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Chapter 767

In fact, it’s no wonder that the Japanese Major was a little excited, because ever since the armored trains began to run on the Northeast Railway, they have been invincible in all directions.

There was once an anti-Japanese volunteer army armed with machine guns that attacked an armored train regardless of life or death. Hey, that night was really full of corpses.

A team of several hundred people, faced with the thick protection and ferocious firepower of the armored train, were like leaves falling in the wind.

From the time the volunteers launched their attack to the end of the battle, it was only a few dozen minutes. However, even in the dark night, one could see the blood flowing like streams on the snow-capped land.

These volunteers are not heroic. They organized dozens of death squads to attack the train. Some even avoided the fire nets sprayed by more than 20 light and heavy machine guns on the armored train. By luck, they rushed to the side of the train and sounded the fire.

A bag of explosives stained with blood in his arms.

However, the Japanese major named Misori Fuka could only sigh in his heart. After hearing the very violent explosion, the steel-wrapped train was not damaged at all, only some flesh and blood was splashed on the carriage.

There were nearly 300 Chinese soldiers lying on the snow that night, and only a dozen or so volunteers were able to escape into the dark mountains and forests.

But on the armored train, including myself as the commander and more than 100 loyal and brave subordinates, not a single person was injured.

For those stupid people, this is a tragedy of flesh and blood against steel.

For me, this is a perfect victory.

It is a pity that Major Misori Shen never encountered such a good thing again.

Those anti-Japanese volunteers knew how powerful they were, and they were also afraid.

Every time they encountered an armored train, they ran away like frightened little rabbits. No one dared to compete with this steel behemoth anymore, which also made Major Fuka Misori feel disappointed and bored.

It’s so lonely!

However, today, there are some blind people looking for death again. This made Major Sansen Shen's eyes light up. I am afraid that these bumpkin volunteers here in Rehe still don't know the power of armored trains. Haha, the ignorant are fearless!

But I like it.

So Major Misori decided to get out of the car and check it out for himself. Anyway, there is a flat wilderness for several hundred meters around. It is impossible to hide people. And if the enemy attacks from a few hundred meters away, there will be so many people on the armored train.

Under long-range strike fire, it is really called seeking death.

Major Misori Shen was ready to take a dozen Japanese soldiers off the train.

When the heavy compartment door opened, a cold wind blew flying snowflakes on Major Misori's face, making him shiver uncontrollably.

San Senshen also smiled mockingly to himself. He really had too many comfortable days. This kind of cold wind, which was incomparable to the climate in Heilongjiang that seemed to freeze his soul, actually made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Sansen tightened his military coat tightly, stepped out of his shiny high-top leather shoes, and jumped onto the ground covered with thin snow with a "dong" sound.

Then, he heard a scream coming from the air.

"Baga! It's a mortar."

San Senshen's face turned pale immediately. Fortunately, he was quite experienced and could tell that the impact point of the shell was relatively far away from him. No hungry dog ​​fell to the ground after eating shit, but there were already several Japanese soldiers lying down subconsciously behind him.

On the cold snow.


An explosion came over. Although Sansenshen was blocked by the carriage and could not see the explosion point, the shaking of the carriage and the thick smoke rising in the direction of the front gave him an ominous premonition.

He immediately judged that the locomotive had been shot, but he was still relatively confident in the thick steel plates around the locomotive, thinking that a mortar shell would not destroy the armor of a tank.

The locomotive was damaged.

As a commander who knows this armored train well, he naturally knows where the weakness of the locomotive is. The front of the locomotive, which has been completely wrapped in steel, actually has only one gap that cannot be covered, and that is the chimney that cannot be covered by the front of the locomotive. But unless it is an artillery shell

If it falls directly into the chimney, it will not cause any damage to the locomotive.

The cannonball fell vertically into the chimney, which was only a few dozen centimeters in diameter. Haha, is there such an accurate cannon? Sansen didn't believe it. Anyway, he had never seen it or heard of it.

Just when he was still firming up his judgment, the second scream began to come again. Sansen Shen judged the general direction of the enemy's shelling from the direction of the cannonball flying, but the scream of the flying cannonball was

It made him feel a little bad, so he subconsciously crouched down before he could give the order to fire in that direction.

The flight trajectory of the cannonball was very close to him, so close that the hairs all over his body stood on end.

Fortunately, the shells whizzed past his head, and then there was a violent explosion, and a thick cloud of flames and smoke rose into the sky from a carriage adjacent to him, accompanied by several frightened screams.

Screams and howls.

San Senshen stood up and looked anxiously at the flames on the roof of the carriage not far away. He was horrified and screamed loudly: "Put out the fire quickly, don't light the shell box."

It turned out that the second shell accurately hit the A gun position at the front of the armored train's artillery carriage. While destroying the 75mm field gun, the intense heat of the explosion also ignited the gun oil placed next to it.

Now Sansenshen can only pray not to detonate the shell box on the gun emplacement.

At this moment, the third shell screamed again, and it felt that the impact point was also very close. Sansenshen could only squat down again. He already knew at this time that this shell must be heading for the B gun position at the rear of the artillery carriage.


"Baga! Is there such an accurate mortar?"

San Senshen cursed angrily in his heart.

The answer is of course contrary to his inner expectations. If he is also a time traveler, he must know that the accuracy of this mortar is no less than that of a missile, and it is also a high-tech missile with high accuracy.

"Boom!" There was an explosion.

The B gun position of the armored train had turned into a pile of scrap steel. Fortunately, no flames ignited after the explosion.

It seems that there is no engine oil on the gun position.

What San Senshen was thinking now was that if the gunner at the A gun position had not been killed, I would have made him commit seppuku. How dare he not put back the engine oil after wiping the gun.

However, when a person has bad luck, the old saying will inevitably come true: misfortunes never come alone, and blessings never come alone.

"Boom!" A more violent explosion raised a small mushroom cloud on the roof of the artillery carriage, lifting half of the roof of the carriage.

San Morishen, who was squatting on the ground, was knocked to the ground by the strong vibration from the ground, and the entire armored train shook violently.

This chapter has been completed!
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