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Chapter 780

The second condition is that a large and very elite reserve team must be placed outside the initial battlefield. In other words, during the Japs' attack for several days or even ten days, a reserve team of several thousand people must not be allowed to attack.

You must not be exposed when participating in the battle. You must wait until the most suitable fighter plane appears before you can launch a thunderous strike from the enemy's rear. This places high demands on the reserve team's attack power and tactical execution capabilities.

Why did Zhou Wen ask Xu Zhiqin's regiment to be prepared to make sacrifices? It was because he was going to let Xu Zhiqin's regiment stick to the front-line position of Lengkou, and at the beginning he would show weakness to the enemy, and if necessary, abandon several major positions to let the Japanese army

If you feel the hope of victory, you will continue to send troops to carry out continuous attacks.

Once the two sides become desperate, they will not be able to withdraw just as they want. The enemy and our armies will continue to fight fiercely day and night. At that time, it will be time for a group to take advantage of the geographical location and automatic firepower to kill and injure the Japanese army in large numbers.

Of course, in this kind of close-quarters battle, the casualties of a regiment will certainly not be small. This depends on the will and courage of the military chief and the officers and soldiers of the entire regiment.

Zhao Changshu and Zhou Wen looked at each other and saw the confidence and determination in each other's eyes, and said seriously: "Now we issue Order No. 1. The Lengkou Pass Defense War is divided into two combat groups, the north and the south."

"The Southern Group consists of a regiment, a guard battalion, an artillery battalion and an engineer battalion directly under the brigade headquarters. It is responsible for the defense of a 20-kilometer width from Baiyangyu to Fenghuang Mountain. It is under my personal command."

Before Zhao Changshu finished speaking, Xu Zhiqin immediately blushed and said loudly: "We can't let the brigade take risks on the front line in person. We are humble enough to guarantee with our heads that we will resolutely hold the position."

Seeing Xu Zhiqin's rare expression of excitement, Zhao Changshu knew that this usually calm and beloved general might have misunderstood that he did not trust his ability very much. He raised his hand to signal him to calm down, and then said: "Since we want the brat to come and fight with us,

, we must pay a certain price, to put it bluntly, we must have the courage to trade our lives with the Japanese. As a brigade commander, it is impossible for me to watch my brothers fight against the Japanese while I sit firmly in the rear."

Zhou Wen said: "Brother Zhiqin, it's not that the senior doesn't trust your ability, but he has fully estimated the cruelty of this battle. When the war entered the most anxious and difficult moment, the senior personally sat on the front line and attacked a regiment of officers and soldiers.

Morale and will have an immeasurable motivating effect.”

"Moreover, I will send two experts to personally guard the senior and try to protect his safety as much as possible."

In fact, it is not that Zhao Changshu insists on showing the courage of an ordinary man, nor is it that he does not trust Xu Zhiqin's commanding ability, but that although most of the model brigade is composed of veterans, after all, it has not experienced war in several years. In the face of the ferocious Japanese army,

During the offensive and hand-to-hand combat with the ferocious Japanese army, did you have the determination to fight the enemy to the death? Do you have the strong will and resilience? These are all unknowns.

You must know that the most critical link in this plan to gather equipment to annihilate the Japanese 14th Brigade is to turn Lengkou Pass into a flesh and blood mill where both sides fight, so that the Japanese army will consume a large amount of effective forces in the offensive battle.

But who are the Japanese troops? Their reputation as the strongest army in Asia is not for nothing. The offensive and defensive battles are not unexpected sneak attacks, but a face-to-face battle between the two sides. Once the two sides fight fiercely together,

You can't just retreat if you want to. You have to grit your teeth, fight for your life, and charge against the hail of bullets. Every position and every high ground must be fought for with countless lives and blood.

The bravery of the Japanese army has been proven in their countless victories, but can the officers and soldiers of the Model Brigade withstand this kind of life-and-death pressure that they have never experienced before? Can they burst out with their own bloody and heroic spirit when facing desperate situations?

Bravery mainly depends on the performance of officers at all levels.

The courage of the generals, at critical moments, the courage of the soldiers depends on the courage of the generals leading the troops. Therefore, Zhao Changshu, the famous white horse general, must personally lead the army, then his regiment commanders, battalion commanders, and grassroots officers at all levels

The confidence is enough. With the role of the officers in setting an example, the soldiers will not hesitate to move forward.

An iron-blooded warrior is not trained, but is forged in the blood and fire of the battlefield. Only after passing the test of the battlefield will Zhao Changshu and Zhou Wen have more confidence in this army.

Zhao Changshu continued: "The northern group consists of the advance detachment and the second regiment, and is personally commanded by Deputy Commander-in-Chief Zhou. They secretly left the customs tonight and went back to the rear of the Japanese position to hide and wait."

Then, Zhao Changshu looked at Meng Yuting and said: "The commander-in-chief of this battle is Deputy Chief of Staff Meng Yuting. All officers below me must carry out any order given by Commander-in-Chief Meng to the letter. Do you understand?


This order once again shocked the officers. Although everyone did not dare to speak, they all looked at Meng Yuting.

You must know that today is Zhou Wencai's first day back at Lengkou Pass. To be precise, he has not been back for more than an hour. Before that, he only had a hasty discussion with Zhao Changshu, and even kept observing the enemy's situation at the forward position.

Meng Yuting didn't even have time to meet privately, but Zhao Changshu accepted his plan without hesitation and immediately announced the order.

The main reason was that the troops leaving the border had to seize the opportunity before the Japanese troops had time to extend to the two wings, and quickly seize this opportunity to secretly leave the border from the Cherry Orchard Heights defended by the 139th Division, and sneak around to the enemy's rear without anyone noticing.

But when Meng Yuting heard the order for him to serve as the commander-in-chief, it felt too sudden. You must know that this is a large-scale battle with tens of thousands of people, and it is also a battle of annihilation. It is also the first time in his life. It was a little before

The son was not mentally prepared and was stunned on the spot.

But Zhou Wen smiled and patted him on the shoulder and said: "Brother Yu Ting, senior and I believe in you. You also have to believe in yourself. You can do it."

Zhou Wen told the truth. In this battle, who is most suitable to be the commander-in-chief of the Model Brigade? Of course, it is the brigade commander Zhao Changshu. First of all, he has experience in commanding large-scale operations, and he has vision and courage.

This can be seen from the fact that in the Central Plains War, he led the Sixth Brigade of the Jin Army to turn the tide in Yejigang, and used one brigade to resist the attack of tens of thousands of National Army troops.

With his prestige in the army and outstanding commanding ability, as well as Meng Yuting's advice, commanding such a battle was not a difficult task.

But he was going to the most critical and dangerous front line to command the battle, and the offensive and defensive battle at Lengkou Pass was related to the success or failure of the entire campaign. Zhou Wen would not be at ease without him in charge.

Then the only person who can take charge of the overall situation and have the ability to seize the fleeting opportunity is Meng Yuting.

This chapter has been completed!
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