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Chapter 787 Artillery Battle

This is the biggest advantage of the Xiaojiizi 92 infantry gun.

The 92 infantry gun is a light infantry gun (with a total weight of only 212 kilograms) that can truly accompany infantry in combat unconditionally. It is suitable for almost all complex terrains.

At the same time, it can shoot almost all types of targets. It can be used as a cannon when shooting horizontally, which is enough to deal with civil fortifications and general masonry fortifications. It can be used as a howitzer when shooting in a straight direction (it is originally a howitzer). It can be used as a mortar when shooting at a high elevation angle.

Since the 92 infantry gun is a howitzer, its trajectory is much more stable than that of mortars, so its accuracy is much better than that of mortars of the same caliber (80~82 mm).

But despite its light weight, the shells it fires are not light at all. The high-explosive shells weigh 3.8 kilograms. They are on the same level as the high-explosive shells of ordinary 75mm barrel artillery and 80mm mortars.

Especially when facing the Chinese army, which lacks artillery countermeasures, the advantages of the 92 infantry gun are infinitely magnified.

In fact, this was also to confuse the Japanese army. Meng Yuting strictly ordered the artillery not to be exposed.

Otherwise, the artillery battalion of the model brigade plus an artillery company directly under the regiment would have a total of 12 Schneider S.E.L mountain guns. In terms of range, accuracy and power, they could completely suppress the Japanese artillery battalion, which only had a total of twenty or so artillery pieces of various types.

Not to mention the two German-made Le.FH18M 105mm howitzers that Zhou Wencai recently purchased.

These two German-made 105mm howitzers, whose power and range far exceed the existing artillery of the 14th Hybrid Brigade, have been prepared to support at any time on the constructed and carefully camouflaged artillery positions.

However, before these cannons can show their power, they are afraid of beating the little devils severely and instead they will huddle up and focus on defense. Then it will be difficult to eat them in one bite.

I saw two Japanese 92 infantry guns ready for bombardment within one minute. The Japanese commander waved his saber and made two "boom" sounds, and two 70mm high-explosive grenades were fired at the defender's heavy machine gun position.

Speed ​​away.

You must know that this is a direct-aimed artillery strike within a distance of 1 kilometer, so the Japanese artillery shells appear to be extremely accurate.

In just the blink of an eye, two bursts of fireworks erupted from the heavy machine gun position on the high ground of the third trench. The firing sound of the heavy machine gun also stopped abruptly.

"Onboard..." A burst of cheers broke out from the Japanese army. The Japanese stood up one after another, continued to scream and launched a charge.

However, they too underestimated the combat effectiveness of the current model brigade. If placed in other Chinese armies, these two 70mm artillery shells would definitely have wiped out the heavy machine gun and the machine gun shooter at once.

But don’t forget that the model brigade has been trained in formal soil work and Marshal Yan has spared no expense in supporting it. Not only is the heavy machine gun position of the 1st company built extremely solid and thick, but there are also several inlays between the sandbags and logs on the front.

A thick steel plate, unless the shell can be drilled through a shooting hole with a diameter of only 20 centimeters, a mere 70mm shell cannot cause damage to the heavy machine gun.

Therefore, when the two Maxim heavy machine guns of the 1st company roared again, they immediately caused a large number of casualties to the Japanese army.

In this world, no matter what country's army it is, it is basically impossible to launch a sea of ​​​​human charge with the intensive firepower of heavy machine guns. That is not called a charge, it is called seeking death.

Therefore, after the Japanese army was mopped down by dozens of people by the swarming rain of bullets, the attack of the follow-up troops was once again forced to halt.

The Japanese artillerymen, who were so angry, continued to bombard the machine gun position, and the only 80mm mortar of the 1st company also began to fire shells at the 92nd infantry artillery position.

Both sides began to bet on whether I would blow up your machine gun first or you would blow up my infantry cannon first.

At this time, it is a competition between the personal qualities and experience of the artillerymen on both sides.

It is a pity that there is still a big gap between the artillery gunners of the 1st company and the artillery of the Little Japs. In addition, this is the first time to fight against the Little Japs. Under the constant urging of the machine gun platoon leader, this gunner is too

I was so nervous that I fired five shots in a row, and the impact points were all far away from the Japanese infantry guns. I was so angry that the platoon leader yelled and cursed loudly.

The firing speed of the two Japanese infantry cannons was not slow either. A series of five cannons hit two heavy machine gun positions respectively. One of the heavy machine gun positions could no longer withstand the continuous explosion vibrations, and the entire foundation collapsed.

, causing the heavy machine gun tripod to break and the heavy machine gunner to be seriously injured.

When the platoon leader of the machine gun platoon saw that it was not a problem, he could only give the gunner a hard kick and ordered the other heavy machine gun to quickly move its position.

Oddly enough, the gunner who was kicked moved the aiming device intentionally or unintentionally, and the sixth shell fired landed squarely on the mantlet of a 92 infantry gun.

With a loud "boom", the 80mm mortar shell not only tore the 92 infantry gun into pieces of scrap metal, but also killed and injured most of a detachment of Japanese artillerymen.

In the first round of the artillery battle between the two sides, you blew up one of my heavy machine guns, and I blew up one of your infantry guns. It seems that the Chinese defenders took some advantage.

But then, the two infantry cannons of the Japanese 2nd Battalion were also pushed up to the middle of the mountainside. This turned into a direct bombardment by three infantry cannons, and the mortar operators of the 1st Company returned to their original operations.

The platoon leader of the cannon platoon could only order the mortars to bombard the Japanese offensive formation. After a few more missed shots, the shells were not enough.

However, the platoon leader still underestimated the power of Japanese infantry artillery.

After muting the defenders' heavy machine guns, two of the Japanese army's three infantry cannons fired directly at the defenders on the position, while the other one raised the firing range and directly began to bombard the defenders with direct fire.

The direction of firing.

You must know that because the artillery artillery is a direct-firing artillery, the artillery positions are set behind bunkers and on reverse slopes. The Japanese army's direct firepower cannot pose a threat to the artillery and gunners. However, when the Japanese army increased the elevation angle of the infantry artillery, it became

A mortar that shoots without hesitation and fires more accurately.

While the mortars of the machine gun platoon were still desperately firing shells at the Japanese offensive formation, a high-explosive shell from the 92 infantry gun fell from the sky, completely destroying the only Jin-made 80mm mortar of the 1st company on the spot.

And five Chinese soldiers, including the gunner and loader, were killed on the spot.

This heavy blow instantly made the situation of the 1st Company even more difficult.

Pan Rengui saw that the follow-up troops of the Japanese army were connected end-to-end with the attacking Japanese troops in front, and the Japanese troops at the forefront were also beginning to make moves, constantly using obstacles to crawl closer to the defensive positions.

He knew that the time for the Japanese army to launch the final charge was very close, but at this critical moment, he ordered the entire company to stop shooting.

This chapter has been completed!
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