several wounded soldiers who had been taken care of at the edge of the pond and were not immersed in water were gradually getting hard... They were dead.

After that, my body became stiff.

At this time, the Japanese soldiers immersed in the ice water had reached their physical and mental limits.

Just when it was Xiao Qi's turn to observe with the telescope, he saw a Japanese man scream, stood up with his wet body, raised his gun and was about to shoot in this direction.

Xiao Qi's heart tightened, and she subconsciously lowered her head when she heard a soft "click" sound coming from her ear. The Japs who hadn't even raised the gun halfway fell down on their backs, causing a splash of water.

Then several more Japs stood up in unison. There was a constant "click" sound in Xiaoqi's ears, and water splashed one after another on the other side of the pond.

In just a few seconds, Xiao Qi saw seven ghosts turn into real water ghosts. In his telescope, all of these ghosts were shot in the head without exception.

While Xiao Qi was stunned by the scene before her, she finally understood the reason why these Japanese soldiers did not dare to fight even though there were dozens of them.

The marksmanship of the gunman next to him can no longer be described as a sharpshooter. No matter how many Japanese soldiers stood up, they all fell down like wheat. It was simply the speed of fire of the machine gun and the accuracy of the rifle. This completely subverted his

Cognition, is this shooting or casting a spell? Is he a human or a god?

This chapter has been completed!
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