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Chapter 784 Rifle Shooting

The combat doctrine formulated by Zhou Wen for the model brigade was very clear and targeted.

When the Japs entered a distance of 200 meters, the riflemen took the lead in firing. The priority targets were the Japanese soldiers who were carrying large backpacks and without guns, as well as machine gunners and Japs with plaster flags wrapped on their guns.

When the Japs entered a distance of 150 meters, the light machine gun opened fire on the Japs infantry. After finishing a magazine, they quickly changed shooting positions.

When the enemy reaches a distance of 100 meters, soldiers equipped with advanced Thompson submachine guns can start shooting. Before the enemy launches a final charge, bursts of fire are not allowed.

The gun platoon's 80mm mortar and two Maxim heavy machine guns had to wait until the company commander gave the order before they could fire.

There are three trenches at the front and rear of the 1st company's defense line. The 1st platoon and the machine gun platoon, which have the strongest combat effectiveness, are hidden in the deepened trenches at the back. This is a reserve unit used to support or counter-assault.

At this time, the squad leader of the communications squad came to report: "Reporting to the company commander, the phone call to the headquarters cannot be reached. It is probably because the phone line is broken."

"If the phone line is disconnected, tell me and I'll send someone to connect it."


Seeing the squad leader turn around and run away, Pan Rengui knew that the soldiers were a little panicked. After all, this was the first time they fought against the Japs, so he was also beating a drum in his own mind, wasn't he?

After thinking about it, he shouted loudly: "Brothers, you have all seen what the little devils look like. Those storytellers in the past made the little devils into green-faced and fanged monsters. Now you have seen how many of them have grown."


A clever squad leader under his command knew that the company commander wanted to relieve the soldiers' tension, so he loudly replied: "Report to the company commander, I have one head. I just don't know how many motorcycles are there?"

With a "coax", several soldiers around him couldn't help laughing.

Pan Rengui laughed and scolded: "Wang Xiaolin, you little bastard, if you beat a little devil to death for a while and then take a look at his pants, won't you know how many tricks he has?"

This time there were more soldiers laughing.

Pan Rengui then said loudly: "The little devil only has two shoulders and one head. He is not an invulnerable monster. A bullet will still make a hole as big as a bowl. I'm afraid he will be a ball."

"This has cheered me up. This is the first battle between our Jin Army and Little Japan. Don't lose the face of the commander-in-chief and the fellow villagers. How to fight should be in accordance with the training instructions. As long as you obey the order, you can't fight."

I won’t blame you if you get hit by a Japanese enemy, I will reward you with military merit if you get hit.”

At this time, the squad leader named Wang Xiaolin shouted again: "Tell the company commander, I don't want military honors, can you reward me with a wife?"

"Little bastard, I'm going to snatch a devil's wife and give it to you, do you want it?"

"Yes! Why don't you want it? As long as there is a hole underneath her, I dare to have it."


Now more soldiers were laughing. Qiu Ba, a member of the army, had always disliked a formal tone, and the more vulgar the joke, the more likely it was to arouse everyone's resonance.

"The enemy is 500 meters away."

At this time, several observers reported the distance in unison.

Pan Rengui waved his hand and shouted: "Listen up, don't raise your head unless ordered. The Japs' machine guns are coming."

Now the soldiers were squatting in the trenches, and their nervousness relaxed a lot.

Sure enough, not long after, the Japanese's 92 heavy machine gun started "rattling", bullets whizzed over the trenches, the sandbags crackled, and a cloud of dust rose up at the front of the trenches.

Pan Rengui took off the Thompson submachine gun he was carrying and carefully checked the bullets.

I thought in my heart: "What the instructor said is really accurate. When the kid gets within 500 meters, he must use a heavy machine gun to test it."

"The enemy is 400 meters away."

At this time, Wang Xiaolin, who had previously performed a double act with the company commander, was also checking the submachine gun in his hand.

Wang Xiaolin is in his early 20s. He is not tall but has a lot of intelligence. He has been in the military for 5 years. He also participated in the Central Plains War with Zhao Changshu, so he is considered a veteran.

However, although he has been in the army for a long time, he has no shooting talent. In the shooting trial, he only scored 70 points with 10 shots on the 100-meter target, so he could only use Jin-made submachine guns.

Some people would say, wouldn't it be better to use submachine guns? Many elites under the warlords of the Republic of China are equipped with submachine guns. They rush forward one after another. They need firepower, power and might. How exciting.

But the model brigade is the other way around, because the riflemen created by Zhou Wen are trained as precision shooters. In addition to daily training with bullet barrels, those with shooting talents have special instructors to do some training.

Especially after the trained grassroots officers realized the value and role of precision shooters, they looked at these riflemen in a different light. They usually fought for a few potential sharpshooters, which invisibly greatly improved the riflemen's performance.

status in the military.

Although Wang Xiaolin is a squad leader, he is also very envious of the unlimited supply of bullets for several riflemen in the squad.

This is the measure that Zhou Wen originally proposed to break away from the big pot and prioritize the supply of military resources to soldiers with special skills.

But for assaulters, bullets can’t be squandered so much. It would be good to have two live-fire training sessions a week. Otherwise, automatic firepower like submachine guns and machine guns can be provided with an unlimited supply of bullets, just like the commander-in-chief.

No rich man can stand such a sudden incident.

Now that we know the role of riflemen, the selection of the model brigade was still relatively strict at the beginning. The riflemen who were treated as precision shooters by Zhou Wen had to shoot at least 80 rings on the 100-meter target before they could serve.

Although they are still far behind the riflemen of the Second Division of the Mercenary Regiment, they are already considered excellent marksmen in the general army of the Republic of China. After several months of live ammunition training and the correct guidance of the instructors of the mercenary regiment, these riflemen are now

The probability of hitting a moving target at a distance of 200 meters is at least 60%.

However, you must know that the riflemen of the model brigade are now equipped with Type 65 semi-automatic rifles. They can shoot continuously at a target. If a bullet cannot hit you, I can hit you with five consecutive shots, right? In the burst mechanism

Next, the 60% probability will be infinitely close to 100%

This is the tactic Zhou Wen formulated for the model brigade. There are more than three riflemen in a squad and more than 10 in a platoon. The precise shooting of 10 semi-automatic rifles has exceeded the firepower density and lethality of 30 bolt-action rifles.

But don't forget that the remaining 30 or so people in the platoon are either using machine guns or Jin-made Thompson submachine guns. This kind of automatic firepower density cannot be matched by a small team of Japanese soldiers.

Zhou Wen may not dare to expect that a platoon of the Model Brigade can defeat a Japanese squad, but he is confident that he can draw with the Japanese squad.

"The enemy is 300 meters away."

This chapter has been completed!
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